"People are often unreasonable, irrational and self centered; forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies; succeed anyway. If you are honest and sincere, people may deceive you; be honest and sincere. What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight; create anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous; be happy anyway. The good you do today, will often be forgotten; do good anyway. Give the best you have and it may never be enough; give your best anyway. In the final analysis, it is between you and God; it was never between you and them anyway." - Mother Theresa

Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Monster Crew Campout!!

So Im not sure if I've ever blogged about "Monster Crew" before.. but just a brief description of how the crew came about is back when the first four grandkids were born, Christina, Vikita, Leipua and Chester (Jay).... my brother Junior out of the blue started to call them, "The Monster Crew"... probley cause they were all monsters and this generation pretty much gets what they want. After we used to the whole "Monster Crew" name for the kids, June came up with a saying...


So anytime we throw an event mainly for the kids, it's always entitled, "The Monster Crew"...

So last night we had a campout for all the kids and I honestly think it was BOMB.COM!!... Here are some pics..

One Tent up and two more to go!

So this pic is from the balcony. We have just about all the tents we needed up.. The fire has started to keep the backyard warm and everyone that belongs is in attendance.

Now this is the backyard to the yellow house, the families newest purchase just this past December.. if you see coco in the top right of the pic thats where we tore down the fence for access of both my parents house and the yellow house.

June and Loisi getting the fire started.. That lovely little fire pit barbeque thing my parents bought at a yardsale maybe two saturdays back.. Dont you just love those Yard Sales!! =) And if you remember the Easter Pics I posted we didn't have this little area put together just yet.. My mom and dad actually put it together just this past week FOR the camp out!

This pic is from the yard up to the balcony. As you can see June and Willy put up that white sheet for the screen we played the movie on.. The movie the kids picked was Happy Feet Two! It was good movie! I really liked it!

There is CoCo busting a move by the fire thingy... 

Theres big and little Luseane and then Tamara Leethee whos probley up to no good! As usual. lol

haha.. Hene looks at the sky as if he's never been outside before in his life.. But he was so chill while everyone got everything together.

Sunshine and Henry Benry!

When these two team up, its OVER! and poor coco is forced into Tamaras little evil doings! hahaha

Ok. So theres my fat self in the front yard.. me and my sisters were on our way to the store to get my mom some chicken and to pick up the pizza.. Theres that little Donkey yard ornament thing and I told Loisi to take a pic of me.. That poor Donkey huh? hahah

First that poor Donkey, then that poor Tree!! hahahah But that Loisi hanging from a tree branch. =)

The morning after. Me, Hene and Tamara didn't actually Camp.. We went to our house to sleep and then woke up and Hene and Tamara continued with the rest of their party.. Theyre over there right now while I blog! lol thanks June and Willy! =)

And just a closer look of my parents creation and what kept the Monster Crew warm last night in their tents! =)

Well.. more fun times with the kids! and definitely more planned ahead of us! Our summer will more then likely be a lot of this backyard camping stuff, cause it's free! lol Life is good. Next up on the agenda is, Me, Mone and Lee going through the Bountiful Temple. TODAY!.. Way excited! =)

Have a good Weekend everyone!!

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