"People are often unreasonable, irrational and self centered; forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies; succeed anyway. If you are honest and sincere, people may deceive you; be honest and sincere. What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight; create anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous; be happy anyway. The good you do today, will often be forgotten; do good anyway. Give the best you have and it may never be enough; give your best anyway. In the final analysis, it is between you and God; it was never between you and them anyway." - Mother Theresa

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


As grateful as I am that I get to be a stay at home Mom and hang with the kids, do what we feel. I have to admit that I feel super useless. When you have time to watch nail and make-up tutorials on youtube, things grow very dull. I feel stale. I'm beginning to expire. I need NEW.

Tamara and Henele are beginning to make things much easier for me as they are [unfortunatly] growing up. I would take all the chaotic days for the rest of my life if I could just keep them young.

I have everything I need, even a lot of what I want. I need a new plan. I new project. What shall it be?

Monday, June 10, 2013


So the topic for today is... changes ...

Many things have changed. And everything that has changed has only changed for the better. I absolutely am content and happy with how everything is right now. The hot weather isn't so bad with having a heart full of gratitude for central air. =) I really am a lucky person. If luck really did exist, I would certainly have it or it would at least be in my favor.

Taking school off for the summer was an ok decision. I think I could have been fine taking at least two classes. But summers are very unpredictable and tend to be more on the busy side. And of course the summer I dont want to have to struggle with school cause of a busy schedule is so not the case. I have all the time in the world. I am with the kids all the time and as much as I love it, I feel like they are becoming comfortable with it.

Now, I'm not saying that they are too close. What mom wouldn't want their kids to not be close to them? I absolutely love it. I just have to be very careful that I don't over do it for them that when it comes time for them to really let go of me, it will be done with ease.

I've been taking the kids with me to Gold's Gym. They have a daycare there and allot 90 minutes for me to workout while the kids stay there. Now, I did this for those to reason exact; to get fit and expose the kids to other kids so they can get familiar with what it's like to be around a lot of other kids that are the same age but are total strangers. It has been working out just fine with them. I get all happy when I walk in there and see Tamara playing with other girls her age and Henele doing his own thing.

I want to prepare them for anything and everything. But if there is one thing I want them to master as early as possible, it's people. I want them so familiar that they can dissemble others at arms length and have a good idea of what they are like and whether they are a friend or not. Does that sound weird?

Well I think I am so prone to people that it's like a first language to me. I'm not scared and I understand. Things I want to teach them.

So, every few months, I write Tamara and Henele a letter. I have made them each a baby book that has all their "young" pictures and a lot of personality traits and firsts that belong to them. And in this letter I simply write what kind of life advice I could give them. I will go in depth with how I feel about what I am writing about. I date it, sign it and seal it and tuck it under one of the pages so it's sort of hidden. And when they grow up they can find them and read them and hopefully my thoughts will help them while at an older age.

If there's one thing that me as a single mom have learned going through life this way, it's that

[what matters most is always found in the little things].

Dont take a second for granted. Embrace life and let it absorb all of you and take what course you feel in your heart needs to be taken.

Have a fun summer!