"People are often unreasonable, irrational and self centered; forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies; succeed anyway. If you are honest and sincere, people may deceive you; be honest and sincere. What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight; create anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous; be happy anyway. The good you do today, will often be forgotten; do good anyway. Give the best you have and it may never be enough; give your best anyway. In the final analysis, it is between you and God; it was never between you and them anyway." - Mother Theresa

Saturday, April 7, 2012

When Thickener Becomes Formula. Uh Oh!

He's growing up so fast! He's now 4 months old as of April 1st and let me tell you, HE'S HUGE! My mom tells me he really does take after Henele lahi (who he's named after). I remember thinking at the hospital of how I kinda didn't want to side towards that name cause of how I don't know who Henele is. But one thing I've learned with all that has gone on in just the past couple years of my life is that...


So as any daughter would do, I trusted my mom with the name she chose and new that it was meant to be, putting aside all my "other" feelings. And thanks to my mom, and giving my son the name Henele, she says he is very well just the same as her Uncle Henele. I love it! Even though I still don't know him and all I get are stories of him and the kind of man he was. I'm proud to have my son named after him. THANK YOU GREAT UNCLE HENELE! OFA LAHI ATU! 

What I love so much about how good Hene is, is that when I have to go to school, I know that I don't have to worry about him cause if anything, he makes babysitting much easier for Grandma and Grandpa.. and Uncles Willy and Mone.

For the past couple days, I could tell something has been bothering Henele. He would cry but no tears. It was that kind of cry where you know something was wrong. But what was it? The only thing Hene really cries about is not getting enough sleep, he's hungry or his diaper is full. He had RSV for a short period of time and even that didn't make him cry. So what was with all the fuss?

After school one night I was talking with my mom about Hene and how he's been crying for who knows what. 

We put the pieces together and found as an answer!

I bet you can put the pieces together now. A bottle was made for Hene and instead of mixing his formula, thickener was mixed into his bottle. Mind you, he drinks a full 8 ounce in one sitting. I know huh? Oh dear! So I look at the can of thickener to see what ingredients are mixed into that goodness and call poison control. Tell me why after I confirmed with them, he was gonna be alright they laughed and said they've never heard this one before. So long as my Henele was ok, I was ok.

Then there is Tamara Leethee. Time flies so fast with her. Look at all that hair. I love it! She gets those nappy roots from me. And as much as I hated my nappy hair growing up, I highly doubt she will hate it. Why? Cause it's that sandy brown color. Its one thing to have normal nappy black hair. But because she has the color (from her dad) I bet Ill be beating up little boys at very young ages for their attempts at my Tamara. So to all you young fellas, THINK AGAIN cause Momma Via will always be ON POINT!

Tamara will be 3 this year. You know what that means.. Time to look into schooling for her. I'm not looking forward to Tamara's first day of school or Pre-School. I will cry my eyes out!!

Here are more recent pics of my two little super stars!

Doing some shopping at Winco!

Lunch Date with my Tamara Girl at her fave Mc Donalds!

Me and Henele driving together! (probley not a good idea to be showing him that stuff so young huh?)

When Sandbox meets Tamara Leethee...Sorry Sandbox! lol

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