"People are often unreasonable, irrational and self centered; forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies; succeed anyway. If you are honest and sincere, people may deceive you; be honest and sincere. What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight; create anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous; be happy anyway. The good you do today, will often be forgotten; do good anyway. Give the best you have and it may never be enough; give your best anyway. In the final analysis, it is between you and God; it was never between you and them anyway." - Mother Theresa

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Bumbo Fight

He can't quite sit up straight on his own. But he sure does love his Bumbo! lol You wanna know who else love his Bumbo?

You got it! Tamara! I don't know what she was doing with that pillow but then again, I don't understand half the stuff she does with random things. lol The mind of a 2 year old can be pretty mysterious.

Now how would I look if I had this made for the kids? Is it a bit much? lol I saw it on pinterest and it got me thinking. Hene has to have a onesie made with this on it! totally kidding.. I actually had a shirt for Tamara that said, "If you think I'm pretty, you should see my Mom."... And when I had put it on her, I thought to myself, "Now when someone reads her shirt, they're gonna look right at me."... So I took it off. hahaha.. She only wears it to sleep..

So, earlier this month, I had laringitis.... hmmm? does that look like its spelled right? Well, if it's spelled wrong just sound it out and you'll catch my drift. But I had it and got over it. I had the horse voice and all. Now, I'm sick again, and so is Tamara. I have no clue where I me or her got this round from. But let me tell you, IT SUCKS!

I watched this movie yesterday. Me personally, I give it 5 stars! There's a great amount of courage, humility and triumph in it, among other things. From left to right on the cover, it goes, Aboline, Milly, Skeeter and Hilly. That's for those who haven't seen it yet. Let me emphasize "yet" cause I highly recommend it!

In the movie, Negro maids were paid less then minimum wage to raise White woman's kids. Now that in itself I would consider NEGLIGENCE! Skeeter who is the courageous hero in the movie was raised by a maid named Constantine. Constantine, to me would be the hero, she is the reason. It seemed like Skeeter viewed everyone as equals, where as everyone else, saw whites above blacks. Skeeter has a big heart and ask myself if I could ever be as courageous as her. 

To be able to do something that can change the lives of others in a way that life can be viewed in a more positive way would be an outstanding accomplishment. 

And if I could do that, I would say that I have dreamed and lived a dream! =)

I wonder if back then, when Negros were treated the way that they were in those days, if there were any white people that viewed life as if the situation was the other way around. If whites slaved for blacks. And if they did, did they view or treat them in a more civil way? I think that there were. And what's sad is that still to this day, there are still racist people out there. If you happen to be reading this and you fall under that category, GET OVER YOURSELF! lol (seriously)

But anyway. it's a real good movie and you should go watch it!


I've put aside 15 minutes of every morning to meditate. There are days when I do it, and some days where i don't. And it's safe to say that there is a HUGE difference in my day when I do meditate. 
There tends to be an overload amount of thoughts running through my head that I may be approved for a professional psychiatric center. And we all know how much we would miss Via if she wasn't around to blog off her life right? lol

Have a great sunday evening everyone! Smile and go eat some ice cream! even if you don't need it, go eat it cause you can and cause it's good.. . 

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