"People are often unreasonable, irrational and self centered; forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies; succeed anyway. If you are honest and sincere, people may deceive you; be honest and sincere. What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight; create anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous; be happy anyway. The good you do today, will often be forgotten; do good anyway. Give the best you have and it may never be enough; give your best anyway. In the final analysis, it is between you and God; it was never between you and them anyway." - Mother Theresa

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

"I Need to Blog it Off!"

I feel that when things get too crammed up in my brain and there's just too much on my mind that I feel like I'm gonna explode, I say to myself, "I need to blog it off."

My blog is like a best friend. Someone (something) that I can vent everything that's on my mind and feel that it understands exactly where I'm coming from. lol As lame as that sounds, I think it's great.
Tamara is here with me watching "Jake and the Never Land Pirates." A kid show on Disney.

Sometimes I catch Tamara staring at the screen and can tell that she is deep into the show. I'll even call her name and she wouldn't even flinch cause she's so caught up. I ask myself, "Is her watching t.v. a bad thing?" They say that too much t.v. can turn your kids into couch potatoes.

Not my Tamara!

I believe that her watching her little shows on Disney actually help. I believe they can be very educational. She sings when they sing. She dances when they dance. She says the colors that they point to. She counts along with them. So I don't mind one bit that she watches t.v. And obviously there are limits to "t.v." As a mom, I know I'll keep Tamara well rounded that t.v. won't be the only thing she'll ever want to do.

She's starting to talk now. I absolutely HATE IT! lol.. I mean don't get me wrong, it is part of life and all. It's just that every time she does something new that shows she's improving, it reminds me that she is "growing up." She's terrific!

Henele on the other hand. OH BOY! Ninja can EAT! lol He's now 1 month old and has already gained 3 pounds! Oh geeze! Formula is soooooooo not cheap! And Lord knows, baby daddy aint even trying to help out! What a joke he is!
Now on that topic... OMG! Sooo much has happened with that fool. He now has a girlfriend (plus some little club hoes on the side) that so doesn't surprise me though. He stays clubbin. Now I've actually "communicated" with el girlfriend, with bobbi, and sherry.
Girlfriend be clueless and continues to fall for his lies. And although I've filled her in on Leroy, I bet she is still with him. But just like me, SOME PEOPLE NEED TO LEARN THE HARD WAY! She told me he didn't "fess up" to having kids and was married till later on after they got together.

That right there was it for me! How dare he not claim his kids! I could so careless that he talks all this ish about me, I'm over all that. But when you bring the kids in, and you bust a "i don't have kids" card and don't wanna pull it out till "after." yeah.. His whole "ill always be there for my kids" "no one means more to me then the kids" "ill never love anyone because tamara means so much to me" all that bull has taken me overboard!

What I think is HILARIOUS, is that he now goes by James. lol (two thumbs up for that one). And after putting the pieces together. It's only for one reason. Cause "Leroy Unasa" is the name that is wellllll known here in the Valley. And if "she" was to start talking, and telling people "im will this guy named Leroy Unasa"...

lol its gonna bleed through the grapevine, and someone (maybe multiple people) is BOUND to tell her, "oh i've heard of him" "he's not a good dude" "i seen that dude at the club" or even "i saw him yesterday with another girl." lol..

Yesterday I changed my phone number. I'm now cutting off all ability for him to try and contact me. It's over!

Now.... my prediction.. oh yes! Keep in mind, Leroy was kicked out September 19, 2011. It was a monday. He has, his own apartment paying rent at about 750, a car payment, no clue on that one, car insurance, i'm sure is up the butt cause my policy on the fusion was up in Nov. my rate had gone WAY up... why?... cause Leroy has an extra 4 points on his record for getting pulled over last January, Utilities that consist of gas, electric, water all that good stuff, his credit card that is well over 800 now, yup, still have access to that account, anger management $40 a week, and now a checking account that has the ability to go "negative" hahaha... man, I don't know how he's made it this far, cause come sometime this month, guess what else is gonna be tacked on... CHILD SUPPORT! hahahaha...

If you haven't guessed, I'm so trying my hardest to run him back to Alaska! Now the only flaw I see with my prediction of him ending up back in Alaska is "the girlfriend." Now that card is what I really just have to wait on. Either he ends up back in Alaska or he gets her pregnant and ends up living with her. Damn! I hope that doesn't happen, cause then he's still in "reach" of my kids. But then again, he still has his job, and I'll still be garnishing his checks. So Alaska, no job, no child support till he finds a job, ooorrrr he stays with her and works and I take his money. I guess theres an up side to whether he stays or goes huh? Now if he marries her, something I didn't know till after... lol she pays me child support too. wow! haha I know huh? I literally just don't want to see him EVER AGAIN. And I swear that if he dares come by, I will put nails in his tires! hahaa lol..

Now I've blogged it off yall! Feel so much better!

Other than all that drama, 2012 will be GREAT FOR ME! Going back to school, summer semester. Thankfully Financial Aid has answered my prayers for school. Will be going into nursing FULL TIME! Boo-yah! Going back to the basics of the gospel! Me and Tamara read "regularly" now. It's great. It's helped me stay humble and grounded with all the drama. Need work too. I've applied to a couple places yesterday. I can't wait to get working again! Life is good. =) I feel cleansed with the new year and all!


Gotta lotta catching up to do! But have no doubt I can still take the lead! Motivated!

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