"People are often unreasonable, irrational and self centered; forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies; succeed anyway. If you are honest and sincere, people may deceive you; be honest and sincere. What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight; create anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous; be happy anyway. The good you do today, will often be forgotten; do good anyway. Give the best you have and it may never be enough; give your best anyway. In the final analysis, it is between you and God; it was never between you and them anyway." - Mother Theresa

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I'm Grateful For #12, 13, 14 & 15

#12 Aki and Chester Malaeulu

Where to begin with these two. Aki and Chester are such great parents! I look up to their parenting in every way. I love seeing and keeping up with with what there family is doing cause they are always doing there every day activities based on "family." They now have 4 kids. They are still young and I just can't help but hope that my family can one day be on the same level as theirs. They are such great examples, even on their off days. They are the kind of family that will open there day with a prayer, fight all day long and still close with a prayer and remind each other of how much they love each other. I LOVE ME MALULUS!

#13 Kuuipo and Nai Tausinga

Oh man! These two literally are the "second parents" of our family. They've gone through struggle, they've seen, heard and pretty much experienced it all. These two are the "life savers" of the family. They have really mastered sacrifice. Kuuipo alone has always been someone I've looked up to and wanted to be like. I remember having to share rooms with her when she was still living at home and not one night would go by without her getting on her knees to say her individual prayer. She is truly a daughter of God. She is blessed. She is honest. She is to all of us 6 younger siblings, THE BEST OLDEST SISTER. I'm very blessed to have her in my life and be the example that she is. I LOVE MY TAUSINGAS!!


Two words, HARD WORK! I think if there was one thing my parents would want us kids to learn from them it would be to work, work hard and work honestly. My parents are legit! I was truly blessed to have them be my parents! My Dad is such a softy. He does have his "days" don't get me wrong, but always at the end of every day, my day is THE GREATEST DAD! He works through hot summers and cold winters without any complaint. He's the type of Dad that is only happy when the kids are happy. He works so hard each and every day and comes home to lazy, spoiled kids and most days never has any lunch money. I've always seen through my Dad a lot of Humility. When I have ever had a bad day, I never went wrong with turning to my Dad. I remember my Junior High School years when me and my Dad would go late at night, out for some Ice Cream. I loved it, cause it was just me and him. We didn't have any of my other siblings and we would just talk about the most random things. From the weather, to sports, to school, to church. It really didn't matter. We just enjoyed each others company. Those nights, I will never forget!
My Mom, is pretty much Super Woman. Well... Super Woman times a thousand. I really don't know how my Mom does what she does. And what she does, is pretty much EVERYTHING! Cook, clean, taxi driver, bill payer, hard full time worker, 7 children barer, cheerleader, lunch money giver, baby sitter, at home quilter worker for some extra cash, mechanic, house fixer upper, loving Mom! She's up working well before the Sun shines and goes well past it setting at night. I know most days my Mom goes a day with a good 2 to 3 hours of sleep, making it actually just a power nap. And to her that's normal. She has sacrificed so much for our family and still does to this day. She never gets enough credit for all her hard work and she never complains. I know that us kids get on her nerves a lot but she has never failed to put aside her hard feelings to still try and make us kids happy. She slaves for us and we most definitely take her for granted A LOT! My Mom is the type to secretly make us happy. She can think of every different way to makes us happy, work hard to  just put that smile on our face and we wouldn't know how hard she worked at putting that smile on our face. I pray that one day I can come close to the woman that my Mom is. I bet it's impossible but at least she's put out a level that I can work towards for the rest of my life and try to be as great as her for my kids to look up to as well.

# 15 Silivia Vaiolingi Langi

Namesake! My Grandma! She's past on and yet still runs through my mind a lot. I could never be as great as she was. Like my mom, they set the examples high for us to goal and try to accomplish. My Grandma Silivia was such a hard worker and I remember as a child, I wouldn't ever give her a break. She did it all. I remember the way she walked, it was a sort of wobble and a limp combined. I knew she had bad knees but that never once stopped her from doing work. She was also a collector. Whether is was stamps, pens, cans, pictures or whatever it was. I would love watching her smile every time she found something she could add to her little collections and put it her jacket pockets or under her mattress. My Grandma Silivia was a great woman and I hope just like my Mom, that I could be as good as she was!

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