"People are often unreasonable, irrational and self centered; forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies; succeed anyway. If you are honest and sincere, people may deceive you; be honest and sincere. What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight; create anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous; be happy anyway. The good you do today, will often be forgotten; do good anyway. Give the best you have and it may never be enough; give your best anyway. In the final analysis, it is between you and God; it was never between you and them anyway." - Mother Theresa

Monday, April 30, 2012

On The Upside!!

After I say my morning prayer, I like to sit and Meditate. I try and get up as early as I can so I can do it while the kids are still asleep. But this is what my body posture looks like "most" mornings. What I think while I meditate are 1. The Kids and what I am going to do that day to make them smile. 2. Think about the chapter I read in the good book the night before and try and apply what I learned into my daily life, whether comparing it to something I actually do that helps me progress or just feeling the spirit. 3. Family. How I can lift the burden of me and the kids off their loads for me to carry on my own. 4. Work. How I can outshine my co workers so I can be "top-notch"..

Meditation really does help me. I feel like a clear my mind. It's a clean slate for the new day, ready for me to put a whole new load on. It's great!

So, the CNA Program I did through SLCC is done. CHECK!.. The 6 week program was only a 4 week program for me. There are 2 tests that have to be taken to be CERTIFIED. I've done one so far. It was the written test and the test is scheduled for 2 hours, I finished in 30 minutes. The next test that I still need to take is the Skills Test. Then after I pass that one, I will be certified. But in the mean time I've been applying for jobs, and guess what? I GOT A JOB!! lol 

Last Thursday I applied for this company called Homewatch Caregivers. They called me Thursday and we scheduled and interview. Went in Friday and was hired and Saturday, I started. So yes! I'm back in the workfield! I'm making pretty good $$, and it will help me and the kids a lot to get things more together then just living off of Leroy's $440 a month. It helps, but not as much as I would like, for the kids. But anyway. I'm working and my little 4 week training through school is now paying off!

As far as our family biggest loser goes, I feel like it's just me and my Dad competing. We are the only ones that have really lost any weight. This week is now week 4 of the competition. Here's my progress...

204.4 (starting weight)
Week 1:      197.6      -6.8 pounds
Week 2:      193.8      -3.8 pounds
Week 3:      188.4      -5.4 pounds
188.4 (current weight)

I'm pretty much proud of myself. I'm getting back in shape. I finished my training course at SLCC. And I got a job as a CNA. I continue to get blessed and I find myself happier then ever. My kids are just as amazing. and they are still by my side cheering me on to do my best!

But the picture up there IS MY GOAL! How I would love to wear a shirt like that, with ABS like that and go to the gym and show them other girls WHATS UP! hahaha.. So silly.. But I really do want to feel like a badass once I get toned.


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Welcome Back!!

What's meant to be, will be. It's better for you to be hated for who you are then loved for who you are not. Don't let what others think define who you are. Be bold and courageous, when you look back on your life you will regret the things you didn't do more then the things you did. What appears to be the end is really a new beginning. 

This past Saturday I went through the Bountiful Temple! It was my first time. The feeling reminded me of when I had Tamara and Henele. I just couldn't put the words together to describe how I felt. Since Saturday, I've thought over and over again of what it was like, the things I saw, the feeling I felt and I can't help but want to go back and experience it over and over again until I understand clearly of everything that goes on. 

Walking through those doors and that feeling you get when you're about to do work is a feeling I've deprived myself of for quite some time. It's been 3 maybe even 4 years since I've gone in the Temple. The feeling of coming back a second time after making decisions that were of no benefit to me, is a feeling that I know, and I really do mean it when I say 'I KNOW' this gospel is true. I hold it so close to my heart. There was a point in my life where I literally wanted to blame my struggle on everything OTHER then myself. 

One thing I know for sure is that this gospel has never once turned it's back on me. I turned my back and I've now come to an understanding that I, not only as a Mom but as a Daughter of God need to grasp this gospel with all my might, mind and strength for my kids. More for them, then for me.

The entire ride up to the Temple, during the Temple Session and even the ride home, one thing sat in my mind and heart. I didn't share it with anyone, I just held it in my heart and said a prayer and prayed for it to my Heavenly Father. To get sealed to my kids. Right now my kids are not sealed to me and the day I can go to the Temple WITH THEM to be sealed for all time and eternity will be THE HAPPIEST DAY OF MY LIFE!! Hands down! 

I don't know what plans Heavenly Father has for me as far as ever getting married again or even getting back into the whole dating again. But I know that if I stay steadfast and obey, he will help me find a way. 

I need to find inner peace. I need to find that balance in my life that will help me stay strong. I'm so set on doing this on my own. With a father for them, that I sometimes question if I really can or the "what if I fail".. I don't want to fail. I want them to be happy and I want to give them the best that I can. 

Well, I'm still truggin along guys.. I won't give in. I will continue to go forward and do my best!

They are amazing!!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Monster Crew Campout!!

So Im not sure if I've ever blogged about "Monster Crew" before.. but just a brief description of how the crew came about is back when the first four grandkids were born, Christina, Vikita, Leipua and Chester (Jay).... my brother Junior out of the blue started to call them, "The Monster Crew"... probley cause they were all monsters and this generation pretty much gets what they want. After we used to the whole "Monster Crew" name for the kids, June came up with a saying...


So anytime we throw an event mainly for the kids, it's always entitled, "The Monster Crew"...

So last night we had a campout for all the kids and I honestly think it was BOMB.COM!!... Here are some pics..

One Tent up and two more to go!

So this pic is from the balcony. We have just about all the tents we needed up.. The fire has started to keep the backyard warm and everyone that belongs is in attendance.

Now this is the backyard to the yellow house, the families newest purchase just this past December.. if you see coco in the top right of the pic thats where we tore down the fence for access of both my parents house and the yellow house.

June and Loisi getting the fire started.. That lovely little fire pit barbeque thing my parents bought at a yardsale maybe two saturdays back.. Dont you just love those Yard Sales!! =) And if you remember the Easter Pics I posted we didn't have this little area put together just yet.. My mom and dad actually put it together just this past week FOR the camp out!

This pic is from the yard up to the balcony. As you can see June and Willy put up that white sheet for the screen we played the movie on.. The movie the kids picked was Happy Feet Two! It was good movie! I really liked it!

There is CoCo busting a move by the fire thingy... 

Theres big and little Luseane and then Tamara Leethee whos probley up to no good! As usual. lol

haha.. Hene looks at the sky as if he's never been outside before in his life.. But he was so chill while everyone got everything together.

Sunshine and Henry Benry!

When these two team up, its OVER! and poor coco is forced into Tamaras little evil doings! hahaha

Ok. So theres my fat self in the front yard.. me and my sisters were on our way to the store to get my mom some chicken and to pick up the pizza.. Theres that little Donkey yard ornament thing and I told Loisi to take a pic of me.. That poor Donkey huh? hahah

First that poor Donkey, then that poor Tree!! hahahah But that Loisi hanging from a tree branch. =)

The morning after. Me, Hene and Tamara didn't actually Camp.. We went to our house to sleep and then woke up and Hene and Tamara continued with the rest of their party.. Theyre over there right now while I blog! lol thanks June and Willy! =)

And just a closer look of my parents creation and what kept the Monster Crew warm last night in their tents! =)

Well.. more fun times with the kids! and definitely more planned ahead of us! Our summer will more then likely be a lot of this backyard camping stuff, cause it's free! lol Life is good. Next up on the agenda is, Me, Mone and Lee going through the Bountiful Temple. TODAY!.. Way excited! =)

Have a good Weekend everyone!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Party Party!!


She is now 7 years old! They grow up waaaay too fast! I remember holding her as a baby. Shoot. I remember the phone call Kuuipo gave me when she took that pregnancy test! haha I was the first one she called, Ill never forget! =)

But 7 years later my beautiful niece Sunshine celebrates her birthday at the West Valley Rec Center. Kuuipo had reserved a party room in the play place and bought the "birthday package".. which was very cool cause the rec pretty much provided everything for the party. Table set ups, food/drinks, and even floating toys for the swimming pool.

I was able to get a couple pics from the party.

Tesi, Alai, Sunshine and Tamara
Why is Tamara already in her swim suit? I have no clue! lol

Annselina, Paul, Losana, Alai, Sunshine, Tesi, Tamara and in the back Teta and C.

Does is surprise us that Tamara is complaining about something? Nope! lol

There she is all ready to swim!

Henele and Luseane didn't make it to this event cause theyre just little babies and it was a bit cold to bring them swimming. But overall, her birthday party was a blast! Thank You Sunshine for inviting the biggest monster in the crew! We love you so much and hope for many more happy birthdays for you to invite us to! lol =)

Monday, April 16, 2012

Operation Ipad!!

This is week two people!! Let me update you all with my losing weight progress. lol

So April 8, I weighed in at 204.4... Oh how I hate the 2 in that number! lol But all last week I got in a 30 minute run monday through saturday! Thank you so much to Mone for helping me with getting my workouts in. He watches the kids while I go to slcc and work out.

My plan is to PACE MYSELF! So for week one, my plan was to run 30 minutes. I wont throw in lifting to my workout till my cardio is up and most of my fat has gone down. So for maybe the first 3 or 4 weeks, Ill be doing straight cardio depending on how my weight is looking by week 3.

This week Ill be running 45 miles with a little more resistance and a higher crossramp. How about that? lol And let me tell you, I just got back from my workout and 45 minutes with the higher crossramp and higher resistance, IS KILLER!! But I love the feeling of my back all sweaty cause then I feel like Im doing it right. haha

I've limited my calories and carbs. I eat 1200 calories a day unless my workout allows a little more. =) Most days last week I stayed under my alotted 1200. The My Fitness Pal says that if I dont eat or hit my 1200 calories a day, Im putting my body into starvation mode.. Do I care? lol hell no! haha

I did pick up this cool little recipe off of pinterest. Lettuce wraps that are only 60 calories a wrap!

You all might be thinking, that looks like some gross stuff.. but for real... IT IS BOMB.COM!! And all it is, is LEAN turkey, minced garlic, cilantro, red pepper flakes, lemon and lettuce. As far as the amounts of each ingredient.. I kinda just added to my liking! haha I loved these wraps and if you ever get a chance at them, I recommend them!

So, I weighed in yesterday morning. And in 1 weeks time, I went from 204.4 DOWN to 197.3! ha! How do you like that transition!? Im back in the 190's! So for week one, I proudly report that I lost about 7 pounds! (6.8 to be exact). 

Im feeling good and still going strong! Im very proud of myself and I cant wait till my results show it!

As far as Tamara and Hene go.. They are my support system, my cheerleaders through this weight loss journey! I love them to pieces and thank God that they are here with me to motivate me through this and just overall in life too! Im truly blessed with two amazing kids and I enjoy them every single day!

Theres my girl supporting me while I make my lettuce wraps! I LOVE YOU GIRL!

Theres my stud muffin! Hes so good in Nursery! He just lays on his blanket on the floor and laughs at all the kids fighting over whatever toy! lol I LOVE YOU SON!

And here they are doing what they do best every night! Getting ready for MOVIE NIGHT! haha

Well, thats all for tonight folks! Upcoming blogs/events include, Sunshines Birthday Party, Tamara Hosts A Monster Crew Campout and Going Through The Temple For The First Time!!

Lots to look forward to! =)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Where Are You Skinny Love?

Me and Tamara treated ourselves to Mc Donalds the Saturday before Easter Sunday. It was sort of a "one last time" thing. I'm not saying we will never see the restaurant again.. oh no no! lol We are too good of friends to let things end hard cold. This is more of a temporary thing. Yes! Temporary! 

General Conference weekend my family got together as we do every year and decided to start a "Family Biggest Loser"... I guess you can say, WERE FAT! lol But for real. I really do think a good amount of us kids are over weight and we could use some sizing down. So us kids as the contestants weighed in with our beginning weight and we have until before Ward Camp for final weigh ins. The person who loses the most weight wins an Ipad! The price of the Ipad is divided into how many contestants there are costing me only $40! What a cheap Ipad huh?

When Tamara meets Tamara! They high five each other and even say prayer together!

So the other night me and Tamara go to Walmart to get Henele some Pedialyte. As we walk into the store this lady is walking out and you could tell she is in a rush cause of how fast she was walking. This lady accidentally bumps into Tamara. As soon as she bumps into her Tamara turns around and yells at the lady, "HEY!" haha.. omg.. I didn't even care cause in a way Tamara was right. There a Enter and Exit door at walmart and the lady not only was walking out the in, but SHE ALSO BUMPED THE WRONG TWO YEAR OLD! 
So anyways.. Back to the Biggest Loser Competition. I weighed in at a WOMPING 204.4 pounds!! OMG!! I know right? What a fatty! Sunday night, I decided I'm gonna win! So I downloaded this app called My Fitness Pal.. And My goal weight is 140. I'd have to lose at least 2 pounds a week to hit my goal by the time I need to hit it!
Today is now Thursday! Day four into the comp and I've already lost 4 pounds!! woohoo!! Good start! I'm way focused! And excited to finally get back in shape! AFTER A MISERABLE 3 YEARS! haha.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter Everyone!! Hope yours was as great as ours! =) lol

Take a look..

Patiently waiting for the Easter Party to start..

Me and my Handsome!

Tamara and Coco get a head start before the big monster crew shows up!

Sunshine, Jay, Christina and Teta

The Babies Henry Benry and Luseane! The eggs came to them! They didn't have to find any at all! lol

THE MOSTER CREW - "One Way In. No Way Out!"

We had a blast yesterday! =) Can you tell? It's always a joy when the family gets together for fun activities. Easter weekend is one of the kids favorites they look forward to every year! I love The Monster Crew with a whole lotta' passion! These kids are what keeps us adults on our feet and going to continue doing what we know is right and right for them! 

Thanks to MI FAMILIA for absolutely everything! I'm glad were such a close family cause I honestly don't see what any of us would do without each other. I guess what I'm trying to say is that..