So Saturday was full of lots and lots of organizing and cleaning! Yup! My sister had given me 4 HUGE tubs full of baby boy clothes a couple months ago and I am now going through it all. She also gave me a car seat and a crib. Aki and Chester have really helped out me and my little family with Henele's basic necessities. HUGE THANK YOU TO THEM! All of that sorting and cleaning took up a good half of our Saturday.
Later that day we prepared for Sunday. Sunday (yesterday) Henele was getting his Baby Blessing! I was so excited! So decided to have a little party with just me and my two kids! Since Tamara has a cough I didn't want to take them out, plus the snow finally decided to show up this year and I didn't want her to get any more sick then she already was. So we stayed in, I pulled out the coloring books, the toys, popped the popcorn, I even jumped on the bed with her cause I know how much that makes her happy. Thank goodness I didn't break the bed. lol
After all that huffing and puffing lol I finally got them settled down for MOVIE NIGHT! Tamara chose UP! Fantastic movie! An adventure for the kids, but for me, it's a romance. True story! =)
Woke up Sunday morning and got the kids ready for church. Twas a chaotic morning for Mom! =)
My first time getting my son ready in church clothes. I cried. Thoughts and feelings crept back from things that Leroy is putting him through. A life without "his" dad. I am very blessed to have so many brothers to help "father" my son though. So for every down there is always an up.
Then getting Tamara ready was where all the chaos came in. Can you tell by the picture? She just wasn't havin it that morning. Then I warmed her up a corn dog with some little fishies on the side and she was all better. Nothing heals a pouting Tamara better then those fishies! THANK YOU FISHIES! lol
Don't remember the last time I got the chance to doll myself up, well "try" at least. And after having two kids, and shuffling them alone, I'm sure it will be a long while before I actually get to try and put myself back together. But at least I tried right?
Henele's Blessing went very well. Nothing big, like how other polynesian families do. I like it small and simple. In Hene's circle stood Dad (grandpa), Mone, Himinai, Chester and Bishop Moli. I couldn't have picked a better bunch of Men. THANK YOU!
Leroy showed up. After the blessing of course. Some things never change. He did go up and bare his testimony, which scared me a little cause a week ago we had gotten in a fight and I told him not to come to his blessing and he replied to me saying that he was gonna be there and that he was gonna bare his testimony and talk all this crap about me. He didn't though. Thank goodness cause you know with him when it comes to his threats. He went on about how his family is the most important thing to him. I didn't once look up at him. I stared down at my hands in disappointment. Not of him. Of myself and how I chose such a bad person to have my kids with.
I know he will hurt. It might not hurt him now but it will hit him eventually that the decisions he's made in that past 4 months are ones that he will regret. He's lost family. I won't turn back. I told him over and over again, me and the kids can't sit around and wait for him to change. So I had to let him go. I think it would've killed him if I kept him and held on to our marriage.
He did help me carry Hene out to the car afterward and gave me a hug. That was something I never thought would happen ever again. It didn't mean anything to me though. I'm getting over all the hurt feelings he's left me with, and when I look at him all I can think to myself is that he is really a lost sheep. I don't know if anything or anyone can help him find his way back. I hope the best for him.
Later on... we had my oh so favorite, CHINESE FOOD for our little get together. And boy was there more than enough! THANK YOU TAUSINGAS AND MALAEULUS AND MOM! My family is paying for everything for me and my kids until his child support kicks in and I find a job. I wish he would help out more on the money part. But oh well.
That night.. We all sat down and played scattergories! That game is soooo fun! I love family game nights! They definitely help keep our family in tune with each other. Said prayer as one big family and we off to our own dwellings.
Overall, great weekend!
"People are often unreasonable, irrational and self centered; forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies; succeed anyway. If you are honest and sincere, people may deceive you; be honest and sincere. What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight; create anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous; be happy anyway. The good you do today, will often be forgotten; do good anyway. Give the best you have and it may never be enough; give your best anyway. In the final analysis, it is between you and God; it was never between you and them anyway." - Mother Theresa
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