"People are often unreasonable, irrational and self centered; forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies; succeed anyway. If you are honest and sincere, people may deceive you; be honest and sincere. What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight; create anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous; be happy anyway. The good you do today, will often be forgotten; do good anyway. Give the best you have and it may never be enough; give your best anyway. In the final analysis, it is between you and God; it was never between you and them anyway." - Mother Theresa

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Keeping My Head Above Water

So, the kids are sick. And we won't be heading out to church today. So, I've just been catching up on some of the things that I love to do, but never seem to find the time to do. Finally finished a book I started about 2 months ago, A Single Voice.

Now, when I picked up this book, I thought it was about someones aspirations to becoming a singer or something like that, but nope. It's about being single. Could I have read a better type book at a better time? lol Seeing as I'm now single. But, a single mom. Being a single mom has it's challenges, yes, many challenges!! And one of the challenges that tends to cross my mind from time to time, is if I will remain single for the rest of my life. I don't know. I've been asked this question recently and all I can answer is, I don't know. But what I do know, is that if there is a guy out there for me, and I know 100% in my heart that he's the one, I will be prepared and I will give it my absolute all.

Who knows? The book is written by Kristen M. Oaks. Yep! Dallin H, Oaks second wife. He was happily married to his first wife, but passed away. Kristen, was one hard working women. She supported herself and through a good chunk of her life. He Dad constantly worried about her and was always pushing her to go to Young Single Adult activities cause one think a Dad worries about is who will take care of their Princess when he's not around. I believe Kristen married our Apostle at the age of 56. I know right? I totally envy her though. For all those years, she never thought she would marry, let alone an apostle. I give it up to her for her endurance and especially her faithfullness to the Lord. She's a real example.

I would totally recommend this book to you all! A Single Voice by Kristem M. Oaks

Next book on the plan - A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving

John Irving is by far one of my most favorite authors. I hope when I write my book, I can relay settings and feelings as well as he does.

A lot of the books I read, I stumble upon. Not sure if someone gave me this one or if I bought it.

I found it on my book shelf in the closet. That's one thing that's make reading so much fun. You enter this whole different world not knowing where you'll end up, what you'll imagine or even the simple things you'll learn.

I know this one will be good.

You know whats funny? I keep reading all these interesting books but STILL have yet to finish the Book of Mormon and the Bible. Sad huh? I hate sitting in Sunday School and they discuss all these interesting stories from the book but I have no clue what they are about.

Sooooo.. I made it a 2013 New Years Goal to finish the Book of Mormon!! I'm not timing myself cause then I would be more focused on just reading it in time instead of actually grasping what I'm reading.

Loisi bought me a new set of scriptures for Christmas. And I found this cool Book of Mormon reading chart online to keep track of my progress.

On the back of my reading chart are 10 goals I want to accomplish in 2013. Kinda excited for the new year. Plus.. I haven't mentioned yet, I am now the Granger 8th Primary 2nd Counselor! It's a big deal to me. On the sundays I'm not teaching in Relief Society, you can for sure find me in the Nursery. And when I would sit in the Nursery, I would think about how Tamara will be in Sunbeam come January and I would ask myself, "How is the Primary program?"

I remember back when I was a little girl, I was always excited for Sunday and going to Primary. These days, it just doesn't seem like the kids are as excited. So I worry how Tamara will like Primary. Now that they've called me, I can see what it's like and hopefully be of help to making Primary a place for Tamara to want to be.

One of my first assignments, was to put together the bulletin board. I finished it yesterday and I'm proud of it. Yes, I bet the kids will tear it down or mess it up, whatever. But one thing I learned in my leadership training is that, the kids can tell whether their leaders care or not. So I gave the bulletin board my all and if the kids do tear it down or mess it up, I will just keep putting it back together.

Check it out..

Not too bad right? I hope the kids can see that we leaders care about them and their experience in Primary.

I'm excited but nervous going into this next year. I have a lot going on but I've learned something about myself. And that's that I love to be busy. I love the chaos. I love the overload. It's challenging and I love a good challenge.

So on the agenda (for now) for 2013..

1. MOM! (Family) - The kids are my priority. Their well being and they're future.
2. My Calling! - Magnifying my calling and raising my bar high.
3. School! - My future reflects the kids future.
4. Individual Worth! - A quality high lighted in Young Women. I will prepare to keep sacred covenants.
5. Service! - We all need help every once in awhile. So while I don't need it, I will give help to others.

Again everyone, HAPPY NEW YEARS! I hope you are just as excited for the new year as I am.

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