"People are often unreasonable, irrational and self centered; forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies; succeed anyway. If you are honest and sincere, people may deceive you; be honest and sincere. What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight; create anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous; be happy anyway. The good you do today, will often be forgotten; do good anyway. Give the best you have and it may never be enough; give your best anyway. In the final analysis, it is between you and God; it was never between you and them anyway." - Mother Theresa

Sunday, February 10, 2019

5 Months In

So the below post was originally written a week after we got married.
As for my title of this post, I'm now 5 months into my marriage with my Amoni Suluka.

I know, it's time I go ahead and update. Hopefully, because I'm at the same time, trying to upload a little video on my youtube channel of our lovely little lives, I want to post it within this post too. Let me warn you though - its 18 minutes long. lol Please be advised.

A year ago, I was pretty much in my own world, keeping things simple and really just focusing on myself. After my second marriage fell through, I told myself that I've put the kids through enough, lets just move on and live our best life, alone. I honestly wasn't planning or even wanting for that matter to get married again. I just wanted to improve who I was. I DID - tell myself this...

"If my King is out there, he will find me."

I wasn't gonna put myself out there. I wasn't gonna actively date. I honestly wanted to be alone with Tamara and Henele and focus on bringing their dreams to life.

Little did I know... My King would really find me.

Amoni is from New Zealand. He had recently finalized his divorce in New Zealand and came to America to visit his Brother that lives in Morgan, Utah.

Morgan is really in the middle of no where. If you drive up to Layton, and go east into the moutains you'll run into this small town, Morgan.

He came to America June 2018. He had been in town a few months before I even heard of him. Amoni is an Auto Mechanic. Amoni is a relative of Lawrence - my brother in law, Lee's Husband. Well, Lawrence's truck had broke down and heard that his cousin was in America and called him and asked him to check out his truck since he was a Mechanic.

He fixes Lawrences truck and Lee is impressed with his work and asks him to then work on her FJ Cruiser. Amoni did a huge number on Lee's car cause it really did have a lot of work that needed to be done on it.

While Lee's car is getting fixed she would post pictures of her car parts on our family chat and just give us random car fixing updates for us. I remember seeing these pictures and what was being done and thinking, jeez Les, you really don't take care of your car. Yes, I was impressed.

It was then I thought in my mind, "do i have any problems with my car that need to be done." I didn't. I actually just got my brakes done at a shop a few months before Amoni showed up. And everything was looking good with my car anyway. So I didn't have any business with "this mechanic."

Now, when my second marriage fell through, I took both kids with me and both cars. I drive primarily my Escalade and my Trailblazer, my Dad was using at the time.

I come home and as my usual, I talk with my mom about my day at work. She then tells me that "this mechanic" is working on the Trailblazer. I think, hold on... that's my car. What going on with the trailblazer and what is "this mechanic" fixing. My mom says, I dont know.

I then take it upon myself to find out what "this mechanic" is doing to my car. I walk over to the other house that he's been fixing all the  cars at to find out.

I walk over there and say in a demanding tone, "Hello! I've come to audit your work on my car." He rolls out from under the car surprised and sees me and says, "oh this is your car." I then explain yes, but I don't drive it.

It was here where my audit of his work turned out to almost be a little challenge between the two of us. I had a small and I do mean small background of auto mechanics and somehow end up changing out the spark plugs to the car. While doing so, we talked and I got to know "this mechanic."

This is where his somewhat challenges were really him trying to keep me around.

Over then next 2-3 weeks, I found myself coming home from work and going straight to the garage to see him. It wasnt so much the cars, but it was him that I wanted to be around and I didn't care if I had to fix a car to do it. I just wanted to be near him.

He finally builds up the courage to ask me out on a date, and we go to Temple Square after working on the trailblazer for 2-3 weeks.

It was an Autumn Sunday and we went to Temple Square in Salt Lake City and walked. We sat near circle stand where you take pictures right in front of the Temple and watched people walk by, take pictures and this is where we opened up to eachother.

It was almost like, the prayers we had been crying to Heavenly Father were being answered through eachother. This same day, Amoni proposed to me and I froze. I kept asking questions and was beating around the bush but he was focused on his question.

I said yes and we married the following Friday!

This have been very busy and challenging. The adjustment for the two of us and also the kids have been trying. What we like to call, our transition phase. The kids absolutely love Amoni! Amoni absolutely loves them. It can be assumed that it would take a little bit of time for all of us to adjust to these changes.

5 months in and what sums this all up for me is this -

I didn't know you could be this happy.

Now, to add to all this amazing happiness is this -

I am now 2 months pregnant!

Here's the small clip of some of our Suluka Life!

Xoxo Via

Dear Amoni

My Dearest Amoni,

A week ago today, we walked the grounds of Temple Square together and there opened our souls to each other.

Words spoke, stories told, experiences shared, history stated and above all, the unplanned and unexpected happened - love overtook.

An unexpected life turn came and steered us to our eternal commitment to each other.

I didnt see you coming, but I knew you were him when we spoke
I didn't plan on you, but you came anyway.
I wasn't ready for you, but jumped with you.
Everyone we loved questioned us both, even I did, and with how soon things came to pass, can you really blame the quesitons, no. But we were there for each other to fallback on anyway.
Xoxo Via