Dear Son,
We are now 33 weeks along with you and I just wanted to take this time to thank you for all of the most recent SLEEPLESS nights we've had together. I can tell you like party like a rock star till the sun comes back up in the morning. I can tell that one year from now, as you start learning how to walk, you will already be a huge HEADACHE to me.
As we come to a close of this pregnancy in preparation for your arrival, I know right this second you hold all the cards, but BE PREPARED! Your cards will only last you another 7 weeks, SO USE THEM WISELY! Come December there is only one thing you will always know...
Your Mother Is No Joke!
Other than that, I can't wait to meet you. You already make me happy, minus the cramps and bladder jabs. We will see ya in 7 weeks, give or take a day or two!
Love you forever,
Your Mother