"People are often unreasonable, irrational and self centered; forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies; succeed anyway. If you are honest and sincere, people may deceive you; be honest and sincere. What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight; create anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous; be happy anyway. The good you do today, will often be forgotten; do good anyway. Give the best you have and it may never be enough; give your best anyway. In the final analysis, it is between you and God; it was never between you and them anyway." - Mother Theresa

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Taking A Step Back

She's grown up so much since this picture.

I've been keeping an eye on Tamara and I watch her do things. Not at any particular time or anything, I sometimes just sit back and watch her do whatever it is she's doing. And I ask myself if, with Henele being around and with my attention on him instead of her at different points in our day, if it affects her in any way. 

I had cried my heart out one morning.

I was busy giving Henele his bath and dressing him and also giving him his "asthma" treatment.. All of which would be a good hour of "mommy" work. Throughout all that time, she had been crying for me to fill up her sipi cup of juice. Later that night I watching her sleep I cried thinking back on it and remembering my perspective of Tamara while my full focus was on Henele. And I had remembered her constantly saying, "Pees, pees!" or sticking the sipi cup in my face and I had took it from her and threw it to the side saying, "go watch tv." I was so frustraded with Henele not in a good mood and Tamara in my face. 

This is one of those times a Mom wishes she could duplicate herself, or simply have another 2 sets of hands.

Finally after I give Henele his treatment and give him a bottle, he falls asleep and I put him in his crib. I go out to the living room to check on Tamara and I find her sleeping on the couch with her empty sipi cup and tear trails had dried on her cheeks.

I remember as I watched her sleep, not even in a comfortable position, I fell to my knees and cried to her. I said, "Im so sorry Tamara!" I put her in a comfortable position with a pillow and one of her favorite blankets and I sat next to her and just watched her sleep. With a too late filled sipi cup I tucked it in with her to sleep with and gave her a big hug and kiss. 

It's times like that, that really make me take a step back and it refreshes my mentality as a mother. My patience was tested that morning and even though that morning I totally bombed it, it actually is my reminder every time I run into the same situation. 

It happens, when they are both fussy at the same time, but now, when it does, I remember that morning I dropped to my knees and pleaded with Tamara saying, sorry and I just push myself harder to tend to the both of them at the same time. 

It's a skill and I believe, I'm not too far from mastering it. =)

She's a huge huge huge help to me! She's so smart and the one thing I love the most about my Tamara Leethee, is how independent she is. She likes to do things on her own and when I try and help sometimes, she tells me no and does it on her own. I'm blessed with such an amazing angel. She has shined so much light in my life that things now are so clear!


Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Child First And Always

You know... if I had my laptop, blogging would be so much more fun and a lot easier. As much as I'd love to blog everyday, I unfortunately have to use the computer in the Big House that is shared by everyone. Which is fine with me, don't get me wrong... it's just that my chances of getting to the computer when no one else is on, is quite a challenge.

But anyway, lots has happened since my last entry. So lets get started!

Work has been quite a challenge. Having to watch the kids, get them up and ready in the morning and fed is a whole kinda process. It's not as hard as people might view. But there are those times when they are both crying and I can only do so much within my power. But all in all, we get through those rocky times.

I've only been working about a month, it's an on call job and technically, I'm only part time. The pay is good, the work is work. But when you hit those times when you are stuck with having to take the kids here and there to be watched after while I work is where things get a little tough.

Now that spring is in full bloom, I have recently learned that Henele is allergic to the pollen in the air. It's what triggers his airways making the muscles around his air pipes to tighten and it lessens is intake and out take of breathing. Then to add the fact that while all this allergic reaction is happened, he's sick with the flu. That adds mucus to his respiratory airway and mind you, a little baby can't cough up all that mucus so it helps by clogging his already tightened airways and makes it that much harder for him to simply breath.

I know right? POOR HENELE!!   

Theres Henele Friday night on May 11. Grandma gave him a warm bath and we slowly added cold water to get his temperature down. At the time he was hovering 100 degrees give or take a couple degrees.

Not really having a fun bath time. But there they are.

Soon after his bath, me and my mom finally decided that we should take him into the hospital and have him checked out. So I wake up Lee who is only 2 minutes away from us and we are on our way to Primary Children's Medical Center at about 2 am. 

Hoping that everything was ok, we are admitted into the hospital with RSV and Paraflu. 

"Ahhh shucks!"

I keep these things and put them in their baby books. But theres Heneles very second tag. =( I really need to keep these tags to a minimum though.

From May 11 at about 2 am to May 15, we were there for about 4 close to 5 days. By far the longest time I've been away from my Tamara Leethee, but definitely enjoyed every bit of mommy-son time! Just wish it didn't have to be in a hospital setting! =)

Boy were me and Hene so excited to leave the hospital. As nice as the nurses and aids were, it just wasn't home. And he was doing fine the last two days we were there anyway. 

A couple days after we get home from the hospital, Tamara and Henele are back to the same old. They laugh forever long and then they are mad at each other... I know right? I don't know what the deal is with it, but that what they do.

This one looks like Henele is telling Tamara, "Thats what you get." hahaha.. Even though she did nothing wrong..

Now Henele is giving me the rocks eye brow... 
But soon after there little ignorance, they will go right back to laughing and playing again..
Kids huh?..

So while I was in the hospital, I watched an episode of Dr. Oz. And one of his segments was on this juice drink that if you drink it before every meal, it helps you burn fat. It's called the swimsuit slimdown juice and consists of...

1 cup of Grapfruit Juice
1 Tbsp of Apple Cider Vinegar
1 Tbsp of Honey

Me and my dad have been drinking this goodness for about a week now and let me tell you, I really do believe it burns your fat! So try it out.. If you need it or are just curious.. =)

Welp.. My son is doing A WHOLE LOT BETTER.. its been going on a week since we left the hospital and he's been a tough little one and I'm proud of him!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Big Sis And Lil Bro Time!!

Ive been trying for some time to get Tamara to want to make friends with the other kids in Nursery and I'm just having the hardest time. She plays with kids and then she doesn't.. She only stays by me where I sit with Hene but most Sundays she will only stay so close to me. There was one Sunday she got along with the other girls and war running around with them. But I want her to be so comfortable that I can just drop her off and go to class.

It's still a working progress!

Coming home from church is a process. But an easy one. There's Hene in his little Jumper Grandma and Grandpa bought him. Tamara had lost Hene's Church shoes so he wore some Nikes that matched his suit! He's outgrowing it way too fast though.

Tamara getting ready this morning. We had a good morning! We got ready and went to go visit Grandma Silivia at the cemetery. It's been awhile since I've gone to visit her. And this was my first time taking Henele. So it was pretty special for our little family!

Big Sister taking care of Little Brother

"Fatch" Mickey Henele!

Smile for the camera!

She loves her little Brother so much! I'm so proud of her!

Henele has chunky thighs!

Henele looks a little worried in this pic! lol I don't blame him.. ha

Somethings got their attention!

"Mom! Where did Tamara go?!"... Awwww! lol

Just one last thing I want to blog about!.... Let me show you though.. haha

Via gets blonde streaks!! lol 

So I was hanging out with Valerie and Loisi yesterday after church and this is pretty much what we did! What do you think?

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Just An Update

So yesterday while I was working, Tamara and Hene were home with the family and June says to Tamara, "Your nose is ugly!"... He repeats that a couple times cause she had boogers all over her nose... (which has always been normal).. But then Tamara looks at him with a serious face and says, "Stop!"... hahaha.. Him and my Mom started laughing!..

At church.. when we are sitting in Sacrament. Tamara likes to play with Hene, also the Tuaones that sit behind us.. but it's really more Koloi and Drewby playing with Tamara.. They share snacks and everything.. lol.. But anyway.. let me tell you.. Tamara is the ONLY ONE that knows how to make Henele laugh hard.. So while were sitting in Sacrament, Tamara will be playing the Henele and then all of a sudden you hear Henele bust out laughing and everyone around us just starts laughing.. Henele's baby laugh is just hilarious.. You can't help but laugh.

Me and my mom were talking the other day and she was telling me how it's good that there's two of them cause they have eachother to play with.. and it's so true! The relationship they have as a brother and sister is one that I just love so much! The way Tamara cares and protects her brother makes me feel so good as a mom. And the way Henele knows his sister very well is just incredible. I hope I can keep this up with them that they can grow up with this same relationship throughout their lives. They're there for eachother now and I want them to be the same way 20 years from now!

We're a happy family. Just a 3 taking on each day at a  time. I know we'll make it. 

I was asked by one of my clients Lori if I wanted to get married again and have more kids.. That's something I do think of from time to time.. And I honestly just don't know. Right now things are good for me and more importantly, the kids. As far as what me and Lori discussed, I'm just going as things go. Whatever happens will happen.... So basically, I'm just going with the flow.

Well, there's a quick update and Via, Tamara and Henele. Were enjoying the ride so far! =)