"People are often unreasonable, irrational and self centered; forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies; succeed anyway. If you are honest and sincere, people may deceive you; be honest and sincere. What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight; create anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous; be happy anyway. The good you do today, will often be forgotten; do good anyway. Give the best you have and it may never be enough; give your best anyway. In the final analysis, it is between you and God; it was never between you and them anyway." - Mother Theresa

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

A Bit Of Humanity


I don't think any one person can live without a friend. And if they do, then that's what I would call a cold world. You have hi and bye friends. You have hey lets have lunch friends. And then you have friends that have keys to your house or use your car on the regular and you know that's ok because you've reached that level of trust. I have a friend that has become a regular in my life and Tamara and Henele's life. I know I can tell her anything and get an honest judgement back that I know I won't feel bad. 

I tend to catch expressions. Facial expressions that speak way louder then words. I don't like to be taken advantage of. But recently I feel that I am. From rolling eyes to "smerks." You know the ones I'm talking about. 

Taking a step back and thinking about it all. I know that the only true people I can trust is my blood. As much as I would love to help as many people as I can through life struggles. When i talk to people, they talk and I listen. But it gets overwhelming for me. Cause I feel what they feel when they share. 

I HAVE to be mindful of what I say and how I say it because of how trusting people are telling me things. I also have to be careful of what I share. Because in the end, when they end up turning their back on me, I would have handed them all their bullets through the things I willingly shared. 

My brain will resort to a little bubble. An indestructable bubble. One that only few can make their way in. 

lol I get so lost in my own analogies that I don't make sense sometimes. That's what happens when your brain runs at warp speed and your fat fingers can't type worth crap. haha 

Be friends. Choose wisely who you share the deep things with. Make sure you build strong bonds with your TRUE friends and always be mindful of what you share to cover your bases. Don't feel inferior of saying what you FEEL and what you KNOW is right. And always smile. Remember, when it comes to friends, your SMILE is the key. =) 

xoxo Via

Monday, August 11, 2014

Just Lovely

Sometimes life is like bulls in a chinese shop. A crack here, a chip there. WE ALL HAVE CRACKS AND CHIPS IN LIFE. And as much as you try and avoid the fact, they will always be there until you decide to seal it. And sometimes avoided cracks slowly grow so big it becomes unavoidable. You have to fix it. But what sucks in these instances is that some of the things that grow big and become unavoidable become permanent because of lack of care or we've resorted to just plain giving up. 

We become damaged. 

Everyone deserves love. True love. Yes, this has already been established forever ago. And what I think, is that the damage that we slowly create throughout our lives can only be fixed through your true love. 

Life is short. 

You do not get unlimited chances to have the things we want. This I know. Nothing is worse than missing an opportunity that could've changed your life. So make your move now. Sometimes when you think you have that opportunity and you think it will always be there, might not be and when you realize it's lost, you look back. 

I think part of the reason why we hold on to something so tight is because we fear something so great won't happen twice. But if you don't know FOR SURE that it's that great, should we hold on?

I'm in love with himm. But I've been waiting in the storm long enough, I may need to adjust my sails. I don't know what I'm waiting for. I just hate not knowing. It's like I've been walking in super thick fog. I can't see where I'm going. I can only see the next step and for some of us, the next step is enough. And if I'm being honest with myself, I need more then just the next step. 

This time, I'm gonna forget about my happily ever after. It'll make it's debut when it's right. 


xoxo Via 

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


A wise man once said you can have anything in life if you're willing to sacrifice everything for it. 

What he meant is nothing comes without a price. So before you go into battle you better decide how much you're willing to lose. Too often, going after what feels good means letting go of what you know is right. And letting someone in means abandoning the walls you spent a lifetime building. Of course the toughest sacrifices are the ones we don't see coming. When we don't have time to come up with a trajedy to pick a side or to measure the potential loss. When that happens, when the battle chooses us and not the other way around that's when the sacrifice can turn out to be more then we can bare. 

Love: (noun) a feeling of strong or constant affection for a person, place or thing. Warm attachment, enthusiasm, passion or devotion towards things in our lives

Love is constant. I think. I love. It's got me all edgy. But.. once I'm there, like there ready to throw my hand down with all walls crumbling at me feet, I slowly see the wall begin to form back up. 

I've built up some pretty tough walls for myself and I've always imagined my white knight coming to knock right through it with ease and there we are. I know it's fair tale like and I may sound pathetic, but it's not like any of you have fantasized you're love story before. I'm in "strong like" and I guess you can interpret that to "love" if you'd like. I know this because when I am with him, I'm not myself and when I'm not myself, it bugs the heck out of me because I DON'T FALL IN LOVE. I've begun to question myself, I've thought things over and over again. Thinking to myself, "come on V, what's gotten into you." Answer - HIM!

I've met guys. I've gone out. But him... damn. HIM intrigues me. If there is one thing I know I do well, it's figuring out people. I've studied, observed and listened to many people. And I am very good at getting people to "open up." Maybe it's part of my personality. I know i am one rambunctious person. I've been told that many times. And I guess it's what I portray that gives others that "comfortable" feeling and then - boom - I know their life story. 

I hate that I can't figure HIM out. I'm gonna let things pan out on it's own. (not my best or favorite move) but... just this once because I clench when it comes to HIM. HIM will be my most worked. 

Love. (noun) One crazy feeling I've never really felt before until HIM came along. 

Since that morning at starbucks and had our first coffee. 

xoxo Via

Sunday, July 27, 2014

One Way Or Another

She has entered into a world where smiles are constant, speech is kind, love is endless and time is favored. She's hit rock bottom before and has risen above it all. She has dug her hole so deep that only she was able to climb out. She has altered life in many ways that life now stands comfortably. She dismisses negativity and genuinely wishes world peace. 

I have to say. It's a little different talking about myself in the 3rd person. 


Sometimes even the best of us make rash decisions. Bad decisions. Decisions where you pretty much know you're gonna regret the moment it happens. Maybe not regret regret because we know we put ourselves out there. But still something inside decides to do a crazy thing and we know will probably turn around and bite us in the ass. Yet, we do it anyway. What I'm saying is, we reap what we sow. What comes around, goes around. It's karma and any way you slice it, karma sucks, and doesn't suck. 

One way or another our karma will leave us to face ourselves. We can look our karma in the eye or we can wait for it to sneak up on us from behind. One way or another our karma will always find us. And the truth is, we do have a chance to set the bounds in our favor. No matter how hard we try, we can't escape our karma. It follows us home. Then again.. I guess we really can't comoplain about karma. It's not unfair. It's not unexpected. It just even the score. And even when we attempt to do something that will make karma bite us in the ass, well it goes without saying and.. we do it anyway. 

Good karma is how we want to score. I believe that as long as we are honest, sincere and do good we set our bounds in our favor. Our good karma balances out all the good things we do. The service we give to others. 

The willing heart will never faulter. 


How will you set your bounds? 

xoxo VIa

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Live Like There's No Tomorrow

If you knew today was your last day to live, how would you spend it?

You woud find me cooking breakfast for my family. Something simple like pancakes, eggs and sausages. I would need as much energy in them as I can to get through the things I would want to do. After breakfast we would go up to Capital Hill and hike through Memorial Grove and up to Ensign Peak. At the top I would make video documentaries for both Tamara and Henele giving them the best advice I could possibly give them on life, love and the struggles that come in between. We would then head back into town for lunch at a place that would be familiar to us. Chili's or Cafe Rio. After lunch we would head home to shower and power nap. While they nap, I would make calls to those that meant the most to me and tell them that I love them. Also overlook my living will to secure the safety of the kids and go over life insurances and accounts to secure them financially. After nap time, we would get dressed up and go into town. Just my family. Me, Tamara and Henele. I would have reservations at the Joseph Smith building at the rooftop for dinner, but before, I would want to walk around Temple Square with them and simply converse with them the importance of the gospel and how it will keep us together forever. I would take many family pictures around the Temple. After dinner we would head home and I would smother them with kisses and hugs and constant "I love you"s Before laying them down to bed, you would find us on our knees. Thanking our faither in heaven for all our blessings. As they lay in bed, you would find me holding their baby books close in my arms. Making sure each page is ready for them. Making sure they're secret life letters are hidden behind each page. I would end my day with one last letter. One to each of them. The "On Your Wedding Day" letter. I don't see me crying, but accepting the Plan of Salvation and understanding it in its fullness. Through this plan, I know I will see my family again. This is only but a part of the plan. 

I may not be sealed to my kids for time and all eternity. I understand I lack a head to my household. But I do know that so long as I stay faithfull and keep my covenants, all that is promised to me in this life will also be promised to me in the life to come. I know I still have the opportunity to be sealed it's just not easy finding a companion these days. My generation is not looking at girls with kids. And for me, that's ok. I'm ok. If it happens in this life, then I will let happen on it's own. I won't guide things either which way. 

My last day to live is simple. It's passionate and just how I would want it. Thankfully I'm no where near the end and still have many dreams to pursue. I still have stumbling stones to conquer and I still have yet to make my mark. 

How would you spend yours? This question got me tthinking. 

You only live once. Take those risks, do something you wouldnt do normally, face your fear, say i love you, dance, sing, scream out loud, burn your weaknesses and spotlioght your strengths, call an old friend, write a poem of your life, trust 100%, eat chocolate, jump in a river, sprint your last lap,swing as high as you did when you were a kid then backflip off the swing, shoot a baskeball grannie style, fly a kite only to get it stuck in a tree, order a meal from mc donalds for someone homeless on the side of the street then tip the cashier and say, "youre doing a great job". 

whatever you do on your last day, dont be scared and carpe diem. =)

xoxo Via

Friday, July 11, 2014

Steadfast and Immovable

Today I decided to ask ernestly for guidence. Not so much an answer to all the struggles of my life. But genuinely asked. I began a fast last night after work at about 1 am and all day I have been pondering the things of my heart versus the things for my heart. All day has been sort of a "thoughts" type of day. Thinking of the things that I need to work on and thinking of the things that I can help out more with and thinking of things that are best for Tamara and Henele (and myself too). I want to say that because of the strong spirit I felt last night at work I am creating a common ground for myself. Sort of like my own little Utopia. 

My own Utopia. That's perfect. That's just what I need. A place that I can fall back on. My own little foundation. A place that I can always come back to when I'm not having a good day or when I'm frustrated at other things. 

Fasting today is definitley been something I needed in my life and so far has been helping me with so much. And I mean so much so much so much. 

I've been thinking that fast a full 24 hours is something I want to do every Friday. Something that needs to be consistant and as long as it's consistent than so will my faith in many things. 

My last post I title The Lamb and The Wolf. I failed to write about what it means and why I titled it that. 

In a general sense The Wolf will always eat the Lamb right? Well since last night I was talking about how the adversary is trying his hardest to sway us his way. 
The people we are always with, like our family or friends or coworkers and we all want to see the good in people. So to us in our eyes, we see everyone as harmless as a Lamb. But there are those that "look" like a Lamb but underneath are Wolves. =) 

am being mindful of the people that I interact with. 

I don't think I have ever fasted this whole-heartedly before. It's taking a toll on me. While my stomach yearns for something, it just reminds me of why I am doing this. Who I am doing it for. And how I know it will effect my life. 

The Lamb and The Wolf

Tonight at work was different. Tonight at work (in a way) changed my life. I never thought that this could happen. With knowing what goes on at work and how things are fast paced and when its time to go home, youre already out the door. We don't get a lot of time to interact with one another on a personal base. 

But tonight was different. 

So, in the Bible, there are many stories of the prophets of old. From Abraham who was willing to offer up Isaac as a sacrifice, to Moses parting the Red Sea, to Joseph who was sold into Egypt, to Esther standing her ground for what she believed. Many many stories are told in the Bible and we can learn from each of them. 

Back then, Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ would appear in stories and how people were to be directed or instructed. But that's what I'm getting at. They would "appear."

Now, Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ wouldn't appear in today's time. They just wouldn't. But you know what I realized tonight at work... That even though they don't appear, whether in physical form or spiritual form. I HONESTLY believe that Heavenly Father appears to us THROUGH OTHERS. Like our Prophet Thomas S. Monson. Just like that. Through the people we interact with on a daily base, I believe that through those people, he speaks to us and gives us the advice and the instructions that we need. 

Tonight, I worked along side with Pedro. A very good friend of mine. I have worked with him many times before but tonight at work, we had a discussion/conversation. And many things he would share with me, I related to them and knew that pieces of his conversation was like an answer to my questions. Questions to things that are going on in my life right now. And everything is very simple. 

I am a soldier of my faith. I understand my shortcomings and I know that the adversary is trying his hardest now more then ever to sway me his way. I know that he is working his way through the people i know I could depend on. I know that sometimes I don't agree with family things and I find myself trying to isolate myself. But after tonight I know that it's the adversary really trying to bring me down through the people that I love. And I'm truly grateful for Pedro for standing in place of my Father in Heaven for me to keep things straight in my life. 

Be honest in all your doings and you will reap the blessing that you truly deserve. 

Love life!
xoxo Via

Sunday, June 29, 2014

The Beginning Of A New Chapter


So.. I started working for the Distributiom Center about mid February. When I got there, I planned for it to be temporary. I understood it was going to be a three month position. I got there. I worked. I learned and slowly, I became comfortable. Things that were hard at first became habit. Distribution Drama became normal. And the people became friends. I have come to find appreciation for the simple things that are constantly overlooked. I mean, how often does a regular person pick up a book and ask, "how was this book made?' Not the words in them as in the author and editors jobs, but the physical book. I never have. Now every time I'm in church and I pick up a book or a pamphlet or magazine,I find myself doing a "quality" check on the material. I enjoy my job. Not to mention the constant workout I'm getting in. That's a whole different story.

This past week we have been working the English hymn book. The order is so big that it will take a crew to finish it in about 2 weeks. I'm part of the crew. It's usually changed up everyday, and supervisors will schedule me on different machines every once and awhile. But I was "requested" to be on the machine by Mike the operator. This entire past week has been hard work. Every night I have come home drenched in my sweat... I know, grooosssss! But I have to say, I love the thought my my super toned muscles in the near future cause of all this hard work. 

Hard work is a blessing in disguise. 

So, from my 3 month temp planned job, that turned into 6 months of being temporary. Then they announced that they would hire on 4 people full time and permanent. I applied. There were 16 people going for one of the four positions and I AM ONE OF THEM! Yep, I got hired on. I will be honest. I was a little scepticle about it, but, after thorough analysis I have committed to the job offer. Tomorrow will be my first day as a permanent full time employee. 

Tomorrow will mark the beginning to a new chapter in my life. 

I have more stories coming up. ;)

xoxo Via

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Changing Tact

Our memories will linger long after the sun sets past the west mountains. 

I have been working a lot lately. I sometimes feel like I've been worpped into another alternate universe.  I get in more then a good enough workout every single day at work. I feel like i am working out at a hardcore level. Feeling sore is my normal. Forgetting what I eat each day is normal. I am overworking myself and really need to take it easy. As much as i love working out while working at the same time, it effects all other priorities. Some days in the week I am way too tired to spend time with the kids or do homework and go to school. I feel like all I do is work. 

After being at the Division for a little more then 4 months now, I have declared this week be my "changing tact" week. i am going to work normal but throw in new daily activities with the kids.

If I make it to my blog next week, I will have been successful. lol I hope to see you next week.

xoxo Via

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Sunday, April 27, 2014

My Little Team

They're growing. They could never glimpse the amount of love I am able to hold because of them. I continue to stand in unbelief of how incredible it is to be a mom. I wouldn't have my life any other way. They get bigger and bigger each and every day and here and there I will stand still and watch as they go through their day. I watch for reactions, speech, laughter, smiles, and tears.

I lay here next to Henele and look at how much he has grown and ponder back on that cold winter night I took a picture of him in a Santa Hat laying ever so peaceful in a blue blanket lined wooden basket. He was so little then. I remember him as big as my forearm. He was so light I could carry him in one arm and get other things done with the open arm. He was so fragile.

Tamara was always so alert. I remember thanksgiving dinner 2009. She wore a purple outfit with white sneakers and a white headband and her eyes as dark pearl as they were would never flinch. She would watch as we all glared at her as a newborn. She always clenched her hands tight that if I wanted to stretch them out in hand form she would grasp even tighter to keep her clench in tact.

Henele is now cutting it close to Tamara in height and has just about tied in weight. It still amazed me that at 24 months he was drinking an entire 16 oz bottle with ease and in one single sitting. He does it flawlessly now. He's grown to be such a fun kid. He now is beginning to talk to me in full swing conversation. He mirrors many things he hears and can fully count to 10. He has not yet been potty trained nor am I pushing him to but I do know that corner is coming up quick.

Tamara can operate the Ipad far better then I can and is way too smart for her age. She amazes me with her heart. She takes care of Henele. Whether crying or screaming, Tamara is his go to girl. Through rain, she pulls his hood over his head and explains it will keep his head warm. Through sunshine, she puts his shoes on and directs him through their bike trails in the driveway. Through play, she teaches him how to and where to throw the ball or where to pile their rocks or where to hide the candy they stole from Grandma's purse.

My little team stays on point and even through our downfalls, we always rise above our weakness and turn them into strengths to ensure our happiness and growth. My little team keeps me on my toes and my brain stimulated with what I need. My little team is getting stronger and wiser as we go throughout our weeks. My little teams stays 100. My little team follows in the meekness of his light. My little team forever tries to lives as he did.

My little team.

xoxo Via

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


The World is moving faster now,
We're on a changing course.
But you have helped me deal with life,
You've been a stable force.
When I have had to follow new directions,
You were there.
When the World was hard on me,
You always seemed to care.
When nothing held together,
Made the slightest bit of sense.
You have always helped restore,
My inner confidence.
Everyone needs someone,
Who's reliable and true.
Through the moments I've endured,
I'm grateful there was YOU!
  He stays going strong. 
Mother's Day is coming up close and we will be able to fully hear and see our Elder Langi. I can already see my Mom balling her eyes out the moment Willy comes to the screen, along with my sisters. 
His work continues.
Because he knows his Master and serves diligently, it makes me perspire to bigger and better things. Through his example I see the light of Christ and through his obedience I can't be tamed through the work.
I find myself studying harder and harder. The stories in the scriptures and the messages through and in between the lines of the scriptures. I've come to a point in life where I NEED to know. I wake up with questions and search and ponder through faithful study. I find answers to many questions I've had before. I jaw drop every time something new comes clear. 
This book is far magical then anything Disney, Pixar or even both combined could ever produce.
This is good.
xoxo Via

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Hakuna Matata

Tamara went to DISNEYLAND!!! She was gone for an entire week and I do have to say that it was really hard on me and Henele. Especially Hene. There was one night we were sleeping and in the middle of the night he woke up crying, "MAAWWAA!!"

It made me teary eyed. I know.. pathetic. But really, he loves his big sister and a week without his best friend really drags.

Here is a pic of her before heading out to the airport.
While Tamara was out and about in LA, we found our own adventures.

We took over Lee's FJ Cruiser and went cruise'n!!

It was a lot of fun having just me and Hene time. I enjoyed every bit of it even though a piece of us was off in her own little happy world.
One last picture with Mommy before she jumped into the car to the airport.
Walk of Fame - Walt Disney
Mickey Mouse
Minnie Mouse
Princess Aurora "Sleeping Beauty" (i think)
Mario - The Wax Museum
Mr. Potato Head
Radiator Springs

So.... Kuuipo tells me that every time she would say, "Picture" or "Say Cheese" Tamara would bust out in a pose and this pic had me laughing. I'm still debating on whether it's hilarious cause she's an innocent kid or to be worried because she's an innocent kid. hahah

See what I mean?

At "i forgot the name" Beach

Krazy Hair plus Krazy Kid equal TRUE LOVE!
Pulled this Bad Boy out after 5 years.
Never a dull moment at work with Ramona Castillo. 
"She from PADAGUAAYY!!"
What Fusia looks like at 4 in the morning after a 12 hour shift at work. lol 
Of course I didn't have a scraper. Thankfully Mo and Kelsey saw me standing there not doing anything about my frozen windows and came over to scrape my windows for me. =)
Yes. He eats like a boy and loves his Musubi. If I didn't know any better I would've thought he was Hawaiian. lol
The night Tamara came home from LA. I got off work at 3:30 in the morning and she was up waiting for me to get home. We talked until about 6 about her entire trip. She went on and on about how "DONALD DUCK KISSED MY HAND!" lol I thought that was so cute! I'm glad she had so much fun! She deserves it too. She puts up with the worst of me on my off days and I applaud her for knowing how to keep me calm and grounded. Like I've said before, SHE IS MY ROCK! 

My little family is still trugging along. Things are how they should be. I am enjoying every bit that life has to offer and right now, life is offering a lot for us. Truly grateful for EVERYTHING and EVERYONE that is apart of our lives! Kisses to the sky to those that have passed on and kisses to those that are still hanging out with us. 

Hope you all are ready to spring out this spring. Cause I am. I'm ready and I'm able. 

Watch Me Win!

xoxo Via

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

hanggang sa susunod na beses

Kumusta Sister Tuaone!
My thoughts stay on you and your family through this time. How are you holding up? Hows the work?
This past general conference, I enjoyed all the different talks but one stood out to me and I thought of Maile.
Gary E. Stevenson
I titled his talk in my journal with a question. "What will you do in your 4 minutes to ensure you medal?"
He goes on using the 3 Latter Day Saint Olympians as reference. One in particular, Noelle Pikus-Page. She placed with a Silver Medal after years and years of competing. I think it was back in 2006 when she was a 10th of a second away of placing for a medal, and to be honest, I personally would have stopped there and said, I did my best. But she kept at it. Then in 2011 she broke her leg. Still kept at it. Now, this past Sochi Olympics, she placed with a Silver Medal. Reporters say that as soon as she won the Silver she ran right up to her kid and husband screaming, "We did it!"
Honestly, that is so cool. Inspiring.
Gary then explains that she had to practice so long and hard and her actual event would only last a good 60 some seconds. He goes on and refers to all the preparation to our life here on earth. In "heaven" time we are here for a little while, our 4 minutes. Noelle practiced hard for years to ensure her medal.
What will you do in your 4 minutes to ensure you medal?
Maile more then won her medal. Seeing all the things she did in life and hearing the stories Rosemary, Dennis and your mom shared at the funeral only touched base of the amazing work she did in this life. I could tell they could go on for days with stories of her. She definitely was a Princess and I could only imagine the happy reunion of her and your Dad.

I have to admit, I was way jealous of her perfect bangs. lol
One last thing for you. And I bet you've favorited this one.
David A. Bednar. I titled his with a question too. "Is the load I am carrying, creating the spiritual traction I need to get me back?"
I know your load is heavy. And honestly, from the bottom of my heart, I want it to be. Heavenly Father brings you to it cause he knows you can get through it. "You can't enjoy your rainbow without getting through the storm first." I know your capabilities bust the radar and that you have a far greater mission in this life then you know. You will change the lives of so many, mine included.
You are doing such a great job! I applaud you! I really do. Keep up the good work!
hanggang sa susunod na beses!
Mahal Kita! xoxoxo
Via,Tamara and Henele =)

Sunday, March 30, 2014

In Loving Memory of Miss Maile Tuaone - A Princess Has Returned Home

We may not have all the answers
I know that we can change some of the things that are beyond our control
And the vision of us may be blurry
But use your heart to see
Just follow the beat, the rhythm will lead you right back to me

Sometimes it's a game of give and take
It's easy to break
But hold on and wait
Have a little faith

I will go down to the last round
I'll be your strength to find you when you get lost in the crowd
So I'll stand up tall, if by chance I fall
Then I'll go down as a casualty of love

The battle of us could be simple
Escape without being hurt
Cause love is our shield, keeps us concealed
From what could get even worse
All is fair
In love and war
Knock me down
And I'll get back up wanting more
Through the fire and rain
It makes me numb from the pain
That's the price, that's the price, I'll pay

Miss Maile Tuaone passed away March 24, 2014. To me, she was an incredible friend. I knew Miles through my childhood best friend - Kanika "Nik" Tuaone, who is her youngest sister (the far left in the picture). She passed away in an accident on the freeway while changing a flat tire. 

When word got to me that she had passed away, I couldn't believe it. The first thing I thought of was Lani. Her mom. Lani has been through 2 funerals now for her own family and I couldn't imagine the heartache she has gone through in her life. But I do believe that she has a strong testimony and fully understands The Plan of Salvation and through this plan she is able to continue being the strong Mother that she is. 

She has done an incredible job with her 5 kids. Through Nik, I can totally see her amazing works.

So, in honor of Miss Miles, this summer will be filled with bike rides, swing dates at the park and slurpees cause those are a few of her favorite things to do. 

To Lani - From a Mother to a Mother, The loss of a child is hurtful. For me standing on the outside of your world hurts me to a pierce. I don't know if I could bare the thought of emotion going on inside your world. But I will say this, because of the strength of your testimony, I will, as a mom, a sister, an aunty, a cousin and above all a daughter of God, strive to embed the fullness of The Plan of Salvation that I may one day have the strength to release a love of my own. Thank you for your example.

 xoxo Via

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Quite The Week

It's been quite the week.

From work to school to church and back through over and over again. It gets to me. I am so tired. I literally sat in Sacrament today and was sleeping. Thankfully the couple that did the Sunday Program finished 20 minutes early. lol That never happens at church. I would have left church earlier but I was asked to say closing prayer in sacrament so I had to stay until the end.

Anyway.. This week has been so hectic that on Wednesday I totally spaced class. I was so caught up trying to catch up with the kids, laundry and Tamara's Preschool registration, I totally spaced class. I laughed at it cause with how crazy this week has been I honestly couldn't afford to let myself get down about it.

Even though life is really hard right now for me and I have to make many sacrifices here and there I can honestly pat myself on the back cause through it all, I stay keeping my head up and staying positive.

I work full time. I'm in school full time. I hold Faith in God twice a  month. Tamara and Henele are still at that crazy kid stage. I dont go to the gym but I do make sure whatever machine I work on at work is a hard one or I do the hardest job to make sure I get in a good sweat and I have to say, this past week, I got in PLENTY of great workouts. I still have a house to uphold. I pay my bills myself. I am close to being debt free. I pay a full tithe. I help my parents keep there house together.. because Henele is the one that tears it apart. I still uphold my roll in Primary. The list could go on....

But actually writing down some of the things I do... It really puts things into perspective. I don't know how I do it, but I do it and still make it to Sunday to be able to blog it off.

This weekend was full of .... stuff.

Wednesday and Thursday were the prep days for Tamara's trip to Disneyland. I took her shopping and also at the same time I got her registered for Pre-School. I debated The APA Academy and I even looked in Challenger School. Looked at the pro and cons of them both. APA is close to home and cheaper. Challenger is more expensive and farther away. But the quality is really what mattered to me and I have to say.. Both school probably produce excellence and I want to say that as a parent I have to accommodate for other things in life that Tamara and Henele will come across. Like characteristics, personality, talent and humanity. I toured these schools and I chose APA over Challenger. Now with APA, it's a little tricky with how to even get your kid into the school. You have to apply and then your kids name gets thrown into a pool and when it comes time for the new school year. They pull from the pool with whos kid gets in.

So Tamara's name is in the pool and we can only hope her name gets pulled. Now as a backup I have her registered at Stansbury Elementary. They just redesigned their PreSchool program too. I haven't gone in to check it out for myself but I can say that they remodeling they did to the actual school looks really nice. It's also just down the block from us so I guess in a sense I wouldn't lose out with her going there. I will have to go check it out for myself.

Friday, Tamara was packed and ready to go to Disneyland. She left Friday and she should be back this Friday. I went to work and started crying cause I missed her so much.

Here she is packed and ready to go. I listened to "let her go" all night Friday. I know I'm being a little dramatic. I just know that this is the beginning to her being on her own. This is the first time she will be this far from me and the longest she will have been away from me since she was born.

I miss her like crazy. I went into work later on after she left to the airport and as I was working, I literally had to fight the tears back. I pulled my hood up over my head so no one could look at me. I'm such a cry baby.

I could only imagine her first day of preschool. I know I will be crying my eyes out.

I am totally one of those parents that doesn't want her kids to grow old. I just want them to stay little.

Here she is on her first plane trip. This is before lift off to LAX.

I made sure to put in her favorite books into her backpack for the ride.

I knew I could count on Sunshine to take good care of her with reading them to her.

It looks like it's been a successful start to their vacation.

I'm so grateful for my sister Kuuipo and Himinai for always taking Tamara and Henele as if they were their very own.

The trust I put into them with Tamara and Hene extent to infinity.

I know that if ever anything happens to me and I can no longer care for Tamara and Henele, Kuuipo and Himinai will give them the best they can.

I know having Kuuipo and Himinai in my living will as the guardians for them is one of the best decisions I have made and I know I will have no regrets with it.
Here is what my Saturday morning looked like.

Kuuipo's calling is the Stake Young Women President. And since she is out of town on vacation, she asked me to help run the Stake Young Women Basketball Tournament.

It was very.. different.

It was young women, so the girls are at that age where they understand to listen and cooperate with leaders. It was hard but at the same time, a great experience.

I caught a glimpse of what it's like to take the reigns of a "higher calling". I give anyone that has a stake calling props cause it really is harder to run a group of 200 girls versus your regular 50 each week.

I enjoyed running the tournament. I got to meet a lot other leaders in the stake and I'm a little nervous that they might extend me as the "sports director" in the stake. I said my calling now is enough for me to handle. lol
 After the tournament I went to my Aunt Amita's babyshower.

This is Loisi playing one of the games. She had to get 7 clothes pins out of that chunk of cake in 3 minutes. It was funny watching.

 Here's Mita opening up her gifts. It's always fun watching new mothers open their gifts at a baby shower.
Here we are pretending like we threw the shower. lol The decorations were off the hood and the food was bomb! It was tons of fun. Oh and that's Kolona. The lady next to Loisi. She works at the distribution too. That's where I met her. She's so nice and is always telling me to have a good day at work.
 My first update on the Elder. He's doing so good so far. This pic is with his brother from another mother Sione Moli.

These two grew up together and since I could remember they were inseparable. It was no surprise that they shared the same farewell, they were to report to the MTC the same day and they flew to their mission fields the same day and when the time comes, they will return home the same day also.

These two are a great team together. I'm glad Willy has the type of best friend that will stand next to him through thick and thin. Friends like this are the one you grow up with.
I guess at the MTC they have their time to hit the gym and there is a record for the most 3 pointers in a row and as of now, Sione holds the record. lol

Sione's brother Etu says he wasn't surprised that he holds the record.

Elder Langi is such a stud. His smile is so reverent to me. He has that smile that is just inviting and friendly.

He's been in Tonga for about 2 months now. Here he is meeting an uncle of mine that we've never met. His name is Tausinga. My Mom's little brother. I think. But when he got to Tonga, he was already there waiting for him at the airport ready to take good care of him out there. Elder Langi's luggage did get stuck in New Zealand and he was stuck in the hot weather without his luggage for a few days. lol But it made it's way to Tonga eventually.

Here's his first pic we got with him and his companion Elder Latai. They look like a great team. I'm excited to hear all his stories and I can't wait to see the Man he will become through the next two years.

Love this kid to no end and I will always always always call him kid.

Every time I see missionaries here in Salt Lake, I honk and wave. I say hi. Because every time I see a Missionary, I see my little bro.

Even though I miss him like crazy here at home, I know the people of Tonga need him there.

 "When opportunity knocks, will you answer?" Elder Langi asked me this in one of his emails to me. And anyone can take this question any which way.

When I was asked this I take as doing anything and everything I do whole heartedly.

So... this is a pic of a receipt at McDonalds.

I saw 3 Elders walk into McDonalds and I followed them in. After they were done ordering their lunch as squeezed by them and said, "Elders, Do you mind?" And I pulled out my debit card and paid for their lunch.

I know someone in Tonga is out there keeping an eye my little brother. So I feel I should do the same when I see an Elder that I will take care of someone's little brother even if it's as simple as buying them lunch.

Like I said.. It's been quite the week.

Have a good week everyone! 
Especially my two friends from Greece. I will get at your topics soon.

xoxo Via