"People are often unreasonable, irrational and self centered; forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies; succeed anyway. If you are honest and sincere, people may deceive you; be honest and sincere. What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight; create anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous; be happy anyway. The good you do today, will often be forgotten; do good anyway. Give the best you have and it may never be enough; give your best anyway. In the final analysis, it is between you and God; it was never between you and them anyway." - Mother Theresa

Friday, August 31, 2012

Who You Are

You know how people refer to life as a roller-coaster? How you will always have your ups and downs. And yes, it's pretty straight forward, things in life bring you up and things will bring you down and repeats itself pretty much forever.

Question. What about the parts of a roller-coaster that flip you around? or jerk you left and right? the loop dee loops? or even the ones that take you backwards?

Can we maybe interpret the meanings of those parts for me cause I'd love some feedback on some thoughts and comments of what they could posssibly represent.

So why am I talking about roller-coasters? Because I'm going crazy! I'm managing. School, home, kids, etc. It's pretty well balanced. I'm ahead in my classes and plan to keep it that way all the way through. It's me. I'm just not all here. I don't know what it is. But I think and do things right, it's a feeling. Something is wrong. I don't know what it is. But even though I'm going through all the motions correctly, something inside of me is  just a huge blur!

I've been listening to Jessie J's song Who You Are and it keeps me thinking and wondering what I'm lacking. I just can't get it. I have no clue. I'm weird huh?

Don't lose who you are in the blur of the stars!
Seeing is deceiving, dreaming is believing,
It's okay not to be okay...
Sometimes it's hard to follow your heart.
Tears don't mean you're losing, everybody's bruising,
Just be true to who you are!

I need to get it together.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Turning Points

Change is good. As long as it's good change.
It's a new week. School starts this week for the kids. Not mine, but my other kids that so happen to be born by my sisters. lol Summer vacation is now over and honestly, I'm gonna miss them!
Like I've mentioned before, I watch Teta and Sunshine throughout the summer. I remember just last week complaining about them giving me the biggest headache and that I couldn't wait for them to go back to school.
I totally take all that back! I'll take the headache if it means I get to watch them still. =(
Turning points sometimes suck! What do I do now? Who's gonna annoy me now? I'm totally used to Tamara. I've mastered her. lol
But really, I hope the best for Teta and Sunshine and even Jay and Christina this year at school. They are growing up to be such great kids.
We celebrated the august birthdays last night and all the kids were on the porch playing around. I went out with the two babies and just watched each of them. They each have such distinct personalities. None of them similiar to the othe. Perfectly different. As I sat with the two babies the older 4 came and stood around me and started singing! I loved every bit of it! While on the side, Tamara and Koko are fighting over this toy and that shoe. Random things.

But this will be a turning point for us. Tamara is used to waking up and Sunshine being here. But now, she won't be. So we'll see how she reacts to this change. Now would be a good time for me to really step it up as a mom. Instill in them some knowledge of the gospel and also basic things. I'll be buying tons of kid books. I need to impove Tamaras speech. I want her vocabulary to be a thousand times better then mine. I guess we could learn together. There's always room for improvement.


Oh how that part of parenting is the hardest for me. Tamara has a special type of attitude.
Lately, while at church, I've studied other moms and their kids to see what types of methods they use to discipline. This way I could maybe pick and pull things I may consider to try. I've learned that some kids listen and learn better by praising them. Other's by really talking to them at their own level. and many other ways.

I'll probley try them all. lol

Tamara is so the type to be praised. She loves to hear that she's doing a good job. She loves when I make surprised faces and talk all excited when she is doing something good.

He's growing way to fast for me. He's such a handsome boy and he totally makes my life easy! He is Tamra's soft spot.

Today starts a turning point for the 3 of us! Wish us luck! =)

Friday, August 24, 2012

Just Possible

Ever seen the movie? It's incredible.
I think that when big trials come along in life, we see things differently. I've had my fair share of hitting tock bottom and I know that there are plenty more for me. I think everyone hits a rock bottom in their lifetime and how youre prepared makes all the difference.
I wonder how people would view life if when they saw someone like Bethany Hamilton and put themselves in their shoes. I have a lot of sympathy for those out there that have disablities.
Growing up, I was really close with my brother Mone. Mone has ecsema from head to toe and he's lost vision in one eye. So growing up around him, I can't only imagine what it was like for him. I do know and still to this day, that when we are out in the public and I see people stare at him, I get so mad and just want to get in their face and say,"What are you looking at?" Some people don't have the slightest idea.
My dear friend Lori Butterfield. She's 56 years old. About a year and half ago, she was in a car accident that resulted in her becoming a parapalegic. A parapalegic is someone that is paralyzed from the chest down. So after her accident being totally independent, she was now totally dependant on others for just about everything.
When I worked for Homewatch Caregivers (home healthcare), I met Lori. I was her aide. And I remember when I'd be over at her house getting her ready for bed, she'd go on about the things she's done in her life, the people she interacted with that day or anything else that stood out throughout her day. But every story she had, every night would lead to asking the same question. "Why did this happen to me?" Most nights it would bring her to tears.
One thing I adore about Lori, is that even though she still has questions with why her life hit such a change, is that she is such a driven person. She's limited, but continues to put her best foot forward. I envy that of her.
I remember going through my seperation and then divorce how I would ask that same question, Why did this happen to me? Thinking that everything that was going on was destined to make me crumble at my feet.
But now, I'm glad it happened. I've found the Via that was so blinded by things that were of no benefit from the start. The Via that is stongwilled and head strong. The Via that I know is gonna make it no matter who tries to bring me down.
I'm determined and focused, but above all, I'm Happy!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Langi Lagoon Day!

I think its been about 4 years since I've been back to Lagoon. We used to go every year right before school starts, but we sorta have gotten sick of the park. It's fun and all, it's just not as attractive I guess. The old classis rides are still the best and they continue to add more rides that just don't quite make it up to par. But it is our first time back with the older four of the Monster Crew old enough and tall enough to go the bigger rides. So for me, it was so much more fun watching the kids go on these bigger rides for the first time then for just simple enjoyments for myself.

Like everything else, we have to bring our house, too much food and drinks, and plenty of necessities to help make babysitting as easy as possible.

A lot of our Lagoon Day Happiness is well credited towards our amazing babysitters, Mom and Dad. They can't ride any rides but they did enjoy walking around the Lagoon Park with the two babies in their strollers.

Sunshine and Christina! They are growing up to be such amazing young women! I absolutely love them to pieces and I hope that one day they can view me as a "good" example! =)

Our two TERRIBLE TWOS had such a blast! Koko wouldn't go on any rides at all, so he settled with playing games for fun little toys. And as for Tamara.....

She was all about the rides! She is such a brave little girl! Didn't have any problems with getting her on and off rides!
In line for the Log Ride. I personally don't prefer to ride this ride so I sat out and took pics.

Kuuipo and Aki. These are a too funny when they team up! One thing I love when we are together as a family, is that we have our little teams that make every moment of the event worth it!
Unfortunately, Willy, June and Loisi were unable to attend our Lagoon Day for Work and Football. So Mone enjoyed riding with the little ones and teaching them the "real" ways of riding the rides! haha As you can see.

Kuuipo and Teta on one of the newer rides. It was ok for me. Gave me a headache, but what ride doesnt give you one?

One of the funniest 7 year olds youll ever meet in your life. Hands down! Just look at him.

Dont know if you can tell but in the very back is Aki and in front of her is Kuuipo. 

And Henele was our very own Security Guard! Here he is relaxing at his post!

Great Lagoon Day!


Friday, August 17, 2012

Via, The Official Bruin

School starts in a week and I have to say, I'm a little nervous. I'm not sure how overwhelming things will be but I know it will be. I hope I don't go insane or worse take out a lot of my stress on the kids. Just training to get my CNA was hard. I was up all night getting homework done, damaging my body with an overload of 5 Hour Energies. Which by the way are so not cheap. And this time around I'm registered doing 12 hour credits. That's 4 classes!!
I had gone to the bookstore at SLCC and the girl that helped me with my books looked at my class schedule and said, "Boy, youre gonna be busy." Right then I thought in my mind, "Oh great. What have I got myself into?"
Two of my classes are online and two I will physically be at school for. I wished I could get them all online so I could stay home with the kids, but failed to get into the classes before they were already filled. Bad move on my part. But still got the classes I needed none the less.
I've been communicating a lot with my special "best friend". He's actually pretty amazing. A great listener. And he's kept my head up a lot these days when things are a little tough. He's enrolled at Weber State and he keeps telling me that we HAVE to get 4.0s.
Before I made the huge mistake of buying my books at the school bookstore which would have costed me about $350, he told me to buy them at amazon.com. So instead of leaving the bookstore with my books, I bought a SLCC Hoodie for $40. I know right? Who spends money like that? I just had to make me an Official Bruin.
I create me an amazon account and shopping online I began. So instead of paying that rediculous $350 I got all my books through amazon for $81!!!! omg HUGE SAVINGS! Thank You BFF!!
I ordered them all on monday and i got them all yesterday! After this whole online shopping experience, I have starting buying a lot of stuff through amazon.
My previous online shopping would only consist of Walmart.com and would do"in store pickup" so really it wasn't actual online shopping.

I did buy these two phone cases for only 58 cents each! How about that for a good bargain! I havent got them yet cause I had them shipped "standard". I expedited my books and thats why they came in so quick.

Yup. Henele IS eating that watermelon all by himself. Does he have any teeth yet? NOPE. But that didn't stop him from chomping down on that watermelon. 

He is the funniest kid! You have no idea. I'm loving every bit of his personality! He knows when he's laughing at someone. Me and my mom laughed the other night cause of how he was laughing at us. 

I take them to the park to get out all that energy. Tamara really has too much energy for her age and the house is not big enough for her to drain her entire battery. So I give her Hillsdale Park and soon enough not even the park will be big enough for her. I need to put her in like dance or track or something. Put all that energy to good use!

She is such an amazing big sister to Henele. She never does anything negetive, she doesn't yell at him or hit him. She honestly loves him to pieces. And I love watching her take good care of her brother. 
The other night Hene had fallen asleep in his crib, he normally sleeps with us on the bed but I didn't want to wake him so I let him sleep. In the middle of the night Henele had started crying and who was up running to his aide? Tamara! It was so cute, I almost cried. I watched as she climbed off the bed saying, "Henele? You Otay?" She climbed up on his crib and said, "You need bowow?" haha 
Well I'm off to go buy me a new laptop to make my online classes I bit easier for me. If only baby daddy didn't smash mine, I'd still have one. I totally should have put that in one of my proposals for the divorce decree, make him pay for it! ugh!

Him on the other hand. I feel so bad for him. He's found his happiness which ultimatley is great. But when I see the kids, I think of how any human being could not claim their own blood. I wonder if they even have a heart. Its unfortunate for him.

Operation Ipad was a total bust for me! lol My dad won and since he's not very Ipad savvy, he got himself an Ipod Touch. Good for him, he totally deserves it! As far as my weight loss goes, hahaa well, lets just say, It's still a working progress. I still look fat! ugh! Ill get back to my 140s one day. Its still in my dreams bucket!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

They Keep Me Going

This is a Money-Design Picture!

So throughout the summer, I watch Teta and Sunshine. And since Teta started football, Tamara goes to his practices to run around the park with sunshine. Works for me cause by the time I go and pick her up right before practice is over, shes dead tired and when we get home, she knocks out. Sad, but true. Tamara is a whole kind of workout. But I'm used to it!

While we waited for the kids to get their last roll down the hill at City Park Henele  took his first sit on actual grass. He didn't hate it, he was pretty content. When Coco sat on grass, HE HATED IT! He didn't wanna touch it, he made the funniest face when we sat him on grass. So when he started crawling, we would lay a blanket down on the grass and that was his prison. haha

He's finally starting to sit up on his own. But only when he's focused on balancing his weight. When he gets distracted by something nearby, he forgets he's sitting and topples over. lol

I really need to start prepping for the "Chasing" stage. He's been trying to move lately, and I can tell he's starting to catch on to the use of his legs and arms. Before he would just rock back and forth with his arms and legs in the air. But now he knows theyre more useful on the ground. (great.) He's already mastered rolling over as his transportation. Ill lay him on the ground and find him in a totally different area. He's too funny!

One of these days, I'm gonna catch a pic with him sticking his tongue out. I've attempted that pic for so long, it's almost like he knows what I'm trying to do. This pic was one of my attempts. I snap the pic and see he has his tongue out and then this is what I get. haha I swear he laughs at me trying to get that pic. 

Where do I begin with this one. haha Really, she is so good to me. She's now at the "first sentences" stage. And boy to get the good ones! 
I had gone to slcc to turn in some forms with her and as we were walking on campus, I tell her, "I think youre pretty pretty." And Tamara says, "Ya! Me too!" haha omg. I pray she'll get that self centered attitude straight before school starts, or who knows how many times Ill have to bail her out of the principal office. =)

Here we are leaving slcc. I tell her lets start running because Uncle Willy was waiting for us to pick him up from football practice. As we are running Tamara turns to me and says, "Mom, you look funny!" haha she's too funny.

So this lovely little ride is outside of Family Dollar. We were leaving the store and she cried to get on the ride. She's never been on a ride like this so I put her on and inserted my 2 quarters. At first she gave a stare as though she didn't know what was happening, but when she saw that it just goes around in a circle, she was lovin it. 
We plan on taking the kids to lagoon right before school starts as a going-back-to-school fun day sort of thing. And I honestly can't wait to put her on all those kid rides, I bet she will have no problem with them, but we'll have to see. 

Not sure what the serious face is all about.

Tamara usually is up before me and Henele in the morning and she takes the initiative to wake us up. She'll usually wake me up and then Henele will start crying while waking me up. Here is the other morning, Tamara wide awake, and Henele super mad that I flashed a bright light in his face. But still a cute pic, I think.

Here they are, ready to tackle a new day with me! Love you much! << That's how Tamara says it!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Hives Are Taking Over

Am I stressed?
Can you be so stressed to a point where you dont think you are but really you are?
I dont think I am.

So as you all know, I have an allergic reaction to the cold weather that results with Hives! Henele has the same thing. Poor thing.
Well, lately its kind of been CHRONIC! That word is so close to crunk, they both fit for what I'm blogging about. But what makes it so much worse for me, is that its CONTINUOUS. Usually I can pop in a zyrtec and im good but not even that is working. So, I google causes of hives and rememdies.

I was a little disappointed in my findings. Most sights claim there is no real reason for the cause of Hives but list the most common causes. 1. Change of laundry detergent - not me 2. Eating something new - not me 3. tight close - not me 4. Pressure - possibility 5. stress - possibility

So these were the top 5 I read about on about 6 different websites. Now the first four we can go ahead and rule out cause they dont apply to me. Now 4 is sort of interesting. Yesterday I was cleaning out the fridge and sat on one of our wellfare buckets. Obviously Im much bigger then the bucket but really just needed it for stability. After cleaning the fridge, as I stood up I broke out all over the back of my thighs. That's what triggered my google search.

Im exhausted. They keep me itching all day long that most times my focus is on them and not on the more important things. Theyre so sore! So theres only one thing left for me to do. Go to the Doctors. Now I've gone to my normal Dr and told her about my issue but she sort of just dusted it off and prescribed me the zyrtec (which was pointless since zyrtec is over the counter).

Im going to see a Dermatologist. I hope this works cause Hives are sucking my life away! That cant be happening.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Langi Family Reunion 2012


We are very family oriented. We do just about everything as a family. Birthdays, grads, promos, holidays, you name it, WE DO IT AS A FAMILY! Which is one thing I absolutely love about my family. We literally are each others foundation.

My family isn't perfect. But what family is? My family is incredible. My family is where my heart is.

This past week was ON POINT! Ever day of last week was full of fun, excitement, jokes, laughs, sunshine, rainstorm but above all, full of FAMILY!

***Sunday we kicked off our week with cake and ice cream in celebration of Jays 7th Birthday!
***Monday we prepped for camp.

***Tuesday*** we set up camp. The brown tent is the Malooloos, the grey tent is grandma and grandpas, the green  one you can kinda see was mine, the pink one in the back over there was june and loisis, and on the left, you can't see in the pic but theres a dark green and yellow tent that is the tausingas.. nuff tents aye?
 After we went swimming at the Kearns Rec! Fun center if you've ever been. We normally do Kearns Rec on the 24th of July anyway, so that was kind of a given of what we were gonna do. Then later that night we lit fireworks.

Heres Victor and Tamara AFTER swimming. This year Victor jumped off the diving board for the FIRST TIME and was total PRO! He was scared at first but after that first dive he was in that line at the diving board till we left! Great Job Teta!

Tamara on the other hand, was swimming drunk! She couldnt get enough of swimming. She LOVES SWIMMING. Lately she always says, "Mom! I need swimming!" lol She's been using the "i need" card a lot lately and im just about to revoke it! lol

Christina and Coco. I had tons more pic on my camera but can't upload them so Im stuck with just the ones I got on my phone. Coco though, swimming was great! Although he's an albino and we really have to keep a close eye on him with his condition, we couldn't keep him away from the water. When his dad would start walking towards the area we were sitting at, coco would get all fussy to go back to the water! Love CocoMotion!
Here they are sleeping in the tent! We put our tent up right by the fire pit, which was both good and bad, good for the warmth and bad for when it was windy and the wind would blow the smoke towards us. But they were great sleeping in the tent none the less! 

That first picture of Henes feet I posted cause he can WHIP with those legs. Seriously, it hurts!

***Wednesday*** We went swimming at the West Valley Rec Center in favor of Coco since he's sensitive to the sun, we had to enjoy some water COCO STYLe. That night we had a movie night with popcorn, smores, just the camping regulars.

Thursday morning the kids got there zumba on!

***Thursday*** we go to Willard Bay to jet ski and boat! Loved Willard bay! Everyone had fun in the sun! This pic is of out "committee" one sleeping and the other taking an up close pic! Mack and Kuips are too funny!

***Friday*** we took a trip on the trax all the way to the end. OGDEN! The plan was to ride up to Temple Square and do Grandma Silivias temple work but apparently Sepa already did it. So we rode the trax up and back to good ol West Valley City. It was great cause the trains were very well air conditioned! =)

Coco looks a little smooshed

Henele and Sunshine

Tamara and Lucy Goose

Coco Motion

Aramat (backwards)
We totally failed to take snacks with us on the trax. We had plenty water but by the time we got back WE WERE STARVING so who did the committee call??

Christina and Sunshine

My by far BEST Henele Bottle Feeder! =)

A TERRIBLE TWOS VERY.MUCH.NEEDED. break for the rest of us!
***Saturday***, camp comes down and we go to UTAH LAKE! And we will never go back! haha Grandpa says so. Only because the beaches were way to rocky for everyone and where you go jek skiing you cant see from the beach.  My dad was a little iffy on the waves where we jet ski'd so when we went jet skiing the boat had to tag along as a safety back up! But it was fun, the waves were to big for the kids to ride the jet skis so they stayed in the boat while us older ones got to ride and do our not so great tricks on the jet skis! =)
***Sunday***, we have our reunion closing / dinner / awards ceremony! 
The fam
Grandma and her two favorite helpers getting the fire started

Our Firewood Committee!

And Private Entertainment!

Henry Benry



award: new bottles!

award: the coloring package

So while we were at Utah Lake Coco has this bucket and walks towards the truck that is parked by a wood fence. Now by this wood fence, there is a huge beehive! Coco takes his bucket and whacks the bees. We hear this HUGE scream and turn to find coco running from the bees. Nai grabs him and we see that he got stung 3 times! by the bees! =( More to the story soo..

to "bee" continued...


award: the coloring package

So we all know how Tamara has her "special" attitude. You know how the Chinese Fire Alarm works? It's wound up and then screams this really loud siren for the ENTIRE village to hear.. Well same with Tamara, she's wound up when she doesn't get her way (which unfortunately is the majority of the time) and her siren is heard from down the block.


award: the coloring package

Jay just swam swam and swam. Didn't care if he put on sunblock or not. All he cared to do was hit the water and enjoy it. And boy does he do that well! So after Utah Lake there was a joke going around that Jay is really bringing out his Fijian side.

We projected movies every night for camp and Jay waited till everyone was sleeping and would play on his kinnect till 4 AM!!! =) He's a die hard gamer!

award: the coloring package and roller blades!

Sunshine is THE BEST LISTENER! If ever we tell the kids to do something you can count on her to be the ONLY ONE that listens to instructions! She really is such a big help and what tops it all off is that she NEVER COMPLAINS! 

award: the coloring package, roller  blades and a COUGAR HAT!

Anytime that fam goes swimming, Teta is the first one in and the last one out! He could be swimming alone and still wouldnt wanna get out. 

award: the coloring package

After we did fireworks we put on the game DANCE CENTRAL and we had everyone competing. I thought the funniest was Lee vs. Loisi but above all Christina was THE BEST! =)


award: BYU hat and jersey

So poor willy is the one that has to hook the boats, jet skis, then has to unhook them at the lake or where ever we are and then has to drive them around for us to ride. He does a lot for our family fun and I totally credit him for a lot of our happiness this past week! He never complains and simply just does as he's told.


award: shirt and some lluuuuuvvv pops


award: hat and BYU shirt

So the day we rode the trax, Mone was suppose to work. We hit the city of Layton before Mone was going to turn back and go to work. He decided to stick with the fam and just call in to work. When he called in they told him he would be put on a final written warning. So he took a hit for the fam! =)


award: shirt and hat

The boat pulls our lovely banana. On the banana it was Loisi in the front, me in the middle and Kuips in the back. Loisi when we ride likes to jump up and down while we go at high speeds, so the end of the banana really gets whipped up and down. We lost kuuipo cause of it, Kuipo lost her shades. We rode a second time and we all got whpped off the banana. It was so funny, I remember going under the water and coming back up and as I did, those two came up at the same time and we just busted out laughing. What does kuipo say after that? "So, did you guys see my glasses?" hahaha


award: BYU hat and jersey

So June likes to clown on just about everyone. But this past week all his jokes were towards the "committee" saying they had nothing planned or the committee only planned "nap time".. things like that. and every time the committee would respond calling him a "hater".. hence the Kevin Hart award.


award: BYU hat and shirt

So we all agreed on sleeping in tents. Well one morning the committee caught Lee sleeping in her room with all these mexican pastries around next to her. So she was awarded for getting Mexican Patry Wasted.


award: beanie

Chester is one of our best cooks in the fam. He woke up extra early one morning and cooked us all breakfast! It was so good!


award: BYU hat and coat

Nai does a lot for our family but is usually in the shadows. We don't actually see him do it, but later we find out what he does. And for that we are truly grateful. One of the jet skis wouldnt start for us even after we had our mechanic Gene look at them. Nai was the one that figured that we had some of the adjustments wrong and corrected them and had our Jet Skis running like new!


award: 'ie lavalava and a Jazz hat

to be continued.. CONTINUED

So. my mom over packs. nuff said. Now when Coco got in his little incident with the bees we all ran Cocos aid. Where did my mom go? She done grabbed the closest thing to her (slipper) and walked right up to the huge beehive and SLAPPED IT! haha We turned and saw what she did and saw  her walk away from the beehive that was now on the ground and ALL the bees flying towards her. Luckily none stung her but we just laughed at how it wasnt even a thought to my mom but an instinct to go kill the hive! She walked away from that have with a "dont mess with coco" attitude! Love my moms!


award: a brand new fishing net

His award says it all!! He really is amazing!

Huge thanks to these two for everything. It's always been what ever us kids want is what they work for and they truly do give us kids and grandkids more then enough.
Overall an amazing week. Full of fun, laughter, smiles, happiness. You name it.