"People are often unreasonable, irrational and self centered; forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies; succeed anyway. If you are honest and sincere, people may deceive you; be honest and sincere. What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight; create anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous; be happy anyway. The good you do today, will often be forgotten; do good anyway. Give the best you have and it may never be enough; give your best anyway. In the final analysis, it is between you and God; it was never between you and them anyway." - Mother Theresa

Monday, October 30, 2017

Intermittent Fasting - Week 1

Begin Date – Sunday October 22, 2017 @ 12 am (last ate Saturday Night @ 9-10 pm)
                First window of eating started Sunday @ 12 noon and went until 6 pm. I ate ribs, avocado, broccoli and a whole lot of ranch. Sunday’s eating was not bad. I am not counting calories. My stomach is telling me when to stop. After ending at 6 pm, just kept myself busy to get the time going.

Official Day 1 – Monday October 23,2017                                                            207.2 pounds (morning weight)
                Window of eating continued the same. 12 pm to 6 pm. From the hours of 9 till 12 I was super hungry. My stomach was calling for food. I did have a small headache and you know that feeling you get when you are upside down and the blood rushes down toward your head and you feel that sting in your nose, well that’s what I felt a lot of before I started my eating window and a little bit even after. I do think this is my body adjusting to the changes I am putting on it.

Day 2 – Tuesday October 24, 2017                                                                            203.8 pounds (morning weight)
                Window of eating continued the same. 12pm to 6 pm. The symptoms I felt yesterday morning are similar today just not as bad. I do have a headache and that sting in my nose is very minimal compared to yesterday. I do feel a little more alive to be honest. I feel a little more energy today. For my meal I had pork loin, steamed celery, an avocado and ranch dressing. I also did eat some strawberries. It is currently 3:30 pm and I’m feeling fine. 

Day 3 – Wednesday October 25, 2017                                                                     202.0 pounds (morning weight)
                It’s 8:30 am and I just got to work. Thinking hard about last night. From about 4-8 pm (let’s just say the whole evening) I had a huge headache. I never get headaches in general and I would say it’s simply cause I strong headed and hard headed. I’m the type that doesn’t allow shallow thoughts to cloud my judgement. I just don’t. But last night I had a headache. I hated it. I laid down on the couch and basically played on my phone cause the kids were not helping the need I had for sleep. So, I just laid there. Helpless. But snapchat was a good friend that kept me somewhat entertained. 
                Work is slow today. I been sitting for about 15 minutes and no call. I still work for an inbound call center. But in the comfort of my home is really what makes this job so easy and so great. I have prepped my meal for my 6-hour eating window. I have a California veggie blend and some salmon that is currently defrosting. I will season it in the next few hours.
                I’m down 5 pounds since official day 1 and overall – I’m liking the results, but the adaption is really what sucks. No headache this morning. I’m hoping it stays this way.

Day 4 Thursday October 26, 2017                                                                             201.0 pounds (morning weight)
                A few notes I want to jot down from last night. I was tired. I got off work about 5 pm and went to my niece’s volleyball game and throughout the game as attentive as I was – I couldn’t stop yawning. It was weird. I was there, alert and completely lost in the game, yet I was tired. When my niece scored the winning point kill – I jumped up and screamed at the top of my lungs and that’s when it really hit me. Major migraine. It was like, I there was way too much blood in my head that when I stopped screaming, I had to really stop and think about what was happening in my head. The stinging was so strong. I downed some water and on my way home I felt fine. So, I guess I may just not had enough water yesterday, although if I recall – I had tons of water. Idk. My 12-6-hour window remained the same. I ate Salmon, veggies and a piece of keto chocolate that I made. It was terrible! I threw it all away and relooked at the recipe I used, and it was way wrong. I didn’t put enough sweetener in it. I’ll attempt again here soon.

Day 5 Friday October 27, 2017                                                                                    201.2 pounds (morning weight)
                So today has been quite a good day. My eating window has remained the same. I don’t have any headaches or any off or weird symptoms. I honestly feel pretty good. Now with today being Friday and thinking back on my week, I have not incorporated any physical workouts in – yet. So with me downing about 6 pounds this week without any working out, lets give some workouts a try this next week and see what our numbers look like.
                Mentally, I’m content. I’m not like dying in thoughts of carbs and junk food. I actually have simply kept my mind on the results I want and where I want to be.
                This weekend will not hold any workouts – well I don’t think anyway. But still plan to hold my committed eating window to remain the same.

Day 6-7 Sat-Sun October 28, 2017             201.6 pounds – Sat / 203.2 pounds – Sun (morning weight)
                Ok. So this weekend was a challenging and not so challenging weekend. But I first want to go over Friday night. I got off of work at 4:45 and went with my two brothers to City Creek. We needed to fix a few broken Iphones at the apple store. So we dropped them off and they said that the wait time would be about an hour. This is 6 pm and after my window of eating. My brothers treated Great Steak and I ate a steak salad. So I actually closed my window of eating about 6:30. I didn’t mind. I didn’t push my window out a half hour later the following day, I just continued the committed 12 – 6 window.
                For both Saturday and Sunday – I was able to hold to the committed 12-6 windown and stayed complete keto with my meals. Now Saturday morning I ate a lot of cheese which is probably why I weighed 203.2 that morning. I have these Ziploc bags of cubed Colby jack cheese that are like my “carry around snacks” simply cause anytime I leave the house, food is just about everywhere. So I satisfy my watering mouth with my go to snacks. -=) But overall – Saturday was great!

                Sunday was also great. I ate a whole lot of sheep with keto ranch and grilled chicken with keto ranch. I haven’t had a sweet tooth yet which I am surprised with tomorrow being Halloween and all. I’m refraining just fine from all the candy the kids are obtaining through all these local Halloween parties and trunk-or-treats. 

“Overall – my first week, I am satisfied. It was rough in the beginning but I want to say that that was just me adapting to the changes both mentally and physically. I am happy with the results and can’t wait to see what this weeks challenges bring me.”

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