"People are often unreasonable, irrational and self centered; forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies; succeed anyway. If you are honest and sincere, people may deceive you; be honest and sincere. What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight; create anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous; be happy anyway. The good you do today, will often be forgotten; do good anyway. Give the best you have and it may never be enough; give your best anyway. In the final analysis, it is between you and God; it was never between you and them anyway." - Mother Theresa

Monday, November 6, 2017

Intermittent Fasting - Week 2

Day 8 Monday October 30, 2017 = 201.6 pounds (morning weight)
                Woke up this morning and weighed myself at 201.6 and am super happy with where I am at. I look at myself in the mirror and simply feel good. Even though my number are coming down slow, which I think should be since I am not working out just yet – I can tell my body is changing.

Day 9 Tuesday October 31, 2017 = 200.8 pounds (morning weight)
                Thinking about all the changes that have happened with the whole Intermittent Fasting I can say that as of right now, I feel really good. Those headaches I had at the beginning are gone. The stinging feel in my nose are now gone. I want to say that my body has now adjusted to the new changes. The fasting period is now normal to me. I do continue to stay mentally focused on the timing of my eating window. Overall as of now – I’m loving this new change.

Day 10 Wednesday November 1 = 200.4 pounds (morning weight)
                So since yesterday was Halloween, I held out my eating window for 1 hour, up until 7 pm. All for what? One piece of chocolate. Lol Now I made this chocolate. It’s a recipe I found on Pinterest. It’s called Keto Chocolate. The ingredients consist of; unsweetened baker’s chocolate, real butter, heavy cream and stevia. It tasted like chocolate and my one little piece I ate had satisfied my Halloween sweet tooth cravings. Lol
                Today has been good so far. I did randomly wake up at 3 am and couldn’t go back to sleep which was surprising cause I was the one walking the kids around the neighborhood doing all the trick or treating. I wasn’t tired at all and we hit our entire neighborhood which also surprised me. But yeah, I wasn’t tired, I was just cold. I’m wondering if my sleep patterns might change now that I have adapted to an 18:6 Intermittent Fasting routine.

Day 11 Thursday November 2, 2017 = 199.4 pounds (morning weight)
                I woke up at around midnight and couldn’t sleep. As I said yesterday, I’m wondering if I’m going through a sleeping habit change. I stayed up until about 4 am and got a lot of house work done. I’m feeling good and I’m still going strong on my intermittent fasting. I don’t feel weary or tired right now even though I had a weird awakening early this morning. I feel strong both physically and even mentally.

Day 12 Friday November 3, 2017 = 199.4 pounds (morning weight)
                Today. I feel good. =)

Day 13/14 Saturday November 4 & 5, 2017 199.2 pounds/198.6 pounds (morning weights)
                Alright so this weekend was not bad at all. The timing and food option was actually completely on point. Saturday my nephews had championship football games and the games finished about 1 pm. Which afterward we all celebrated at King Buffet. Now this restaurant is one of my favorites. I have never loved string beans as much as I did this day. I had beef and chicken and shrimp also. I was soooo stuffed that I was sure I was going to gain the following morning. But to my surprise I lost almost a full pound. I was so ecstatic Sunday morning. I also tested myself to see where I am in Ketosis and tested in full Ketosis. I was happy about that too.
Sunday was Tamara’s Birthday and she loves chocolate cake. It wasn’t hard at all refraining from all the sweets that were around. The only thing that I do need to work on is drinking more water.

“Second Week was easy breezy! I really handled this week like a champ and didn’t have any weaknesses in cravings or over indulging in the foods that I am currently eating. Third week can Bring It On!”


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