"People are often unreasonable, irrational and self centered; forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies; succeed anyway. If you are honest and sincere, people may deceive you; be honest and sincere. What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight; create anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous; be happy anyway. The good you do today, will often be forgotten; do good anyway. Give the best you have and it may never be enough; give your best anyway. In the final analysis, it is between you and God; it was never between you and them anyway." - Mother Theresa

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Done. Done and Done

So today I got a lot done. Homework. Cleaned the House. Got in a good workout. Did some shopping cause I'm making sandwiches for a meeting on Sunday. Indexed a little. And above all, played outside with the kids. Its amazing how much life has to offer when you take advantage of it. Why let another day go by and set aside the things that are selfish and of no meaning to you, and just let life give you what it knows you want and need.

This past week has been different for me. It has it's little twists in its areas, but different. It took a while but I finally got my Golds Gym VIP pass through Loisi's company cause there is a huge discount going through the church. [gotta love the church and their wanted everyone to live healthy]. A regular VIP Pass is 35 bucks a month. I pay only 10. The only reason I need the VIP Pass is to be able to take the kids with me so they can play in the play place / Daycare while I get in a good workout. One thing I've notice with working out while the family is watching the kids, is that I feel very selfish. I feel like I only care for myself and I'm not putting the kids first. But when I take the with me, knowing they are right next to me, it feels good. I feel like I could marry Golds Gym. lol

Yay for healthy living!!

Onto other areas of my life. There is a part of me that I don't blog about. I keep it hidden. Im sure we all have that part of us that is similar. But to cut to the chase, I have a secret. A Secret that has made me smile for that past year. A Secret that I wont be able to contain anymore. But until then. Just know, I have a secret. =)

Tamara is INCREDIBLE! Henele is INCREDIBLE! They seriously will never know a glimpse of how I feel about them.

Life is good. Time to get out and smell the roses now the spring is here. Carpe Diem my friends. You only get one life time. Spend it with the ones you love most and doing the things you love most.

Good Night Blog World!!

Friday, April 19, 2013

A Sad Story

Last weekend we went to Viva-Las-Vegas!! Trips are always fun! But when the reason of the trip is a funeral, it the type of trip that makes things a little dull. My Aunt Melefehi passed away on April 4. She died of Cancer that she only knew she has since this past January. She wasn't old or anything, just cancer.

Awhile back me and my mom had been watching the news and there was a report on how berries can cause some type of cancer. Me and my mom then started talking about how just about everything can give you cancer. And how useless life would be if you tried your hardest to try and stay away from all the things that can give you cancer.

Melefehi was such a nice Aunt. When she came down to visit she always had gifts and was that type of Aunt that never let a minute go to waste with us.

While we were in Vegas, we had some bad news from back home that Sione Fakatoufifita was shot and died. Sione was our Piano player in our ward and not just our ward he would play for other wards too that fell short of a Piano Player. His talent was definitely a huge part of who he was. He's about 5 or 6 years younger then me and how I first met Sione is actually unfortunate.

I was in Primary, I'd say CTR 6 or 7 to be specific. We were practicing our music for our Primary Program one weekend and Sione sat behind me. Yep.. how do I remember this might you ask.. because he would not stop kicking the back of my chair. He just kept at it. Not that he hated me or anything cause we didnt even know eachother I was just the lucky one that happened to sit in front of him. That's how I met the kid. He will be missed and I'm sorry for his parents that are going through this hard time. I could only imagine.

With these funerals going on, it has made me kiss the kids more and hug them much tighter and longer. I find my prayers a little longer with a few minutes after that I spare to think of all the things I take for granted.


Rest in peace to these two souls that have in different ways touched my life and my kids lives.

Friday, April 5, 2013


Saying no. Sometimes is the easiest thing to say, but for some can be very hard. Now for me, unfortunately is very hard. I'm the type that will help even when I can't help myself. I will always do whatever I can to help those that ask for it putting aside any agendas I may already have in place. Sometimes I will give more then I have. Sometimes I'll give all that I have and take the toll on myself to help ease the burden of another.

Now, I'm sure it sounds very heartfelt with what I've just brought to the table, but when you are in my position or happen to understand my position, it's not at all that great helping others. Now, let me clear that up cause clearly, "helping" is always great. What my issue is, is that I help more then I should, more then I can afford.

I've come to a point in my life, where there are literally a lot going on. This past month (march) was so hectic, I couldve exploded a couple times. All in just that month that was going on were; The Relief Society's Birthday Celebration, which every year we celebrate with a dance. My mom is the Relief Society President at the Granger Ward and when my mom has a big project going on, I'm always on board with whatever help she needs. I was her personal driver, her errand girl, simply her personal assistant. When it comes to my mom, I like to give it my all. Always. After all that she does for me and the kids, it's only right to do the same for her when it counts the most. She doesn't have that many "big" projects throughout the year, so when they come up I like to do the most to help ease her load. Next on the agenda, my calling. Again, the Primary Second Counselor. Last month we planned our Easter Party. I was given the check to do the shopping for food, and easter things that would be needed for the party, and I organized the party itself. Ya, I don't know how that was put on me, but I'm guessing along the lines of one of our meetings, I probably agreed to doing it all. Next, School! Have I mentioned how much I hate school. Well I do. But shuffling school in between those two tasks was not all that great. I will say, I fell behind and am now kicking my ass to get things back in order. Sucks, but gotta do it. And last. I've been meeting a couple times a month with my Senior Class Officers from High School in preparing our 5 year reunion. Not sure if I've blogged this but I am the Granger High School Senior Class President for the Class of 2008. Yep. Talk about annoying girl that heavys her own burdens. lol ya.

Once last month I cried cause it was so hard. I felt like I was neglecting the kids doing all these different things and all at the same time. One day, I was sitting on my laptop crunching some numbers for the Easter Party budget and I glanced over at the kids and what I saw is what made me ball my eyes out. Tamara was sitting on the couch watching tv. The look on her face told me she was tired of watching the same show and that she was bored. Henele was laying stomache down, knocked out with his bottle in his hand. It was that moment that every one of those tasks were cleared from my mind and my heart sank deep in tears.

How could I have let all these things come before my family? Where was my heart at? Why were my priorities so out of order. I walked over to the kids with tears and asked for forgiveness. I felt like the worst mom. From that day last month, I kicked EVERYTHING into gear and am now back on track. The Easter Party was a Success and The RS Celebration was a Success, school is back on track and my reunion is still underway but I've delegated most of the work on my officers so that I keep my heart where it should be FIRST, and thats with my kids.

Im surprised I have a sec to even blog. I do have to say, when you work hard at the many tasks ahead of you, rewards will come and I have to say that I feel very successful right now. Being able to do all these things and even some of things I love to do on the side.

So... last thing I'd like to blog is the power of saying no. I've made it a special "key" to my happiness. Saying no is hard. Especially when who you are saying no to is someone that you absolutely love. But if saying no means that it's for the kids, then there is no question about it. I cant be pushed over or over burdened with more then I can handle. I will help to the limits that I know I can uphold. =)

Because of these women in my life, I am strong. I have that foundation to release to. I am not over burdened. I have learned to be balanced and am prioritized within my means. Thanks to my Ladies, I am getting to where I need to be with the help of their strength, love and above all humility.. Love them to no end! xoxo

Family. Where limits have no end. And love is no question.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

I Love You

Many meanings come from these three simple words put in this order. And whatever the meaning is or whatever you feel at that moment when you say it or hear it from someone is just that. How are you to feel when it's said to you? How do you know when it's the right time or place to say it?

For as long as they have existed in this life. Not a day goes by that I won't say, "I love you." And since it has become a daily phrase, it has rubbed off on my little Tamara. At any given moment in the day, she will say, "Mom, I love you," and I will reply, "I love you too." But when it comes to Tamara, she gives her meaning of "I love you" a special kind of meaning. I hear her say, "Grandma, I love you." all the time. I hear her say, "Grandpa, I love you" all the time. But when I begin to hear her say, "Sunshine, I love you," or "Teta, I love you," or "Mom, I love Coco," she really opens up your heart to the true meaning of an "I love you."

In our culture, I've learned that, "I love you's" are not a normal phrase said in the home let alone among us adults. We have this [tough] outer layer in our culture. Since Tamara has come to making this phrase an easy one to say, I have to say, it really has opened my eyes.

Tamara, "I love you." Henele, "I love you."

"Mom, Dad, Kuuipo, Aki, Lee, June, Mone, Willy, Nai, Chester, Loisi, Christina, Jay, Tangiloto, Luseane, Teta and Sunshine, I love you!"

Moral of this entry, is to simply tell the ones you love with no question, "I love you."

p.s. Aki is the only one not in the pic cause she's the one who took it. =)