Ever seen the movie? It's incredible.
I think that when big trials come along in life, we see things differently. I've had my fair share of hitting tock bottom and I know that there are plenty more for me. I think everyone hits a rock bottom in their lifetime and how youre prepared makes all the difference.
I wonder how people would view life if when they saw someone like Bethany Hamilton and put themselves in their shoes. I have a lot of sympathy for those out there that have disablities.
Growing up, I was really close with my brother Mone. Mone has ecsema from head to toe and he's lost vision in one eye. So growing up around him, I can't only imagine what it was like for him. I do know and still to this day, that when we are out in the public and I see people stare at him, I get so mad and just want to get in their face and say,"What are you looking at?" Some people don't have the slightest idea.
My dear friend Lori Butterfield. She's 56 years old. About a year and half ago, she was in a car accident that resulted in her becoming a parapalegic. A parapalegic is someone that is paralyzed from the chest down. So after her accident being totally independent, she was now totally dependant on others for just about everything.
When I worked for Homewatch Caregivers (home healthcare), I met Lori. I was her aide. And I remember when I'd be over at her house getting her ready for bed, she'd go on about the things she's done in her life, the people she interacted with that day or anything else that stood out throughout her day. But every story she had, every night would lead to asking the same question. "Why did this happen to me?" Most nights it would bring her to tears.
One thing I adore about Lori, is that even though she still has questions with why her life hit such a change, is that she is such a driven person. She's limited, but continues to put her best foot forward. I envy that of her.
I remember going through my seperation and then divorce how I would ask that same question, Why did this happen to me? Thinking that everything that was going on was destined to make me crumble at my feet.
But now, I'm glad it happened. I've found the Via that was so blinded by things that were of no benefit from the start. The Via that is stongwilled and head strong. The Via that I know is gonna make it no matter who tries to bring me down.
I'm determined and focused, but above all, I'm Happy!
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