"People are often unreasonable, irrational and self centered; forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies; succeed anyway. If you are honest and sincere, people may deceive you; be honest and sincere. What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight; create anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous; be happy anyway. The good you do today, will often be forgotten; do good anyway. Give the best you have and it may never be enough; give your best anyway. In the final analysis, it is between you and God; it was never between you and them anyway." - Mother Theresa

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Like A Boss

It's been a long ass time since I've felt this good consistently. 

Key word - constant.

Since I made the choice to leave Leroy, it's like everything is finally right. Everything is back in order and I feel like I can take on anything.

I remember when we were still together, I had his help with the kids and things seemed to be manageable for the kids. But there was honestly I time where I sat and thought, "how in the hell did I do all that I did when I was a single mom!" I remember feeling overwhelmed at a point and we were in a pretty good position.

Now - It all makes sense.

I want to say, you can honestly take on the heaviest of loads single hand without any interruption or issue when things in your life are simply in order.

Now that Leroy is not longer a factor in our everyday living, I feel like I can take on the world. 

I feel that motivation, that adrenaline. And looking back on when I was questioning it all - I now understand.

With that be said and explained. 

I am still going strong with Sutter Health in the Billing Department. I've made a few changes to my path.

I have put in a request to work from home. I stayed in the office simply to try and promote and move up but I feel like I have plateaud  and there are a few too many people that are just seniority to me that it would take me some time to get to the next step up which is a lead. 

So, I want to work from home. I will still remain full time and I will even do my best to pick up overtime hours on saturday and sunday to make some extra money.

In addition to working full time, I plan to be as involved as I possibly can in the academics. I want to be part of the PTA Staff at the school and help out as best I can to keep in line with the kids at school.

While we are at it, we are also going to add EXTRA curriculum and Henele will be playing flag football while Tamara plays Basketball this fall where I also plan to help coaching basketball.

THIS is what it was like when I was divorced the first time. I felt like I could take on the world and it honestly feels like I am capable of doing so.

I'm just simply happy that I am finally in a good place in my life along with the kids.Now all that left is finding my one true love lol and taking on the world together. 

In the meantime, lets take on this fall season like a boss ayyyee??


Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Glass Half Full

First Day of School!! Can you believe it? Tamara is now in the Second Grade and Henele will be in Kindergarten! 

Please allow me a few minutes to cry.

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Im just having one of those mommy moments. 

Tamara is the oldest going to school so her responsibilities just jumped up high. Henele and Nauleni are both in Kindergarten and in different classes. So making sure they are in the right line when the school bell rings and finding them after school to go wait by the flag pole for someone to pick them up is now her job. 

Im honestly excited for the school year. I plan to be a thousand times more involved in their school plans, education and classes. Last year was a little difficult to say the least givin a lot of my focus was elsewhere. But now that things are falling back into place, they will have a so much better mom involved in their school lives. 

Tamara and Henele,
I am super proud of both of you. I know things have been a little hard on you guys with your dad and I splitting, but do know that regardless of our differences, it does not change the unconditional love we have for you two. Me more then him, lol. =) With the new school year starting, I vow to do my best to help you each and everyday to help you succeed in scholar. 

I love you both sooo very much. I can't wait to see what this school year has in store for you both. Let's take on the new year head strong and take it on Day by Day.

Forever, Mommy.

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Tonight as I got the kids in the house to get them to bed and everything, Henele walks into the room and says, "mom, I can do the prayer." Talk about parent winning moment. It really opened my eyes and brought warmth to my heart knowing that the basics are right there with them. =)

Last thing I wanted to post for the night is this.

2 Days ago, Judge Faust signed off on my divorce. I am officially Via Langi again. Yes, it's a sad ending but I like to look at things glass-half-full and this is really the beginning to a new start. A fresh start at life and how {{I}} want to live it. 

I am happy. It's as simple as that.


Sunday, August 20, 2017

To Love And Be Loved

Falling in love. Falling out of love. Falling in love. Falling out of love.

Tonight's post is simply on - LOVE.

The question has been hovering about for a little while now. Where do I stand on love? So I'm going to break it down into two sub-categories.

1. What I've learned from love.
2. Where I am at with love.

Love is only real when it's genuine/authentic. I ran across a saying a little while back.

"Since sex got easier to get, love got harder to find."

This rings sooo true in what reflects the world today. Nothing is genuine anymore. This saying 100% reflects the roots of Leroy and I. We started off this way and it all ultimately just came crashing down. Asking myself if any of it was genuine, I can say - at least from my standpoint is NO. None of it was genuine, again, at least from my side of the relationship. I even remember a point in time where I told myself that if just went through the motions of loving him as if it were genuine, it would somehow and some way, turn into the real thing.

It never did.

The love I have for Tamara and Henele - now that is genuine. That I see clear as day of true love, real love. That has not question whatsoever. So I know of a love that is true.

But let's break it down a little deeper and further for JUST MYSELF AND A POTENTIAL PARTNER.

With the history I've had, we are talking (technically typing) 8 almost 9 years of a fake or pretend love. Thinking back on all my past relationships, I have never known a real love.

So how do know when it's real?

That's the real question. Which leads me to where I am at with love.

Lately, I've had this mindset that - some people were meant to simply be alone. I feel this way. Maybe I was meant to be alone, no partner, no husband/boyfriend, just alone. And so I asked myself, can someone find happiness in an "alone" life? Cause that's why we find love right? love equals happiness equals life equals progression in the different aspects of life equals someone to share and love and hope and dream with.

But, if this wasn't an option for you. Lets just say that you've put yourself out there, you've mended and molded your personality, your character and even have the ability to adapt to accommodate your partner, and yet - alone is the result. is there something wrong with me or is no one really up to par for me? lol

I don't want to sound stubborn or big headed in any way cause maybe there really is something wrong with me.

I am open minded to it. But I can't let my life pass me by waiting for him to show up. So if he's out there, he will find me. He will know how lucky he is cause he will know how lucky I am. There will be no hiccups, questions or regrets. That's where I stand.

In the meantime - I will be doing what I do best. Taking it Day by Day, one project at a time,savoring every memorable moment as they come and simply live all while I WAIT.

If he shows up, he shows. If not, I will not hold back on all the dreams and plans I have in the works for this crazy thing called life.

I love and will love when the time is right and genuine.


ppssstttt. I LOVE 2017. It's been soooo good to me. =)

Sunday, August 13, 2017

My Hearbeat

Was thinking hard on my Son lately. So I thought to write an update on all that is currently Henele.

Thinking back on him this little really makes my heart jump. He has come soooo far. And because of him, I feel like as a mom, I'm doing it right. =)

I remember buying those DC Shoes from Ross. lol He wore them like twice cause we lost a pair.

One of my favorite outfits when he was younger. This was also one of my favorite photo shoots of the kids together.

During his preschool days when I would drop the kids off at school he would kiss me "most" mornings. I remember one of the other moms in his class complimented me cause the kids were all lined up to head into class and all the kids would wave bye to their parents and Henele would be the only one to scream out loud, "MOM! I LOVE YOU!" That mom would say, "you have an amazing kid."

I'm in love.

Take a look at a few snapchat clips of him recently. this will give you an idea of his personality type right now. lol

Henele O' Vikster. What A Kid!! He is sooo funny and keeps me SANE. When I'm stressed or overwhelmed, all I gotta do is be with him and I'm back to where I should be. I literally cannot function on a daily without him. I love my Henele O' Vikster. I couldn't be a more proud mom


Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Gonna Have A Good Day

I'm gonna have a good day.

You know that song by, I think Nappy Rootz - Good Day??

This one.

I get to work everyday and I have this morning routine thing where I am always singing this in my head simply to put out into the universe that, IM GONNA HAVE A GOOD DAY. And most days, this works.

I'm sitting here at work and it's kinda slow and I thought to write a post to catch up on  the topic of "work"... I don't know if I've written about this, but I'm going to catch up on what it is I actually do at work. =)

I work for Sutter Physician Services. Sutter is a Medical Foundation located primarily in California.

I work in the Billing Department. I would say that overall, I do enjoy and like my job. I don't think I could have said that about my last job, no offense to the Printing Division. But what I do, I actually have no issues waking up in the morning and going to work.

It is a call center. I know what you may be thinking, 'oh no, another call center." But it's really not like that. I feel like I am in an actual doctors office. The calls that I take really make a difference in someone's life.

One of the better benefits of working in the field that I am in is understanding insurance. I didn't have the knowledge I have today to the extent that it is currently at. Medical insurance can be so complex but after working for Sutter for a year now, I understand and apply this knowledge into my own life.

I went to the pharmacy the other day to pick up Tamara's prescription and normally I would pay $20some dollars. This time, I pulled out both insurance cards and looked in the benefits on both and am now paying $6 for her prescription.

I've been paying this $20some dollar prescription once a month for at least the last year. Image all the money I could have saved just by understanding insurance.

Anyway, here is update on my Sutter Job. A job is a job but A job that you like can potentially turn into a profession or a career.

Tamara and Henele,

Love what you do. Sometimes you might have to go through the harder parts of a job in order to find a liking to what your doing. Patience is key to anything and everything you do in a day. Learn to take a step back and take it all in. Work hard so you can play hard and "pay hard" lol Bills will be constant so incorporate all the blessings around your burdens so you can have a well balanced lifestyle. =)


Tuesday, August 1, 2017


Nothing bugs me more then ratchet people that start or say crap that is unnecessary and completely IRRELEVANT to them to begin with.

I stopped by the store earlier today and this random lady WITH her kids walks by me and says, "ghetto ass" I knew damn well she was talking about me. Minding my own business and all. I've had my fair share of fights in my life and I would honestly say at the age of 27 almost 28, I have graduated from that life. But that doesn't mean I can't tap back into old ways. lol

Today, I almost felt that adrenaline and I may have very well retaliated how my adrenaline wanted to.

But I didn't. Simply cause Tamara and Hene were with me. I just walked away.

Don't let ratchet people bring you down. It's a waste of time.