"People are often unreasonable, irrational and self centered; forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies; succeed anyway. If you are honest and sincere, people may deceive you; be honest and sincere. What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight; create anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous; be happy anyway. The good you do today, will often be forgotten; do good anyway. Give the best you have and it may never be enough; give your best anyway. In the final analysis, it is between you and God; it was never between you and them anyway." - Mother Theresa

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Just Sayin

Right this very second, Tamara is stabbing a baby spoon into a jar full of flowers. What do you think that means? lol its funny the things little kids do. Me and Mone had been chattin for a bit the other day and he asked, "I wonder what theyre trying to say, or tell us?" Referring to Hene and a little bit of Tamara. They scream, talk, blabber on all day long, but what is it that they want?.. lol all I know and believe is that kids will be kids and us as adults with all our frustrations, and especially overloaded to-dos need to sometimes CHILL and take a moment to simply LISTEN.

Every morning I go and take Willy to football practice and I love to roll my windows up and blast my music. Whatever songs I listen to sort of set my tone for the day and I let it give me the mood that I need to keep my head up and strong for my two little ones.

Well.. one morning after I dropped him off, I switched things up a little..

I rolled down my windows and turning the music OFF. And as I drove home, I LISTENED. Birds were chirping, cars were passing, sirens were sounding but above all, the wind was blowing.

It's cool when you make a small change that makes a change in your life and your perspective on it. That morning I filled my mind and heart with GRATITUDE. I promised myself I will be grateful for the little things that we as humans overlook so easily because of the way our world and society revolves.

Worldly things have take over. And we all know it. But how do we find our way back to the view of where things all began? I think this is why you sometimes hear people say, "I wish things were life before, like they were back in the day." And it's a comment like that that shows how much our world has evolved since "back in the day".. things arent so original anymore. Things now are just a step further or a newer or twisted version of what is already. Dance has gone from the hokie pokie to the cat daddy. I mean, I remember when they would bleep our cuss words on the radio, but now they've allowed some to fall through. Didn't they bleep those words out for the safety and innocence of the kids? Well whats the difference between kids ten years ago and kids now... absolutely nothing. So why the change? Children are more exposed to adult content that they begin living lives they shouldnt for years and years to come. So can we really blame them for decisions they've made? or can we be all accountable for pitching in to their decision making because of the things they are exposed to?

Tamara and Henele are exposed to kissing scenes on the Disney Channel. Immodest dressing through the singers and dancers they favorite. Attitudes and behaviors from children around them that pick it up from adults, both good and bad.

So when we hear on the news of young girls that are pregnant or teachers sleeping with their students or people committing suicide... is news like that really a surprise to us? It's not.

Aside from the things our kids are exposed to and the whole gammot, the question is and really makes or breaks the bigger difference is, "What do we as parents do?"

We have every bit of power to change this world. To really make things like they were "back in the day".. We say that we are limited to what we can do because we allow us to even have limits. If more of us believed we could do great things and work miracles like we see in the movies then our limits will be none.

To be inspired enough to do something. To do anything. Whatever is on our minds when you listen to something or see something. Inspiration that flows deep in our veins and runs throughout our entire bodies so fluidly that your mind captures images of the unimaginable. The indescribable. The magnificent. It's that moment when you see a beautiful picture. A photograph at angles the average eye couldn't see.

I as a parent will be inspired to capture that image of how I will make the change, for my kids to succeed.

Just sayin.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Certified Fathers Day

Happy Fathers Day to all those amazing Fathers out there!

So this is what me and the kids did for Fathers Day... We wanted to get him an ipod touch.. but since were so short on change, we had think of something within our budget. So, I got to thinking about my Dad and what he's been up to lately...

Well... lately he's really into making him his "diet" fruit smoothies.. Every morning he will blend him vegetables and fruits whether separate or combined along with some ice.. And I remember him always having a different drinking bottle while come to find out, they belong to someone else.. So I thought... lets get him one of his own.. 

So I went to Big 5, which is the closest sporting goods store to home and got him a FILA Bottle... My idea was totally meant to be, cause if there's one thing you know about my dad, it's that he's a FILA MAN! haha seriously! He loves the FILA Brand. And as I was walking out of the store with the bottle, I thought, "Hey!, Why don't I fill it up with what he loves!!"... So His favorite candy is the Almond Joy, he never has any lunch money so I threw in a 20 dollar bill and last but not least an updated picture of Tamara and Henele for his wallet! haha "We make the front of the wallet once again!!" My dad's wallet is the only wallet in our entire family that has baby pictures of ALL THE KIDS including the baby pictures of me and my brothers and sisters! How about that for the PROUD DAD/GRANDPA AWARD OF 2012!! 

He really is an amazing dad! He treats my mom like a true queen! And I do mean QUEEN! Whatever my mom says goes.. and that's how it's always been between them. I totally envy my Dad for that. Not a lot of Dad's will truly dedicate their entire lives and selves to their wives the way he does for my Mom.. But.. What's great about all those years of dedication to my Mom slash BOSS... is that now that us kids are all grown and much older.. The seven of us totally spoil him like crazy! So all those years of him being totally selfless is now paying off.. =)

He literally is at the Lake fishing right now.. lol But he deserves it!


I am now a CERTIFIED Nurse Assistant!!

So that 3 weeks of extremely boring class time has now paid off! I got my Certificate in the mail sometime last month but failed to blog about it.. haha

As I updated my resume adding my newest certificate.. I overlooked it and thought to myself.. "Damn, I have some good timing!"... And what I mean by that, is my Unemployment dates are very short time periods and my reasoning behind my short time with Sunflower Farmers Market is undisputeable, thank you Maternity Leave and Single Status! After having Henele, I go right into school and then into Homewatch!! My resume just keeps getting better and better... I am currently on break, MOMMY break that is.. and then right into Fall semester at slcc with that FULL TIME STUDENT Status!! oh yeah baby!! 

Sorry im blabbering on... we all have proud moments right?

Is that the T.V. on and Tamara is ready for church?.. haha

His shirts never make it past 12 pm... Life of a Hot Boy... and I do mean HOT! lol

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Thoughts Fizzing In The Mind

So I've been thinking.. "Why don't I take over the World?" I mean if Oprah can do it.. why can't I.. Did you know Oprah was a teenage mom?.. But she lost her child at an early stage of life. And I'm not saying that because I'm a teenage mom and have high hopes that one day I can rule the world... Or am I? pfft! WHATEVER! hehehe

No but really, I have been thinking a lot lately about my life. What do I want? Where am I going? What do I do? How do I get there? Where are my answers?... Have these questions ever crossed your mind?.. I think my problem is that I'm not embracing the present.. I'm so caught up in finding my next step or my next move that I'm letting the present pass right in front of me without me even grasping it. I need to CARPE DIEM! Like.. for real. I'm always looking at my calendar to see what's coming up, so I can be prepared or looking at sticky notes on my phone in case I might forget something important. There are even times where I'm on the phone with a Financial Service and I'm scheduling payments ahead of time and in my mind I'm thinking why can't I just fast forward to that day so that the payment goes through and I don't have to follow up on it.

I'm so pathetic right?

So.. For now.. I will be taking a very large chill pill and I'll relax. Tamara and Hene aren't gonna be so little anymore and I can just see myself 10 years from now asking myself, "Why did I worry so much?" haha... Here I am living my present and my future..

Now, onto another note.. Love..

Love is so mysterious! It's one of those words you can describe with thousands of other words. But still, it's something more then that. You all know what I'm talking about. I'd like to introduce to you all, T.R.P.
ha ha.. gotcha there with the abbreviation trick huh?

I wish to not disclose any other name that has not already been presented on the actual blog.

How about that for some fine print.. hahaha... (not so fine really)

Anyway.. T.R.P. is what I call "a best friend".. I know what youre thinking... if he's just a best friend why won't you tell us his name... blah blah.. =) We've talked for about two months, he's 23, Full Laos (I know I know, he's tall and skinny, I'm short and fat... opposites attract right?haha jk)... Just your standard text and call.. Nothing more, nothing less.. He assures to me quite a bit that my kids won't live their lives without a father "figure" in their life... now that's where I pumped MY brakes... What was he trying to say by that?.. I've told him time and time again.. I will not fail my kids and I do not want to bring men into their lives like Little Caesars Pizza.. maybe not actually putting in the little caesars part into that sentence.. i sorta just threw it in cause that stuff really does come in and out of their lives, like QUICK.. haha But I can tell where he is going with all this mess.. and the sad thing is, I'm not. At least I don't think I am..

Pretty pictures for this blog. I got them off pinterest the other day.. Thought they were so pretty and thought if I put them on my blog they could inspire me to blog all that's on my mind...

Friday, June 15, 2012

Plan To Kill The Bill

Bills Bills Bills....

If it ain't both my kids being fussy that's giving me a migraine, then it's bills... For me, what gets me all worked up and stressed to the max, it's one of the two.. and lately, it's my bills...

Let me give you a simple outlook of it all...

$2500 in debt from an extremely dumb, what-was-i-thinking marriage.. PERIOD!
 ohhhh.. one more thing.... I put in a two week notice with Homewatch and am currently UNemployed! lol

Now.. $2500 is not actually a lot... but to a single mom of two REALLY young kids that is unemployed, it can be a challenge.. Since I've been out of work, I have lately been reorganizing my life.. I'm a pretty organized person, (i would say) and I like things done in order. So, I've introduce Math back into my life and committing it to simplicity. And I have to say, I'm pretty awesome at math.. Huge thanks to working for Discover Card for almost 3 years, I can calculate my own interest, finance charges, fees and so long as I'm consistent with my PLAN TO KILL THE BILL, I'll be in the green in no time! lol

So what am I doing for money might you be asking?.... lol... Well.. My good friend Lasa was telling me about "the babysitter program"... I'm like THE WHHHAATT?? hahaha... I'm thinking a daycare job or babysitting peoples kids... but no.. it's -i think- a government paid program that reimburses you for the food you pay to feed the kids you babysit.. took me a bit to catch on to it.. but I now understand how it works.. So for money... I babysit my little Monster Crew and will get cut a check from the government that reimburses me for feeding them...

It's a big help and as much as id love to collect that on top of a check from homewatch, i cant... I resigned from Homewatch because Henele is not very good with the warm weather.. or at least he has developed strong enough lungs to comply with it. He's doing much better now.. plus, Ill be going back to school full time in the fall. Which by the way, I am waaaayyyy nervous about... But you have to take the hits somewhere right?

 I didn't know that was illegal! hahahaha

Now in this pic, is Christina on the left holding Henele (you can't see them), Tamara, Sunshine holding Coco, Jay and Teta

Did you count? lol THAT'S 7 KIDS!! blaahahahaa The only one we didn't have was baby Luseane or we would have the ENTIRE monster crew in the back of A CAR... let me emphasize that one more time... A CAR!! hahaha..  Have I ever showed you guys my car?... let me show you what it looks like..

Not too bad ya?

But picture 7 kids in the back of that car.. lol I was driving, Mone was in the passenger seat..
This pic was just 2 days ago... I had fun watching them all.. Luseane got dropped off a little later.. =)

Me and Coco ran a few errands together.. He's a very good helper!

Little Buster!!

 The whole family went to a West Valley Ward Dance last weekend to support these four on their program. They did such an awesome job!

That same weekend we went to that dance, we had our TA'AI Reunion.. My mom's side.. It was ok.. minus the extremely cold wind that eventually forced me and my kids to leave early.. But here are a couple pics..

Kuips, Sunshine and Annselina.

Les, Me, Inga holding Baby Bet, Loisi and one of the twins.. don't know which one that one is..

Kuips, Loisi, Mack behind Jay, Sunshine and Sela

My whole family, but missing THE SIR, and THE BABYS... Last time I ever take a pic standing by Aki! lol She's done such a good job on her weight loss, I'm a bit emotional about it all cause I'm usually the skinny one.. but whatevs.. I'll get back eventually.. She's my motivation! =)

June and Loisi

June and Madre

Les, Me, Sela, PREGO Anaseini and Singa
Never fails that you'll find me by the food! haha

We get bigger every year!

Our theme this year I feel was a good one...


Mone did great on the banner! =)

Well, there they are.. the reason for everything I do. I couldn't be happier!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Changing Children

Ok. So I'm sure that with all the pictures you guys have seen of my kids you have noticed by now that Tamara has Bluish/Gray eye color. And it's funny... Cause everywhere I go with her, hands down, someone is bound to say something about her eye color. I've heard it all.

"Omg, she has such pretty eyes!" / "Look at those eyes, is she half white?" - uh sure.. lol

I could go on.. It's starting to get pretty annoying to be honest.. At first, I would go on with people about how unique she is with how she turned out "white"... but after awhile, lets just say it get a little old. I'm sure Tamara is sick of herself. As attention-needy as she is, I've noticed lately that when people stop us and ask about how fair she is and her eye color, the way she reacts to it, is she turns away so people can't see her. Almost like she's embarrassed.

Anyway, I was at the NPS Store earlier today and the cashier lady was all like, "I just love your guys's eyes!" At the register was Tamara, Lee and Me. I look at Lee like, who is she talking about 'your guys'... and I say, Thanks! Then she says, "You guys have color eyes.".. haha

And in my mind I reply, Uhh duh genius, EVERYONE has color eyes! lol Even the Albino's that shouldn't have any color, but still do. You know, technically, Albinos should have red eyes. But Tangiloto has VERY LITTLE pigment in his eyes that they were able to turn out greenish/blue.

But I just think it's funny how people respond that way.

A couple sundays ago, my Mom was holding Henele in Sacrament and she turns to me and says. "Via, Henele's eyes are starting to lighten up."... I think to myself, Oh no!.. lol And don't think that it's something I don't like or appreciate. I absolutely love that my kids are unique in a different way that separates them from other full Polynesian kids. I guess, it's safe to say that it's one of those things that you won't understand unless you actually experience it. So it's hard to explain from my perspective for you to view.

Is it just me, or does it look like her 'blonde' is coming back? One thing is for sure, she doesn't look like a baby anymore.. (tears!)

The other day, I was playing with the both of them, weeellll, it was more like, they were playing with eachother and I was the side bust. But I caught a couple pics since I got kicked out of the game they were playing.. (jerks)

Here is Tamara pretending to be a Doctor and telling Henele that his stomach is too big!
Tamara's Review goes like this...
Patient: Henele O'Vikster Unasa
Symptom: Bloated
Diagnosis: Toomuch'similac'fatbellysyndrom
Perscription: Stop eating diet for a week!

That's a 12 month onesie.. He's only 6 months.. 

We went to Drewby's 4th Birthday party on Monday! It was such a blast! Tamara didn't want to leave but had to. =( Thanks Drewby for inviting us! 

Drew's Birthday theme was SUPERHERO! I dressed up Henele as Superman cause I had something he could dress up as. So adorable huh? Him and those abs of steel! Not to mention that full diaper! lol