What comes to mind when I say, "Strep?" ..... Every time I ever heard the term STREP I think Strep Throat. Do we agree? And when we think Strep Throat we think, Cant swallow or swollen throat... Well..
Did you know you can get Strep on your SKIN?..
Usually around winter time when the weather is really dry, is genetics that me and Tamara get really dry skin and even spots of eczema. But never anything too big that we can't handle. Normally just spots here and there, then we slab some hydrocortisone 1.5 and we are in business!
About a week and a half ago, Tamara grew some eczema on her left hand. And with the normal routine, I call Nurse Christina for a refill on the Hydrocortisone, pick it up and put it on. I did that for a couple days but noticed that it was still there and wasn't coming down, it actually looked as though it was getting worse.
At the same time Tamara's hand is like this, I catch STREP THROAT! I was coughing, headache and best of all I couldn't swallow. Strep throat is contagious. So I had to try my hardest to maintain what I had but at the same time be conscious about being around Tamara and Henele. I go to the instacare and GET SHOT! The penicillin they shot me with was so thick that I can still feel the pain today.
This is all happening just this past tuesday. We woke up, I got the kids ready. And me and Tamara were on our way to the hospital to pick up my badge. But as I was driving down the block I could tell just by the hurt feeling of swallowing that I had Strep. So instead of going to the Hospital, I go to the Instacare. After about a 2 hour wait we finally were good to go home.
Worried that Tamara or Hene have strep, I schedule an appointment for later that afternoon for Tamara and Henele to get checked out.
We get to Dr. Vierra and she tests Tamara POSITIVE for strep. And when she looked at Tamara's hand, it too turned out positive for STREP!.... Who would've thought that you could get strep on your skin.
Tamara is still on her anitbiotics and Henele is healthy as a horse. Tamara is doing so much better and her skin infection has gone down so much!
The strep monster is alive and living people! Beware! =)
"People are often unreasonable, irrational and self centered; forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies; succeed anyway. If you are honest and sincere, people may deceive you; be honest and sincere. What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight; create anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous; be happy anyway. The good you do today, will often be forgotten; do good anyway. Give the best you have and it may never be enough; give your best anyway. In the final analysis, it is between you and God; it was never between you and them anyway." - Mother Theresa
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Bumbo Fight
He can't quite sit up straight on his own. But he sure does love his Bumbo! lol You wanna know who else love his Bumbo?
You got it! Tamara! I don't know what she was doing with that pillow but then again, I don't understand half the stuff she does with random things. lol The mind of a 2 year old can be pretty mysterious.
Now how would I look if I had this made for the kids? Is it a bit much? lol I saw it on pinterest and it got me thinking. Hene has to have a onesie made with this on it! totally kidding.. I actually had a shirt for Tamara that said, "If you think I'm pretty, you should see my Mom."... And when I had put it on her, I thought to myself, "Now when someone reads her shirt, they're gonna look right at me."... So I took it off. hahaha.. She only wears it to sleep..
So, earlier this month, I had laringitis.... hmmm? does that look like its spelled right? Well, if it's spelled wrong just sound it out and you'll catch my drift. But I had it and got over it. I had the horse voice and all. Now, I'm sick again, and so is Tamara. I have no clue where I me or her got this round from. But let me tell you, IT SUCKS!
I watched this movie yesterday. Me personally, I give it 5 stars! There's a great amount of courage, humility and triumph in it, among other things. From left to right on the cover, it goes, Aboline, Milly, Skeeter and Hilly. That's for those who haven't seen it yet. Let me emphasize "yet" cause I highly recommend it!
In the movie, Negro maids were paid less then minimum wage to raise White woman's kids. Now that in itself I would consider NEGLIGENCE! Skeeter who is the courageous hero in the movie was raised by a maid named Constantine. Constantine, to me would be the hero, she is the reason. It seemed like Skeeter viewed everyone as equals, where as everyone else, saw whites above blacks. Skeeter has a big heart and ask myself if I could ever be as courageous as her.
To be able to do something that can change the lives of others in a way that life can be viewed in a more positive way would be an outstanding accomplishment.
And if I could do that, I would say that I have dreamed and lived a dream! =)
I wonder if back then, when Negros were treated the way that they were in those days, if there were any white people that viewed life as if the situation was the other way around. If whites slaved for blacks. And if they did, did they view or treat them in a more civil way? I think that there were. And what's sad is that still to this day, there are still racist people out there. If you happen to be reading this and you fall under that category, GET OVER YOURSELF! lol (seriously)
But anyway. it's a real good movie and you should go watch it!
I've put aside 15 minutes of every morning to meditate. There are days when I do it, and some days where i don't. And it's safe to say that there is a HUGE difference in my day when I do meditate.
There tends to be an overload amount of thoughts running through my head that I may be approved for a professional psychiatric center. And we all know how much we would miss Via if she wasn't around to blog off her life right? lol
Have a great sunday evening everyone! Smile and go eat some ice cream! even if you don't need it, go eat it cause you can and cause it's good.. .
Friday, March 23, 2012
Tangiloto, The Model
I've been a pinterest maniac lately. I run into the coolest things ever! And when I read this quote, I thought to myself, "This is one long test." lol Or I'm really just overlooking GREAT blessings. =) I'm sure that's it huh? It sure wouldn't be the first time cause I definitely take a lot for granted and now that my own kids will have to suffer my wrong doings, I've been bitch slapped back to reality and I feel what I've done.
I finally got my taxes back and corrected. Thank you Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and Sorry Leroy, sucks to be you. But that's what he get's for trying to back stab the "baby momma" lol
Spring Break is coming to an end and back to school come Monday. I am really just trying my hardest to understand and absorb all the knowledge in as little time as possible. More importantly I want the knowledge to stick... I don't want to be like, "Wait, I remember I read something about that.."
Look at my stud muffin nephew! lol He's all posing and what not. =) I watched him for a little yesterday while Mack went to go pick up Christina from Faith in God and when he saw me on my phone he kept saying "Cheese! Cheese!" lol What a cute little model he is!
Tangiloto and his favorite Auntie!!!
How cute is that one?
Well peeps.. not much to say this round, probably because we have now got a groove goin on that works great for us and where we dont have to stress about anything. Life is good. And I hope it stays this way and even progresses!
And before I leave I promised Josh Fatani I would give him a shout out on my blog cause apparently he is my number one fan! lol
Monday, March 19, 2012
Git R' Done
So I was reading some news articles on the internet to kinda update myself with what's going on out there.
One stood out.
In Florida, Ft. Lauder dale to be exact there's a law firm company that fired 14 employees. Why?
Because they wore the color Orange.
Pretty lame huh? I read on to find out that the company "felt" that this group of 14 were protesting against management. But in "actuality" these 14 had planned to wear the same color, cause they were gonna go to happy hour after work and wanted to color coordinate their group.
One of the 14 happens to be a single mom with 4 children. I feel for her cause I could relate. Obviously not the same situation but we can relate some.
I ran into this on Pinterest, and I sort of stepped back a bit. These four words, this simple phrase got so many things running through my mind. Not so much Tamara and Hene, I mean, they're running through my mind constantly don't get me wrong. But this time around, I got to thinking about my own life.
I'm only 22 years old. I'm still young enough to pursue my own dreams. Do things that I've always wanted to do. And what makes this thought even better, is that I can share all my "dream chasing" experience with Tamara and Hene. Instead of me living my life and then watching and helping them live theirs, they can experience it all with me. That's exciting to me. I don't have to tell them stories of "when I was" or "there was a time" lol..
So, moving on to....
So I was reading some news articles on the internet to kinda update myself with what's going on out there.
One stood out.
In Florida, Ft. Lauder dale to be exact there's a law firm company that fired 14 employees. Why?
Because they wore the color Orange.
Pretty lame huh? I read on to find out that the company "felt" that this group of 14 were protesting against management. But in "actuality" these 14 had planned to wear the same color, cause they were gonna go to happy hour after work and wanted to color coordinate their group.
One of the 14 happens to be a single mom with 4 children. I feel for her cause I could relate. Obviously not the same situation but we can relate some.
I ran into this on Pinterest, and I sort of stepped back a bit. These four words, this simple phrase got so many things running through my mind. Not so much Tamara and Hene, I mean, they're running through my mind constantly don't get me wrong. But this time around, I got to thinking about my own life.
I'm only 22 years old. I'm still young enough to pursue my own dreams. Do things that I've always wanted to do. And what makes this thought even better, is that I can share all my "dream chasing" experience with Tamara and Hene. Instead of me living my life and then watching and helping them live theirs, they can experience it all with me. That's exciting to me. I don't have to tell them stories of "when I was" or "there was a time" lol..
So, moving on to....
The Dream
Short Term - Get my CNA
Long Term - Become a Family Practice Doctor
Saying it seems so much easier then actually doing it and obtaining it! lol I wish it was as easy. My CNA Training has already begun. I've gone through 2 weeks so far and the program is averaged at a 6 week time frame. But what makes it a great program is that it's "self paced." So instead of getting certified in the 6 week time frame they've outlined, I want to get it done in 4. This week is Spring Break so no school all week this week which is actually pretty cause it gives me a chance to get ahead and get r done! =)
So with the program I am required to do 4 clinicals. 2 at a rehab center and 2 at the hospital. This past Friday and Saturday I got 2 clinicals done at Woodland Park Rehabilitation Center. The experience I had pretty much confirmed my goal of becoming MORE then just a CNA. I'm sure you all know that a CNA does all the dirty work. And let me tell you. It's a fact. lol I did everything from changing diapers to shaving old men facial hair to feeding them. It's a lot. I feel bad for current CNA's and wonder why they haven't pursued anything further then a CNA position. It's cool though when you get a chance to interact with the residence and you can learn what it was like in "their time".. I met Millie. She's was so nice to me. Millie is 101 years old. I thought to myself, "she lived through all the wars" lol.. But I helped feed her.
I learned a lot at the Rehab Center. It was a great experience.
Tamara lately has been just the same old. She's not as bossy. Well to me at least, not sure about other household members. lol She's starting to use the bathroom on her own. She's "in control" of her BM's. haha
BM is the medical term for Bowel Movement. haha..
Henele is still the angel he's been. He's so good to me and is so chill. At church yesterday he was awake all through sacrament and just sat still and didn't cry one bit. I got to enjoy the testimonies that were shared. It was great and also, since Tamara is so active in Nursery she sleeps all through sacrament. So hopefully if this routine sticks, church won't be as hard as I had imagined it to be.
Love. Me and this topic really need to have a talk cause we are so on different pages. lol But on that whole topic.. if this is even considered one for me at this point in life is "progressing"... I've grown up around the "Vanilla Theory"... They taught me this in Young Women and I've believed it to be true and still do. Now, if you don't know what the Vanilla Theory is, it's pretty simple.
Compare your favorite flavor of Ice Cream to the type of guy/girl you like. Instead of sticking with your favorite flavor Ice Cream, try out all the other flavors and be sure it's really your favorite. So comparing that to men, simply date around. I've talked to a couple of guys since the divorce. I feel it's too soon for it so I talk with "friends"... Nothing more. I'm sure when I feel it's right, it'll happen.
For now, I'm gonna enjoy living single. It's great! =) and just one more thing I want to leave you with...
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Safety First
So Leroy got beat up last night. At a club. Stories tell us that he punched a girl, he hit on a girl, and he beat me up and left me with bruises all over me. Who knows? But whatever the story may be, it lead to violence and simply that Leroy got beat up.
Do I care? Not at all. Yes, I did smile when I heard he got beat up. But what annoyed me the most of it all, was that he called me non stop this morning. Came to the house threatening me that I'm gonna "reget it" whatever "it" is, I have no clue.
I worried. I threatened him that I would call the cops, got my phone and dialed that oh so familiar number. He left. And then it dawned on me, if he were to break in and beat me till I go unconscious or even dead (who knows?)...
I asked myself, "Whats my plan?" I didn't have one. The back house is behind another house, could I scream loud enough that someone could hear, if there was even someone out there to hear. I guess 911 would be my only escape plan huh? But would I get through to them in time before it was too late?
I never thought I would ever have to think something like this through. I don't know what more I could do but wait for his restraining order to be sent out.
This past week there was an Amber Alert sent out. She was maybe 10 or 11 years old I think. Her name is Aliyah. She was abducted by her biological mother but was later that night found safe and returned to her home. Got me thinking... Would Leroy ever attempt to take Tamara from me? I mean, like an abduction?
I don't know?
But I do know that if that ever happened, I would be a one crazy Mom! I wouldn't stop.
I wish he was still with that girl. Hell, her name is Lani Taufalele. I feel bad for people like her. If she could tolerate someone that lied about something as simple as his name, and she was ok with it. You would think right? Like, if this dude is lying about just his name, what else is he lying about. But it's not really my position to place peoples standards to my liking.
I got a lot on my mind. Tomorrow I will be taking further action to make sure Leroy doesn't ever come around here again. I don't ever want to see him or hear from him again. He got what he wanted. I gave it to him on a platter. Now I will get what I want and I will do whatever it takes to get it.
The safety of my kids will not be questioned. It won't. Period.
Do I care? Not at all. Yes, I did smile when I heard he got beat up. But what annoyed me the most of it all, was that he called me non stop this morning. Came to the house threatening me that I'm gonna "reget it" whatever "it" is, I have no clue.
I worried. I threatened him that I would call the cops, got my phone and dialed that oh so familiar number. He left. And then it dawned on me, if he were to break in and beat me till I go unconscious or even dead (who knows?)...
I asked myself, "Whats my plan?" I didn't have one. The back house is behind another house, could I scream loud enough that someone could hear, if there was even someone out there to hear. I guess 911 would be my only escape plan huh? But would I get through to them in time before it was too late?
I never thought I would ever have to think something like this through. I don't know what more I could do but wait for his restraining order to be sent out.
This past week there was an Amber Alert sent out. She was maybe 10 or 11 years old I think. Her name is Aliyah. She was abducted by her biological mother but was later that night found safe and returned to her home. Got me thinking... Would Leroy ever attempt to take Tamara from me? I mean, like an abduction?
I don't know?
But I do know that if that ever happened, I would be a one crazy Mom! I wouldn't stop.
I wish he was still with that girl. Hell, her name is Lani Taufalele. I feel bad for people like her. If she could tolerate someone that lied about something as simple as his name, and she was ok with it. You would think right? Like, if this dude is lying about just his name, what else is he lying about. But it's not really my position to place peoples standards to my liking.
I got a lot on my mind. Tomorrow I will be taking further action to make sure Leroy doesn't ever come around here again. I don't ever want to see him or hear from him again. He got what he wanted. I gave it to him on a platter. Now I will get what I want and I will do whatever it takes to get it.
The safety of my kids will not be questioned. It won't. Period.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
My Secret
I want to be happy!
Now I don't know if any of you have read The Secret. So if you haven't, it's a book that tells you the secret to life. It tells you how you can change your life and how if you wished to become a famous rock star or a doctor or even the next Oprah, it tells you just how to achieve WHAT YOU WANT! Now you may corner me and say that I'm living in imagination land, but so far in the book that I've read, I've followed, and has happened. It's pretty incredible actually.
It all has to do with the law of attraction. Let me break down the first half of the book for you. Something as simple as this, "Thoughts become things." If you think in your mind, "I want to be a millionaire." Then guess what? So long as you keep that in your mind, it may very well become true.
Now they refer to the person, that's me and you and everyone else, as a frequency tower. Our thoughts are our frequency and as we think subconsciously, we send out our frequencies to the Universe and the Universe responds by sending more like-frequencies in your direction confirming your thoughts.
If you are really passionate about things you want and there are things that are constantly on your mind, than the Universe will confirm your wants and send them your way. Pretty simple right? Now there is one thing that normally comes in the way of those wants and that's the thoughts you have that go against what you want. So for example, I want a new car. Then you run thoughts through your mind such as, "I don't have the money," "I'll never afford it," "It's never gonna happen." Those thoughts adjust your frequencies and the universe then confirms your wants as, "I don't want money," "I don't want to afford it," and "I don't want that car." So then your simple want of a car is no longer on your frequency and you are attracting more like-frequencies along the lines of those negative thoughts of how you aren't gonna get that car. Get it?
Well I hope you do, cause I've been working a lot on my frequencies and I honestly love what The Secret has taught me so far. Try it. You'd be surprised with your outcome!
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Life Is Good
One things for sure when it comes to being a single mom. And that's how hard you have to try and keep yourself healthy and strong.
For the last couple days I've been sick and then I started a sick-chain-reaction between me, Tamara and Henele. Tamara's a tough little one that can pretty much put up with the worst of whatever comes about. But my poor little Henele is getting a good hit from my sickness. So for the past couple of days I've said in my mind time and time again, "If your gonna try and be a nurse, then act like one!" So I've been living the every 4 hour medicine dosage, 8 hour temp check and 24 hour monitoring nurse life.
It's great! lol
Henele is growing up way too fast. I swear I say that in every blog ya? Anyways. He is now 3 months old and already downing baby food jars... not the big size ones, just the little ones. And I'm sure he can down more then just one in one sitting cause after he's done, I swear he mad dogs me for more. lol Tamara didn't eat baby food until maybe 5 or 6 months. I actually did what the "doctors recommended." This time around,
Henele will choose what he wants, when he wants. So if he's gonna be eating a Little Caesars $5 Pizza before he's 1, THEN SO BE IT! lol
Is that a gummy worm? lol YES IT IS!... But I didn't feed him that one. Tamara did. lol Look at me blame Tamara for that. haha But yes, He pretty much sucked on that gummy worm until it sized down enough that he might actually swallow it, then I took it and ate it. lol.I'm fat. So what? =)
So, I don't know exactly what Disney is trying to teach when they have episodes where Minnie is trying to cook something and then some of the other characters "help" Minnie by wearing cooking things, cause guess where Tamara got the idea to put that cooking thing on her head? You got it. Mickey Mouse Club House is to blame. I guess we might be reviewing other children shows for better possible educational learning. I could simply go old school and go right back to good ol' Sesame Street. =)
Tamara is pretty bad ass on the skateboard. She was trying to ride it the other day copying Goofy and fell every time but what made me proud was that she got right back up and tried again. PERSEVERANCE! She pretty much amazing at just about everything!
Tamara's hair has grown quite a bit since my attempt on saving her the hassle of growing up with "nappy roots" Which was a total failed mission, since it grew back the exact same way. lol Oh well. I tried right? But I figured, If she's gonna grow up with nappy hair, then she's gonna grow up with some damn pretty long nappy hair, cause I've dedicated a good percentage of my mornings to braiding her hair. =)
The other day Tamara had ran up to me saying, "Tinty! Tinty!" And I felt her pants were all wet. So I told her, "Lay on the floor and wait for Mommy to go get you another pants ok?" She laid on the floor. I went to go grab her some pants and that's how I found her waiting for me. lol She's so patient huh?
I've been working out a lot lately and was pretty proud of myself that I took a picture of my progress on the Elliptical. I ran 4 miles in 1 hour equaling to about a 440 calorie loss. Yay me! Moving up in life ya? =)
Grocery Shopping with Uncle Willy always has it "fun" to it. So we were at Walmart and ran into Lee there. As we were walking to the car we saw that Lee was parked only a few slots away from us. So what comes to Willy's mind? "Lets put a bunch of snow on her car!" lol Silly kid! He grabs snow from on the side of the curb and puts it in a shopping cart and pushes it on over to Lees car. Instead of leaving a big pile of snow on her hood, he decides to build a little snowman. =) That;s him putting on the branch arms to the snowman. lol
Later that day I go and help Lee make these invitations for a Relief Society thing she's helping with in her ward. I ask her if she saw the snowman on her car after she left Walmart and she says, "omg, I put my shopping in the car and got in the car and started up the car and as I looked up, I was like, OMG, stupid Willy!" hahaha
These two are everything to me. Everything I do everyday, is simply for them and they're future. I may not be able to give them a family with both their parents, but I can sure as hell try my hardest to give them a life that will make them happy. This world may revolve around money and things may at some points in life seem like there are too many dead ends, but one thing I know, one thing I will do, one thing I will dedicate my life to, is not failing my kids. I will give them all I can, I will shine this gospel through they're lives that they may understand the basics of life and the blessings that come in life.
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