School starts in a week and I have to say, I'm a little nervous. I'm not sure how overwhelming things will be but I know it will be. I hope I don't go insane or worse take out a lot of my stress on the kids. Just training to get my CNA was hard. I was up all night getting homework done, damaging my body with an overload of 5 Hour Energies. Which by the way are so not cheap. And this time around I'm registered doing 12 hour credits. That's 4 classes!!
I had gone to the bookstore at SLCC and the girl that helped me with my books looked at my class schedule and said, "Boy, youre gonna be busy." Right then I thought in my mind, "Oh great. What have I got myself into?"
Two of my classes are online and two I will physically be at school for. I wished I could get them all online so I could stay home with the kids, but failed to get into the classes before they were already filled. Bad move on my part. But still got the classes I needed none the less.
I've been communicating a lot with my special "best friend". He's actually pretty amazing. A great listener. And he's kept my head up a lot these days when things are a little tough. He's enrolled at Weber State and he keeps telling me that we HAVE to get 4.0s.
Before I made the huge mistake of buying my books at the school bookstore which would have costed me about $350, he told me to buy them at So instead of leaving the bookstore with my books, I bought a SLCC Hoodie for $40. I know right? Who spends money like that? I just had to make me an Official Bruin.
I create me an amazon account and shopping online I began. So instead of paying that rediculous $350 I got all my books through amazon for $81!!!! omg HUGE SAVINGS! Thank You BFF!!
I ordered them all on monday and i got them all yesterday! After this whole online shopping experience, I have starting buying a lot of stuff through amazon.
My previous online shopping would only consist of and would do"in store pickup" so really it wasn't actual online shopping.
I did buy these two phone cases for only 58 cents each! How about that for a good bargain! I havent got them yet cause I had them shipped "standard". I expedited my books and thats why they came in so quick.
Yup. Henele IS eating that watermelon all by himself. Does he have any teeth yet? NOPE. But that didn't stop him from chomping down on that watermelon.
He is the funniest kid! You have no idea. I'm loving every bit of his personality! He knows when he's laughing at someone. Me and my mom laughed the other night cause of how he was laughing at us.
I take them to the park to get out all that energy. Tamara really has too much energy for her age and the house is not big enough for her to drain her entire battery. So I give her Hillsdale Park and soon enough not even the park will be big enough for her. I need to put her in like dance or track or something. Put all that energy to good use!
She is such an amazing big sister to Henele. She never does anything negetive, she doesn't yell at him or hit him. She honestly loves him to pieces. And I love watching her take good care of her brother.
The other night Hene had fallen asleep in his crib, he normally sleeps with us on the bed but I didn't want to wake him so I let him sleep. In the middle of the night Henele had started crying and who was up running to his aide? Tamara! It was so cute, I almost cried. I watched as she climbed off the bed saying, "Henele? You Otay?" She climbed up on his crib and said, "You need bowow?" haha
Well I'm off to go buy me a new laptop to make my online classes I bit easier for me. If only baby daddy didn't smash mine, I'd still have one. I totally should have put that in one of my proposals for the divorce decree, make him pay for it! ugh!
Him on the other hand. I feel so bad for him. He's found his happiness which ultimatley is great. But when I see the kids, I think of how any human being could not claim their own blood. I wonder if they even have a heart. Its unfortunate for him.
Operation Ipad was a total bust for me! lol My dad won and since he's not very Ipad savvy, he got himself an Ipod Touch. Good for him, he totally deserves it! As far as my weight loss goes, hahaa well, lets just say, It's still a working progress. I still look fat! ugh! Ill get back to my 140s one day. Its still in my dreams bucket!