One things for sure when it comes to being a single mom. And that's how hard you have to try and keep yourself healthy and strong.
For the last couple days I've been sick and then I started a sick-chain-reaction between me, Tamara and Henele. Tamara's a tough little one that can pretty much put up with the worst of whatever comes about. But my poor little Henele is getting a good hit from my sickness. So for the past couple of days I've said in my mind time and time again, "If your gonna try and be a nurse, then act like one!" So I've been living the every 4 hour medicine dosage, 8 hour temp check and 24 hour monitoring nurse life.
It's great! lol
Henele is growing up way too fast. I swear I say that in every blog ya? Anyways. He is now 3 months old and already downing baby food jars... not the big size ones, just the little ones. And I'm sure he can down more then just one in one sitting cause after he's done, I swear he mad dogs me for more. lol Tamara didn't eat baby food until maybe 5 or 6 months. I actually did what the "doctors recommended." This time around,
Henele will choose what he wants, when he wants. So if he's gonna be eating a Little Caesars $5 Pizza before he's 1, THEN SO BE IT! lol
Is that a gummy worm? lol YES IT IS!... But I didn't feed him that one. Tamara did. lol Look at me blame Tamara for that. haha But yes, He pretty much sucked on that gummy worm until it sized down enough that he might actually swallow it, then I took it and ate it. lol.I'm fat. So what? =)
So, I don't know exactly what Disney is trying to teach when they have episodes where Minnie is trying to cook something and then some of the other characters "help" Minnie by wearing cooking things, cause guess where Tamara got the idea to put that cooking thing on her head? You got it. Mickey Mouse Club House is to blame. I guess we might be reviewing other children shows for better possible educational learning. I could simply go old school and go right back to good ol' Sesame Street. =)
Tamara is pretty bad ass on the skateboard. She was trying to ride it the other day copying Goofy and fell every time but what made me proud was that she got right back up and tried again. PERSEVERANCE! She pretty much amazing at just about everything!
Tamara's hair has grown quite a bit since my attempt on saving her the hassle of growing up with "nappy roots" Which was a total failed mission, since it grew back the exact same way. lol Oh well. I tried right? But I figured, If she's gonna grow up with nappy hair, then she's gonna grow up with some damn pretty long nappy hair, cause I've dedicated a good percentage of my mornings to braiding her hair. =)
The other day Tamara had ran up to me saying, "Tinty! Tinty!" And I felt her pants were all wet. So I told her, "Lay on the floor and wait for Mommy to go get you another pants ok?" She laid on the floor. I went to go grab her some pants and that's how I found her waiting for me. lol She's so patient huh?
I've been working out a lot lately and was pretty proud of myself that I took a picture of my progress on the Elliptical. I ran 4 miles in 1 hour equaling to about a 440 calorie loss. Yay me! Moving up in life ya? =)
Grocery Shopping with Uncle Willy always has it "fun" to it. So we were at Walmart and ran into Lee there. As we were walking to the car we saw that Lee was parked only a few slots away from us. So what comes to Willy's mind? "Lets put a bunch of snow on her car!" lol Silly kid! He grabs snow from on the side of the curb and puts it in a shopping cart and pushes it on over to Lees car. Instead of leaving a big pile of snow on her hood, he decides to build a little snowman. =) That;s him putting on the branch arms to the snowman. lol
Later that day I go and help Lee make these invitations for a Relief Society thing she's helping with in her ward. I ask her if she saw the snowman on her car after she left Walmart and she says, "omg, I put my shopping in the car and got in the car and started up the car and as I looked up, I was like, OMG, stupid Willy!" hahaha
These two are everything to me. Everything I do everyday, is simply for them and they're future. I may not be able to give them a family with both their parents, but I can sure as hell try my hardest to give them a life that will make them happy. This world may revolve around money and things may at some points in life seem like there are too many dead ends, but one thing I know, one thing I will do, one thing I will dedicate my life to, is not failing my kids. I will give them all I can, I will shine this gospel through they're lives that they may understand the basics of life and the blessings that come in life.
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