They're growing. They could never glimpse the amount of love I am able to hold because of them. I continue to stand in unbelief of how incredible it is to be a mom. I wouldn't have my life any other way. They get bigger and bigger each and every day and here and there I will stand still and watch as they go through their day. I watch for reactions, speech, laughter, smiles, and tears.
I lay here next to Henele and look at how much he has grown and ponder back on that cold winter night I took a picture of him in a Santa Hat laying ever so peaceful in a blue blanket lined wooden basket. He was so little then. I remember him as big as my forearm. He was so light I could carry him in one arm and get other things done with the open arm. He was so fragile.
Tamara was always so alert. I remember thanksgiving dinner 2009. She wore a purple outfit with white sneakers and a white headband and her eyes as dark pearl as they were would never flinch. She would watch as we all glared at her as a newborn. She always clenched her hands tight that if I wanted to stretch them out in hand form she would grasp even tighter to keep her clench in tact.
Henele is now cutting it close to Tamara in height and has just about tied in weight. It still amazed me that at 24 months he was drinking an entire 16 oz bottle with ease and in one single sitting. He does it flawlessly now. He's grown to be such a fun kid. He now is beginning to talk to me in full swing conversation. He mirrors many things he hears and can fully count to 10. He has not yet been potty trained nor am I pushing him to but I do know that corner is coming up quick.
Tamara can operate the Ipad far better then I can and is way too smart for her age. She amazes me with her heart. She takes care of Henele. Whether crying or screaming, Tamara is his go to girl. Through rain, she pulls his hood over his head and explains it will keep his head warm. Through sunshine, she puts his shoes on and directs him through their bike trails in the driveway. Through play, she teaches him how to and where to throw the ball or where to pile their rocks or where to hide the candy they stole from Grandma's purse.
My little team stays on point and even through our downfalls, we always rise above our weakness and turn them into strengths to ensure our happiness and growth. My little team keeps me on my toes and my brain stimulated with what I need. My little team is getting stronger and wiser as we go throughout our weeks. My little teams stays 100. My little team follows in the meekness of his light. My little team forever tries to lives as he did.
My little team.
xoxo Via
"People are often unreasonable, irrational and self centered; forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies; succeed anyway. If you are honest and sincere, people may deceive you; be honest and sincere. What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight; create anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous; be happy anyway. The good you do today, will often be forgotten; do good anyway. Give the best you have and it may never be enough; give your best anyway. In the final analysis, it is between you and God; it was never between you and them anyway." - Mother Theresa
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