"People are often unreasonable, irrational and self centered; forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies; succeed anyway. If you are honest and sincere, people may deceive you; be honest and sincere. What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight; create anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous; be happy anyway. The good you do today, will often be forgotten; do good anyway. Give the best you have and it may never be enough; give your best anyway. In the final analysis, it is between you and God; it was never between you and them anyway." - Mother Theresa

Sunday, March 16, 2014


So... Jacob.

He's a Prophet of old. And I'm only going to hit the main points of his story.

I sat in Sunday School today and Brother Warner was teaching. Now his teaching method is very... what's the word.. "open".. So in a sense, its very open discussion. He likes to print off his lesson and read it straight from the paper. I'm not complaining or anything, everyone has their own teaching methods and when your heart begins to yearn for growth, you take what you get. Simple enough ya? So.. I'm sitting in class and although I've sat in many of his classes, this one in particular had my attention for some reason. It could have been the topic, it could have been the spirit.. I don't know what it was. I just know that I was suppose to be there for that lesson. I guess you can call it a gut feeling.

I usually don't make it to the beginning of Sunday School cause I'm still in Primary helping run that program before I try and get to Sunday School for myself. I walked in and Brother Warner was talking about "love at first sight."

Go figure.. I cringe at the thought of love. I just don't think it's in the cards for me. Not in this life anyway. I'll maybe get into a little more feeling details later on.. not sure if it's necessary yet.

He goes on saying that "love at first sight" is possible. And plainly says, "If anyone asks you if love at first sight is real, you can say yes because your Sunday School Teacher said so." lol He then asks directly to a few members of the class.. "how did you meet your spouse?" or "What were you looking for in a spouse before you married?"

Now is that something awkward for someone like me? ummmmm YES! lol I wanted to walk out and just go sit in the Chapel and wait till it was time to go pick up Hene from his class.

If I was asked either of those questions... I'm sure my face would have turned pink. haha But he did apologize if the topic and what they were discussing offended anyone. And I'm sure he was referring to me and Ani who was sitting in the back, cause we are both Single Mothers. But, I wasn't offended. To my surprise, I was open minded. I took in whatever he discussed with the class and lets just say, I accepted it.

Now, back to Jacob. Jacob was the Son of Rebekkah and Isaac. Jacob loved Rachel. This is the story Brother Warner leads into from his "love at first sight" bit. Jacob pretty much had love at first sight with Rachel. Rachel was the daughter of Laban. When Jacob sought to pursue Rachel, he approached Laban and asked what he needed to do to have Rachel. Laban required him to work for him for 7 years.

Would men do this today?.. No.

Jacob worked his 7 years.

Rachel had a sister. Lea. Lea was older then Rachel and back then it was custom that the oldest was to get married first.

Laban tricked Jacob into marrying Lea by putting a vale over Lea instead of Rachel. Jacob went to Laban and asked why he tricked him into marrying Lea. And he explained how the oldest gets married first. Then Jacob asks again. What do I need to do to have Rachel? Laban, again said work for him for another 7 years.

Jacob worked his 7 years and finally married Rachel. Yes, Jacob married sisters but back then, things were more "legal" then they are now.

There is much more to the story. What I didn't know.. was that between, Jacob and his two wives, they bore the 12 sons who we know today as "The 12 tribes of Israel." I thought that was cool. I knew bits and pieces to the story, I just never connected them till today.

Anyway.. Jacob in the end, ended up working for Laban for 21 years because He loved Rachel.

That's a lifetime to me. And I couldn't imagine what things were like back then or the kinds of struggles they had to endure waiting for 21 years.

All I really am trying to say is - Love.

I'm not afraid to Love. I'm afraid of Love. In my 24 years. It's been End Love. We search for Endless Love. Right?

Well. If another chapter opens up to me, then I'll let it unfold on it's own.

But I have already prepared myself mentally and emotionally, to not dwell on what might not even be there.

Let us all Carpe Diem, Enjoy Life and Stop to smell the roses.

xoxo Via

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