"People are often unreasonable, irrational and self centered; forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies; succeed anyway. If you are honest and sincere, people may deceive you; be honest and sincere. What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight; create anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous; be happy anyway. The good you do today, will often be forgotten; do good anyway. Give the best you have and it may never be enough; give your best anyway. In the final analysis, it is between you and God; it was never between you and them anyway." - Mother Theresa

Sunday, March 20, 2016

The World Of Gymnastics

Oh My Goodness!!

Can I just say that the world of Gymnastics is insanely terrifying!!

Here we are at our first Gymnastics Practice with Epic Gymnastics in Murray, Utah.
She doesn't care for Volleyball or Basketball or Softball. Because for the past little while she is constantly doing cartwheels and flips and such, I showed her what gymnastics was and I asked her if this is something she wants to do, she replied YES!

So I googled gymnastics clubs in the local area and Epic Gymnastics pulled up first. They offered a free trial class and I thought - Perfect! A trial class to give her a little taste of what she would be getting into but also something that wouldn't be completely permanent if she chose against it. So I called and scheduled her trial class on March 14 for 6 pm.

We went.

The began with simple stretches and jumping jacks for a warm up. She kept up well with the other girls that have been in the class before her.

Jumping Jacks.

I was surprised by just her stretching compared to the other girls with how much more flexible she was compared to them and this being her first class.

Then when this happened... my jaw dropped. I thought, "What the heck!?" I mean, no offense to the other girls but - my girl - I would've expected her to look like the girls in her class, but damnnn! She's really got something going for her in this sport. I thought to myself, "she really does know what she wants to do doesn't she?"

I'm so proud of her!

Then it got real scary!!

At Epic Gymnastics, they have this big gym with the different events in gymnastics. As a beginner you start off as a Bounder. Each level of gymnastics has a sign off sheet that each participant is to complete before moving up to the next level. After the Bounders Class you move up to the Lighters Class.

At each class that is held for an hour long, you move to different stations within the gym and you rotate to allow other classes to utilize different parts of the gym. They allow no more then 8 in each class to give each student good one on one time with their instructor.

When I saw her group rotate to the low beams my eyes were so big! I don't think I blinked worrying she would fall and hit her head even though the entire floor is matted. It's major scary stuff!

Tamara jumped on and did as her instructor (his name is Peter - but in my head I call him - Hot Peter lol) told her to do and even though she was very hesitant on the beam, she really got the hand of it. When she would stumble off the beam, she got right back up and kept on her task.

I seriously was amazed at Tamara and how much she really fits in with this sport.

I really filmed just about the entire practice. So we can study what she does and other girls to practice at home and at our local gym.

Tamara has shown so much progress in just her first gymnastics class. I honestly couldn't be any more proud. Now even if in the future she decided against Gymnastics, then that would perfectly fine with me. I honestly am proud of just this first class. And even beyond this class, her at school, her at home with her brother. She is growing just gracefully. I would completely credit it to my family and also Leroy's for all their support in incorporating the importance of family.

Under the right flag! I couldn't help but imagine her 20 years from now in the Olympics. =)

How crazy is this new adventure we are entering. I simply can't wait to see where this leads us.


Thursday, March 10, 2016

Opening Doors

So this happened...

That there is Mrs. Mona. I worked with her at the Printing Division.. She had to resign due to cancer. #cancersucks She was such a doll to work with. She was always positive and loved to dance and smile.

Notice how in this picture she's posing with a "peace" sign.

Well that's exactly what I'm getting at.


I've finally hung up the steel toe shoes and said my farewells to the LDS Printing Division. It wasn't easy but it also wasn't hard. Easy because of my why and we all know I function entirely around the kids and my family and what's best for us. Hard because of the many amazing people I worked with. It wasn't easy saying goodbye to everyone but I have to be honest... I am super excited to go full throttle on school and really get it done.

Leroy and I have been discussing this change for awhile and I couldn't be any happier with the choices we've made to finally move our family forward in the right direction.

So in celebration to this change along with many other reasons behind this - we decided to take a weekend vacation to Las Vegas!

We drove out last Thursday and came back Sunday night. It was a much needed get away and I can't wait to book our next little vacation.

Along with our little get away we attended the USA Rugby 7s Tournament. It was held at the UNLV Stadium.

Of course we would support Samoa since the kids are half Samoan. lol I knew absolutely nothing about rugby until this tournament and to be completely honest... I love rugby far more then football. I love how fast paced it all is. There are only 2 halves and each half is only 7 minutes long. Which would make sense since they are play with no kind of padding. It's bone on bone and I couldn't imagine them playing any more then just the 7 minutes before it becomes any more brutal then it already is.

So yes... I love rugby now that I understand the game.

Got to have dinner with Aunt Laulea. It's always great seeing family.

Took the kids to Circus Circus.

Swam at late hours of the night. Which was great cause there was no one else there swimming with us.

Ate twice at the buffet at Sunset Station.

Did lots of shopping and more and more eating. lol

Did we gamble? Yes. Did we win? Yes.

What happens in Vegas. Stays in Vegas. lol

This week has been the week to begin playing catch up on just about everything I fell short with while I was working and the things I couldn't do because I was working.

Staring with... Filing Taxes!! We finally filed the other night and I would say it's not a bad year.
Next yeat will be better.

The kids.. Boy this is big change for them. I stay home with them until Summer Semester starts. I will be applying at the airport so I can try and get us some flying benefits for more vacationing. lol

Tamara - Starts gymnastics on Monday and I can't wait to see what she thinks about it. She is always flipping everywhere we go. So I showed her what gymnastics was on youtube and asked if she wants to try a class for little girls like her and she said yes. So here we go.

Henele - I need to find a cross country team for him. Anything to keep his energy down. Like way down. It would help out everyone a whole lot. lol

Other then that. They are both doing well in school and are ready to venture into newer worlds this life has to offer.

We are still going strong. Taking every day one at time and simply - try.
We are happy. =)

Welp... Until next time.