"People are often unreasonable, irrational and self centered; forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies; succeed anyway. If you are honest and sincere, people may deceive you; be honest and sincere. What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight; create anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous; be happy anyway. The good you do today, will often be forgotten; do good anyway. Give the best you have and it may never be enough; give your best anyway. In the final analysis, it is between you and God; it was never between you and them anyway." - Mother Theresa

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Sisilieta Ku'uipo-'O-Kakela Suluka

Here we are, December 22, 2019 and as the year winds down, I wanted to take a few minutes to simply write about all that I'm grateful for.

This year really did fly by quickly. So much happened and I don't know how I lost track of the entire year. Overall, it's been a pretty ok year with the exception of the passing of my Dad. I really do miss him so much.

I have pictures of him and the family right before he passed and I catch myself crying or feeling down cause part of me wishes I would've done more to try and keep him here longer.

The last time I was on here, I nut-shelled the whole year in one post. That sounds like me these past few years though. I have a hard time taking the time to sit and update the blog.

December 11, 2019 at 9:58 am.

Sisilieta Ku'uipo-'O-Kakela Suluka

was born. She weighed in at 6 lbs 9 oz and stretched 19 inches long. She finally arrived!!

Lets rewind a bit though yeah?

December 10, 2019. Amoni and I woke up that morning and planned our day. What we originally planned totally fell through. We had plans to fix cars that we've had lined up for some time and we eneded up going to Home Depot to rent the rug doctor and we carpet cleaned the entire house! lol Way different huh?

I wanna say maybe all that walking around the house really put some work on my body cause once we were done, I showered and went to bed about 10 maybe 11 pm. Now, being 8 almost 9 months pregnant I'm constantly going to the bathroom.

Well, its about midnight on December 11, 2019 and I get up to go pee. As I'm walking out of the room to the bathroom, my water breaks! I turn to Amoni and say, "Uh oh!" and he turns and says, "Whats going on?" and I'm like, "My water just broke! On the carpet we just cleaned!" lol Yes, I was worried about the carpet too - why? I dont know.

I tell him to wake up the kids and send them to my Mom's house. I've had the baby's bag and my hospital bag already packed for what seems like weeks... you know.. I was trying to put out to the universe that I was ready to have this baby. lol

I change, we send the kids off and we are off to the Hospital.

We get the ER and the roll us down to the Womens Center and we get checked in. They bring us to one of the delivery rooms and start taking samples to confirm that I am in fact in labor.

The nurse runs 3 different tests, leaves and comes back maybe 10 minutes later and tells me that the tests came back negative and that my water has not broken.

I'm like - WHAT?!! (and in my head I'm thinking either this nurse is crazy or her tests are dumb and wrong.)

She says, she will give it maybe 45 minutes and re-test.

During this 45 minutes I'm starting to feel heavy and strong contractions and I'm telling myself, I am not going home feeling these types of contractions.

She comes back and takes more samples and leaves.

My Everything.
She comes back and says the same thing. My water hasnt broke. She checks my cervix and I've dilated from a 4 to a 6 since her first sample testing and says that based on this I am in early stage labor.

10 hours later. My next Princess is born and I couldn't be any happier.

Pregnancy was really taking a toll on my body during the 3rd trimester and honestly don't think I could've lasted until Christmas Day to have her. But just like Tamara and Henele, she was born 2 weeks early. 

The one thing about my delivery was my Dad was there. It would've been about 4 am when my contractions were really big and really long. I felt so tired to cry or scream that I wanted to just push and get her out. But the way she was positioned made it impossible for me to push cause I could've hurt her if I tried to push too early. So I sat and took the pain. 

But around this time, I saw my Dad standing off to the corner of the bed and in my head I cried out to him asking him, "What do I do?" and he would reply "Breathe Via, just Breathe!" 

And for the second half of my labor time, my dad coached me through the pain until it was finally time for me to push her out.
When I was pushing her out, I turned to look for my dad in the area he was standing before, and he had already left. 

Thank you Dad! I couldn't have done it without you!

We discharged on Friday December 13th. There weren't any complications after delivery. Just a matter of keeping an eye on me and the baby for the standard 48 hours.

Now being home for almost 2 weeks now, she is sooo loved!

I am truly grateful of my family and everything that I've been blessed with. So much has happened this past year and along with all that happened, many blessings too!

I love and miss my Dad and Im truly blessed to have my little Silieta in our growing family.

Here's to a year to remember and a new year to prepare for.

2020 will be a year to make bigger moves with bigger strides.

Happy Holidays and Happy New Years everyone!
Hope your hearts and homes are filled with Love and Joy!

I'm all good, I hope you are all too!


Friday, December 6, 2019

2019 In A Nutshell

This year has been - a year to remember.
Both good and bad and everything in between has come of 2019.
Overall, I would say, 2019 is an ok year.

Ok for the following reasons.
Let us begin shall we?

1. Year started out great. Mind you I married the love of my life last September so the beginning of this year, we would have only been a few months into our marriage.

Marriage so far has been "a dream"
You know when you're a kid and dream of that special person you're gonna spend your life with and all your future goals and how you're going to turn out when you're in your adult years? Well, all my dreams came true when I married my Honda.

 Honda Meets Grandma Silivia

We are so compatible it's ridiculous. I want to say that in one of my earlier posts that could be even years back, I had written something along the lines of "if there is a man out there that is just like me, I would propose to him."

He is that man.

He's so good with Tamara and Henele. He can't wait to adopt them fully and legally. Tamara has actually sided more with him then me on most things. I love the relationship they have built.

Last night he had a meeting at the church and got home pretty late. His first place to go is down to see the kids. Totally blew me off and went to check on them. 

2. I got pregnant sometime in January. We were super excited. We want more kids and were trying. So when I tested positive, we were both so very happy.

Two months in, sometime in March, I miscarried. We cried. I remember seeing the look on his face and how broken I could tell he was.
The Miscarriage

Soon, after... and no joke.. like right after. I got pregnant again. I honestly dont even think I had a period from the miscarriage to the new pregnancy. Thats how determined we were to grow our family.

Today, I am 37 almost 38 weeks and about to pop. lol I know.... this is the only reason why I can take the time to update the blog... I'm pretty much out of commission doing anything.

This pregnancy has been such a rollercoaster. With Tamara and Henele, it was pretty smooth sails. But this one, I've had to endure pelvic pressure. Something new I learned this round. So basically, the baby has been developing close to and on top of my pelvic bone and when I hit about 5-6 months, that when the pain really started to hit. The heavier the baby gets, the more pain I have to deal with. So these past few days and what I hope will be only the next few days, I still have to do my best to do what I can but also being mindful of myself. It's really hard.

We are naming her after Amoni's late Mom Sisilieta and my oldest sister Kuuipo. =) Hopefully she comes soon. Cause I've been ready to unload for a few weeks now. lol Im actually counting contractions as I sit here and blog.

3. Around the same time we got pregnant, we learned my Dad was diagnosed with Stage 2 Liver Cancer. We were certain we were going to beat it. You notice how I've been using past tense.

 My Dad passed away August 8, 2019 at about 6:30 am.

It had been such a rough few months of drs appointments, procedures, surgeries and all of the above. In the end, we left it to God and we have been coping and learning to accept that his journey here in this life was complete.

I miss my dad so much. I wish there was something more we could do to keep him here longer with us. A few months has passed and things are definitely different without him.

One Last Ride
- after my dads funeral services we asked to drive by our home one last time with him before we go lay him to rest at the cemetery. This is us.

4. The Move - This past June, Lee and Lawrence moved out of the Yellow House and into an apartment. Lets just say, they decided they wanted to venture out on their own, away from the family. When they made that decision, the Yellow House was open and we decided to move from the Back House to the Yellow House and took over the mortgage.

We are currently moving the mortgage out of Lees name and into mine and Amonis. Its been challenging. Given, Im the only steady income, I'm pregnant and during my dad cancer treatment, I was his caregiver, taxi and secretary. I took a hit on my only income. Amoni has been steady fixing cars and picking up cash where he can, but even that can be a hit or miss. Which brings me to...

5. The Calling - A few months ago, Amoni was called to be the Second Counselor in the Bishopric. He has been steadily serving faithfully and with his calling comes with MUCH ministering. When families need help with their cars, he's right there ready to serve and sometimes, they don't have the money to pay for labor, so it gets hard. But we continue to see that sometime cash flows and other times blessings flow. Either way, we take it one day at a time, one month at a time and just keep it moving.

6. The Green Card - Amoni is currently a permanent resident of The United States. We just got his Green Card earlier this week. We initially filed all his form back in March and finally got an interview two weeks ago and got approved for his Green Card. He can now, work and help out around the house with a steady income.

Since our baby will be here soon, I asked him to stay home with me during my maternity leave and will plan to make adjustments to our family as needed while I am off work recovering from the baby, before I return back to work.
It's been quite a year. I wish I could go into detail the way I used to. But for now, this will have to do.

Christmas is around the corner and the year is winding down.
I am content with life at this time. Life is definitely blissful with exceptions of mourning my dad.

Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!

May 2020 be the year to start standing and really progressing in the life. I want to live with the goals my dad set for us in this life.
I have a lot to cover here soon once the baby is born, but I know what Im capable of and cant wait to beast!