"People are often unreasonable, irrational and self centered; forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies; succeed anyway. If you are honest and sincere, people may deceive you; be honest and sincere. What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight; create anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous; be happy anyway. The good you do today, will often be forgotten; do good anyway. Give the best you have and it may never be enough; give your best anyway. In the final analysis, it is between you and God; it was never between you and them anyway." - Mother Theresa

Sunday, November 21, 2021


 You know when you’re a kid and as you grow older and understand the basic concept of life, you start to build in your mind how you would want your life to be when you are old enough to have full control of what you imagined.

I wouldn’t know exactly what I would have built while in imagined back when I was a kid. But I’m sure I have an idea and it would be to have kids, a safe home for them to grow up in and financial stability and of course, Superman would have to be my husband.

Everyday for the past few months, I’ve woken up with.a heart full of gratitude. I’m super thankful. I’m blessed and I do my absolute best to not forget it but to share it.

Thanksgiving is upon us and I can say wholeheartedly that I am happy and I am blessed. All that I’ve ever dreamed of is right I front of me at my fingertips.

Going into 2022, I hope I can do more. Share more and hope that those i come in contact with can find their happy and heart full of blessings.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Xoxo Via

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Times are Changing

 Times are changing.

Times have changed.

A lot of time has past.

2020 shouldn’t count anyway cause it was a pandemic year. So let’s just say - 2020 was the year of COVID-19.

I’m about to turn 32 years old. Next month. I’ve thought about my blog here and there with thoughts of how I’d like to update it. But my honest feelings when the thought crossed my mind was - I don’t think I’ll ever return back to my blog and whatever entries were there, was all it would ever see.

Today, was a little different. I didn’t make it to church today, I woke up in time that everyone would have been leaving, so in disappointment, I woke up and thought… “do what you can anyway.”

I visited the ER last night. I went in cause I couldn’t feel my right arm. In my mind, I worried I was having a stroke. My grandma Silivia had a stroke in her elder years and that dawned on me that it may happen to me too which explains the thought that I might be having a stroke.

I drove to the ER. Left hand only. Checked in. Got vitals and sat and waited for the doctor. When the doctor came in, she asked her questions of what’s been going on and I answered. She says she would like to do an ultrasound to rule out any blood clots. As she continued to examine my arm, she saw the muscle above my shoulder near the back of my neck was swollen and super tight.

She says… well here’s your problem. Your muscle is so tight that it’s pinching your nerve to your arm. 😳🤣 I asked… is that the nice doctor way of saying - you’re fat, exercise and stretch. 😂 she laughed and said, something this bad only comes from it building up overtime… and since I had two babies a year and one the following year, it’s just slowly built up.

So they threw a hot pad on my shoulder and basically massaged it back down. Told me it will be painful in the morning and sent me with a prescription for ibuprofen and lidocaine patches.

I drove home, both arms this time but right side was very painful, but this drive was different. I drove home with thoughts of each of my family members in mind.

TinaLei Ku’uAmaraAne Klailea Suluka

My Fireball.

8 months old and is the ruler of the rug. If I could say anything about my WayWay baby, it’s that she reminds me so much of my Dad. If she spent all nine months while I carried her inside of me, with my Dad, i wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest. Her laugh, Her observation to everything around her to her cry. I see so much of my dad in her.

1 other thing. She’s a little fighter. When she sees something she wants, she goes for it and anything that dares to be in her way will see her wrath. 😂 

Silieta Kuuipo O Kakela Suluka 

Boss Baby

18 months old and knows exactly what she wants plus she knows exactly what you want too. 🤣 

She’s got a clear eye for her destinations and I love how bold she is in putting herself out there.

I’m a nursery leader at church so everyone brings their babies to me while they are in their classes. Every kid has a little phase of getting used to nursery before they are comfortable with staying.

Silieta. Had no problem of going. Let’s see if results stay the same when she heads off to preschool.

Henele O’Vikster Suluka

The Boxer. 9 years old.

He’s moved on from his only 1 season of little league football and found new ground in boxing. He loves boxing. 

He is somewhat a preteen and with this change comes with much attitude and selective hearing.

These times are rough but luckily for me, Henele has a huge heart. If there’s one way I know I could get something stuck in his head to learn, it’s through his heart. He’s got some things we’ve got to focus on but overall, what a kid he is. I truly grateful for my one and only son.

Tamara Leethee Suluka

The Teenager. 11 years old.

Please oh please fast forward this part. 😂😂 

Man I wish there was a manual for teenagers. She’s still my little girl but these changes we got going on makes me want to pull all my hair out.

Patience is more then what is seems. It’s a craft, a skill a kind of way of life that if it’s not incorporated, you’ll die. 😂 

Amoni Suluka. 

32 years old. 

Has taught me a love that I never knew existed. A live that’s close to the sound of a just born babies cry.

I love the life we’re building together. I love every challenge, fight, argument and joke that comes with every days happenings.

We’ve got a lot of life to live and a lot to live for.

Let’s continue to take day by day.

Xoxo, Via